Медленный (английский) вальс.
Предшественником этого вальса был Вальс-Бостон, принесённый из США в 1874. Однако, только с 1922 этот танец становится таким же модным, как Танго. Пары танцевали друг возле друга совсем не так, как мы танцуем теперь (вскоре после I Мировой Войны этот вальс стал более насыщенным). В 1921 было решено, что основное движение должно содержать следующие элементы: шаг, еще один шаг и приставка. Когда в 1922 Сильвестер выиграл соревнования по английскому вальсу, его программа включала в себя только правый поворот, левый поворот и изменение направления (гораздо меньше того, что изучается новичком настоящего времени). В 1926/1927 вальс был значительно улучшен. Изменилось основное движение, теперь оно состояло из шага, шага в сторону и закрытия. В результате этого появилась возможность создания множества различных постановок, которые были стандартизированы Имперским Обществом Учителей Танцев (ISTD). Многие из этих композиций танцуются до сих пор.
Танец пришёл из Южной Америки (главным образом из Аргентины), где был впервые исполнен в "Barria Las Ranas" - гетто Буэнос-Айреса. Далее он получил известность под именем "Baile con corte" (танец с отдыхом). Денди Буэнос-Айреса изменили этот танец в два этапа. Сначала они заменили так называемый "Polka rhythm" (Полька ритм) на "Habanere rhythm" (Хабанера ритм), потом переименовали получившийся коктейль в Танго. С 1900 несколько любителей пробовали представить этот танец в Париже, но в виду существенных различий в темпераменте европейском и латиноамериканском, попытки успехом не увенчались. Однако, парижский преподаватель г-н Robert все же приложил немало усилий, чтобы сделать Танго популярным. Путь Танго не был усыпан лепестками роз. Отдельные представители общества выступали против распространения этого танца. Французские епископы, например, указывали на соблазняющий и сексуальный характер Танго, подчеркивая, что люди, исполняющие его, якобы подвергаются опасности впасть в блуд и сладострастие. В 1924 доктор Boheme из Нью-Йорка даже открыл новую болезнь: танго-нога. Пресса также приходила со странными новостями. 30 мая 1915 г. "Нью-Йорк Таймс" издал статью со следующим заголовком: ОПАСНОСТЬ ТАНГО БОЛЬШЕ, ЧЕМ НЕМЕЦКИЙ ИМПЕРИАЛИЗМ. В настоящее время на такие сообщения мы бы только недоумённо повели бровями.
Медленный фокстрот.
Медленный фокстрот возник намного раньше Вальса. Танец имеет множество разновидностей, которые позже, адаптированные или неадаптированные, были внесены в Вальс. Этот танец - один из наиболее естественных танцев, по которому члены жюри могут видеть, может ли пара танцевать или нет. Движения естественны и верны для нормального шага. В конце I мировой войны медленный фокстрот состоял, главным образом, из хода в три шага и медленного обхода типа спин-поворота. В конце 1918 г. возникла волна, затем ставшая известной как "джаз-ролл". В 1919, американец Morgan представил открытый спин-поворот, "Мorgan-поворот". В 1920 мисс Josephine Bradley танцевала в паре с господином G.K. Anderson; они были танцорами с большими способностями, теми, кому мы обязаны многими фигурами и композициями в медленном фокстроте. Мы и сейчас ориентируемся на неподражаемое исполнение этими замечательными танцорами таких фигур, как шаг-перо и изменение направления. Невозможно вообразить современный медленный фокстрот без этих двух элементов. С 1922 г. танец исполняется на носках стопы. Каблучные повороты ещё не были известны. Это было сделано позже господином Frank Ford, победителем "соревнований звезд". Ему мы обязаны наиболее "новыми" композициями и танцевальными элементами, которые используются до сих пор.
Венский вальс.
