ну,если я приеду завтра,чтобы увидеть тебя, то после поездки у меня не будет сил и я буду весь день спать, потому что до Волгограда нужно ехать 10-11 часов
well, if I'll come to see you tomorrow, then after the trip I will not have the force and I will sleep the whole day, because you need to go to Volgograd 10-11 hours
Well, if I come tomorrow to see you, then after the trip I did not have the strength and I'll sleep all day because you need to go to Volgograd 10-11 hours
Mr.,if i will come tomorrow,to see thee, following a visit, I will not force and I will be able to sleep the entire day, because to Volgograd have to go 10-11 hours