Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic перевод - Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic английский как сказать

Also, I would like to visit the Col

Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic dream also visit the famous beauty fountain De Trevie.Arrive to Rome is complete absorption in the art arhetekturs.big St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, the stories of an incredible sight! if I got the opportunity to visit not only consider, I would still like to visit a legendary city Vinece.sometimes, before going to sleep, I imagine I'm floating in a gondola through the channels, and look at the Venetian town which I wish to visit it this verona.verona city ​​in the north - east of Italy, which I learned from the story of Romeo and Juliet.i reread several times and it is a sad product of it each time more and more I liked.imbued with spirit of Montague and kapuleti, see the balcony from which Juliet listened to fiery speeches Romeo, there's nothing more beautiful! recently released film "Letters to Juliet."it takes place in Verona, the city finds a letter of the people who was inlove.a woman has left letter to "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her Romeo . I took not so much plot, exchange captured views of the city every city in Italy has its own feature, so if any turned up case, I would have traveled throughout Italy, from Rome to the Alps mountains.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic dream also visit the famous beauty fountain De Trevie. Arrive to Rome is complete absorption in the art arhetekturs.big St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, the stories of an incredible sight! If I got the opportunity to visit not only consider, I would still like to visit a legendary city Vinece. sometimes, before going to sleep, I imagine I'm floating in a gondola through the channels, and a look at the Venetian arhitekturs. next town which I wish to visit it this verona. verona city in the north-east of Italy, which I learned from the story of Romeo and Juliet i reread several times and it is a sad product of it each time more and more I become extremely well-liked. imbued with the spirit of Montague and kapuleti, see the balcony from which Juliet listened to fiery speeches Romeo, there's nothing more beautiful! recently released film "Letters to Juliet." It takes place in Verona, the city finds a letter of the people who was inlove. a woman has left letter to "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now middle-aged woman in years) and her Romeo. I took not so much plot, exchange captured views of the city every city in Italy has its own feature, so if any turned up the case, I would have traveled throughout Italy, from Rome to the Alps mountains.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic dream also visit the famous beauty fountain De Trevie.Arrive to Rome is complete absorption in the art arhetekturs.big St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, the stories of an incredible sight! if I got the opportunity to visit not only consider, I would still like to visit a legendary city Vinece.sometimes, before going to sleep, I imagine I'm floating in a gondola through the channels, and look at the Venetian town which I wish to visit it this verona.verona city in the north - east of Italy, which I learned from the story of Romeo and Juliet.i reread several times and it is a sad product of it each time more and more I liked.imbued with spirit of Montague and kapuleti, see the balcony from which Juliet listened to fiery speeches Romeo, there's nothing more beautiful! recently released film "Letters to Juliet." it takes place in Verona, the city finds a letter of the people who was inlove.a woman has left letter to "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her Romeo. I took not so much plot, exchange captured views of the city every city in Italy has its own feature, so if any turned up case, I would have traveled throughout Italy, from Rome to the Alps mountains.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
also, i would like to visit the colosseum, roman forum, roman catholic dream also visit the famous beauty fountain de Trevie. arrive to rome is unique in the art arhetekturs.big / st. peter's basilica in the vatican, the stories of an incredible sight. if i got the opportunity to visit not only consider, i would still like to visit a legendary city Vinece.sometimes,before going to sleep, i imagine i 'm floating in a ancient through the channels, and look at the Venetian town which i wish to visit it this verona.verona city ​​in the north east of italy, which i learned from the story of romeo and Juliet.i reread several times and it is a product of it all. time more and more i liked.imbued with spirit of montague and kapuleti,see the balcony from which to fiery speeches listened juliette romeo, there 's nothing more beautiful! recently released film "letters to juliette. it takes place in verona, the city finds a letter of the people who was inlove.a woman has left a letter to" juliette "many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her romeo. i did not so much new.the exchange was the first views of the city every city in italy has its own feature, so if any turned up case, the rooms through three from italy, from rome to the alps mountains.
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