Для того, чтобы ответить на вопрос "Когда в истории человчества появился Венский вальс?", необходимо обратиться к 12-13 столетиям... Где же родина Венского вальса? На первый взгляд, ответ кроется в самом названии, но не все так просто ;) . Существует несколько версий на этот счет. Одна из них заключается в том, что танец пришёл из Баварии и первоначально назывался Немецким. Иная точка зрения изложена в Парижском журнале "La Patrie" ("Отечество") 17 января 1882: автор статьи (как истинный француз) убежден, что вальс был исполнен впервые в Париже в 1178, но имел иное название: Volta из Provence. Возможно, речь идет о танце в ритме 3/4, французском "дедушке" Венского вальса.
Первая известная мелодия Венского вальса датируется 1770 годом. Под нее уже танцевали парами в 1775 г., но потребовалось некоторое время, прежде чем танец стал широко известен. В 1813 г. господин Byron осудил вальс за нецеломудренность. В 1816 аналогичная реакция последовала и в английском высшем обществе. Борьба против вальса продолжалась и в 1833 г. В Книге хорошего поведения, изданной мисс Celbart для замужних леди, указанным особам не позволялось исполнять этот танец, в силу его "слишком распутного характера".
Квик степ.
В двадцатых годах многие музыкальные группы играли медленный фокстрот чересчур быстро, что вызвало некоторые недовольства, отразившиеся даже в прессе. Люди заговорили о быстром фокстроте. "Чарльстон" также имел большое влияние на этот танец. В конечном счете быстрая версия продолжила существовать под именем, которое все мы знаем теперь как Квик степ.
Латиноамериканские танцы (латина)
Латиноамериканские танцы исполняются в Европе с начала XX столетия. Эти танцы берут своё происхождение в XIX веке, когда испанско-португальские, африканские и индийские музыкальные стили смешались в Америке. Пасодобль имеет корни в Испании, в то время как джайв - обычный Североамериканский анец. Из всех танцев только пять стандартизированы, и исполняются в соревнования
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Slow (English) Waltz.The forerunner of the waltz was Boston, the pill of the United States in 1874. However, only with the 1922 this dance as fashionable as the tango. Couples danced near each other differently, as we dance now (soon after World War I, the waltz became more crowded). In 1921 it was agreed that the movement must contain the following elements: step, another step and set-top box. When in 1922 Sylvester won competitions in the English Waltz, his program included only a right turn, left turn and change direction (much less than what is new this time). In the 1926/1927 Waltz was significantly improved. Changed the main movement, now it consisted of a step, step aside and closed. As a result, you can create many different productions that have been standardized by the Imperial Society of teachers of dancing (ISTD). Many of those songs danced so far. Tango.The dance came from South America (mainly from Argentina), which was first performed in "Barria Las Ranas"-ghetto in Buenos Aires. Later he became famous under the name "Baile con corte" (dance with the rest). Dandy Buenos Aires changed this dance in two stages. At first they replaced the so-called "Polka rhythm" (Polka rhythm) on "Habanere rhythm" (Habanera rhythm), then renamed the resulting cocktail Tango. In 1900 some enthusiasts have tried to present this dance in Paris, but in view of the significant differences in temperament the European and Latin American, attempts were not successful. However, the Paris teacher Mr. Robert still has worked hard to make the Tango popular. The way Tango was not strewn with rose petals. Individual members of the community were opposed to the spread of this dance. French bishops, for example, pointed to the seductive and sexy nature of Tango, emphasizing that the people performing it, allegedly at risk of falling into sexual immorality and sensuality. In 1924 Dr. Boheme from New York even opened a new disease: Tango-leg. The press also came with strange news. May 30, 1915 New York Times published a story with the following headline: the danger of TANGO MORE than GERMAN IMPERIALISM. At present these messages we'd only nedoumënno led the eyebrows. Slow foxtrot.Slow foxtrot originated much earlier Waltz. Dance has many varieties, which are later adapted and unadapted, were made to the Waltz. This dance is one of the most natural dance, at which the jury can see whether or not the dancing couple. Movements are natural and true to normal step. At the end of World War I, the slow foxtrot consisted mainly of three steps and slow crawl-type spin-rotation. At the end of 1918, there was a wave, then became known as the "Jazz n ' roll". In 1919, the American Morgan introduced outdoor spin turn, "Morgan-turn". In 1920 Miss Josephine Bradley danced in pairs with Sir G.K. Anderson; they were dancers with big capacities, those we have many shapes and compositions in a slow dance. We now focus on the unique performance of these wonderful dancers of figures such as step-pen and change direction. It is impossible to imagine modern slow foxtrot without these two items. In 1922, the dance is performed on the toe of the foot. Heel turns were not yet known. This was done later by Frank Ford, winner of the "competition of the stars". To him we owe the most "new" songs and dance items that are still in use. The Viennese Waltz.To answer the question "Where in the history of the čelovčestva a Viennese Waltz?" you need to go to 12-13 centuries of ... Where is the birthplace of the Viennese Waltz? At first glance, the answer lies in the very title, but not so simple;). There are several versions of this. One of them is that the dance came from Bavaria and originally called the German. A different view is presented in the Parisian journal La Patrie "(" Fatherland ") January 17, 1882: the author of the article (as a true Frenchman) is convinced that Waltz was sung for the first time in Paris in 1178, but had a different name: Volta from Provence. Perhaps it comes to dance to the rhythm of 3/4, French "grandfather" of the Viennese Waltz.The first known Viennese Waltz melody dates from the year 1770. It is danced in pairs in 1775, but it took some time before the dance became widely known. In 1813, Mr. Byron condemned Waltz for necelomudrennost′. In 1816, and was followed by a similar reaction in English high society. The fight against the waltz continued in 1833, in the book of good conduct, published Miss Celbart for a married Lady, specified persons are not allowed to perform this dance, because it is "too rasputnogo nature." Quick step.In the twenties, many bands played slow foxtrot too quickly, causing some discontent, having an impact even in the press. People started talking about the fast Foxtrot. "Charleston" also had a great influence on this dance. Ultimately, faster version continued to exist under the name of, which we all know now as quick step.Latin American dances (Latina)Latin-American dances are performed in Europe since the beginning of the 20th century. These dances have their origins in the 19th century, when the Spanish-Portuguese, African and Indian music styles mixed in America. Paso doble has roots in Spain, while Jive is a common North American anec. Of all the dances, only five are standardized, and are performed in competitions
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Slow (English) Waltz.
The forerunner of waltz was Boston Waltz brought by the United States in 1874. However, only in 1922 this dance become as fashionable as the Tango. Couples danced next to each other is not the case, as we dance now (shortly after World War I the waltz became more saturated). In 1921 it was decided that the basic movement should contain the following elements: a step, another step, and consoles. When in 1922 Sylvester won the competition for the English waltz, his program included only a right turn, left turn and change of direction (much less than what is learned freshman now). In 1926/1927 the waltz was improved considerably. Change the basic movement, now it consisted of a step, a step to the side and closing. As a result, an opportunity to create a variety of different productions that have been standardized by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD). Many of these songs danced until now. tango. The dance came from South America (mainly from Argentina), which was first performed in "Barria Las Ranas" - the ghetto of Buenos Aires. Further, he was known under the name of "Baile con corte" (dance with the rest). Dandy Buenos Aires changed the dance in two stages. First, they replaced the so-called "Polka rhythm" (Polka rhythm) on "Habanere rhythm" (Habanera rhythm), then rename the resulting cocktail Tango. Since 1900, several fans have tried to present this dance in Paris, but since no significant differences in temperament European and Latin American attempts failed. However, the Parisian teacher Mr. Robert still put a lot of effort to make Tango popular. Tango path was not strewn with rose petals. Individual members of the public opposed the spread of this dance. French bishops, for example, pointed to the seductive and sexy character Tango, stressing that people who exercise it, supposedly in danger of falling into fornication and lust. In 1924 Dr Boheme from New York even discovered a new disease: Tango leg. The press also came with strange news. May 30, 1915 "New York Times" published an article with the following headline: DANGER TANGO MORE THAN German imperialism. Currently, these messages we have only raised an eyebrow in confusion. Slow Foxtrot. Slow Foxtrot originated much earlier Waltz. Dance has many varieties, which were later adapted or unadapted, were made to the Waltz. This dance - one of the most natural dances, in which the jury can see whether or not the couple dance. Movements are natural and true to the normal steps. At the end of World War I, slow foxtrot consisted mainly of progress in three steps and slow crawl spin-rotation. At the end of 1918 there was a wave, then became known as the "jazz-roll". In 1919, the American Morgan introduced the open spin-rotation, "Morgan-turn". In 1920 Miss Josephine Bradley danced together with Mr. GK Anderson; they were dancers with great abilities, those to whom we owe many figures and compositions in the Slow Foxtrot. We now focus on the inimitable performance of these wonderful dancers of figures such as step-pen and change of direction. It is impossible to imagine modern slow foxtrot without these two elements. Since 1922 dance is performed on the toes of the foot. Heel turns were not yet known. This was done later by Mr Frank Ford, winner of the "stars of the competition." To him we owe the most "new" songs and dance elements, which are still used today. Viennese Waltz. To answer the question, "When in the history of chelovchestva appeared Viennese Waltz?", please refer to 12-13 centuries ... Where as the birthplace of the Viennese Waltz? At first glance, the answer lies in the title, but not so simple;). There are several theories on the subject. One of them is the fact that the dance came from Bavaria and was originally called the German. Different point of view is set out in the Paris magazine "La Patrie" ("Fatherland") January 17, 1882: The author of the article (as a true Frenchman) is convinced that the waltz was first performed in Paris in 1178, but it had another name: Volta from the Provence. Perhaps it is a dance in 3/4 rhythm, French "grandfather" of the Viennese Waltz. The first known Viennese waltz melody dates back to 1770. Under it were already dancing couples in 1775, but it took some time before the dance became widely known. In 1813 Mr. Byron condemned the waltz for unchaste. In 1816, a similar reaction followed in the English high society. The fight against the waltz continued in 1833. In the book of good conduct issued Miss Celbart for married lady indicated otherwise not allowed to perform this dance, because of its "too dissolute character." Quick Step. In the twenties many bands played the slow foxtrot too quickly, which caused some discontent, reflected also in the press. People started talking about fast foxtrot. "Charleston" also had a great influence on this dance. Ultimately quick version continued to exist under the name of which we all now know as Quick Step. Latin American Dance (Latina) Latin American dances are performed in Europe since the beginning of the XX century. These dances take their origin in the XIX century, when the Spanish-Portuguese, African and Indian musical styles mixed in America. Paso Doble has its roots in Spain, while the jive - the usual North American Anetsi. Of all the dances are only five standardized and executed in competition
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Paris professor Mr. Robert all same has made a lot of effort to make Tango popular. The way Tango has not been adorned rose petals. Individual representatives of society have spoken against the spread of this dance.Slow (English) waltz.
predecessor this unique charm was waltz-Boston, exemplified in the U.S. in 1874. However, only in 1922 the dance is becoming in the same fashion, as tango. Couples danced together near each other is not so,As soon as we are happy now (shortly after World War I the waltz became more saturated). In 1921 it was agreed that the focus movement should contain the following elements: a step, one step further and set-top box.The newcomer is being studied so far). In 1926/1927 waltz had been significantly improved. The movement has changed, now it was the step, step to the side and closing.When, in 1922 Sylvester won competitions in english Valse, his program included only the right-hand turn, left turn, and a change in direction (much less than addition,As a result, it became possible to create many different productions, which have been standardized Imperial Society Teachers dancing (ISTD). Many of these songs танцуются so far. Lord Tango.
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