Результаты (
английский) 3:
Облигации воскресенье продовольственные магазины закрываются рано секретариата. Наш актовый зал большой секретариата. Он вмещает 500 человек. рассказ начинается с описания семейного торжества в доме английского лорда,битный блок упреждающей сервис присутствует или знатных людей. Половина акций этого завода принадлежит генеральному gupeKTOpy. т англичане пьют чая больше, а американцы - кофе. Согласно статистике,Модная одежда поставляется в нашу республику таким образом многих стран мира. Она продается как в больших, так и маленьких облигации ХАКС. Таким образом овощей и фруктов или готовят вкусных и полезных блюд.Картофель, тушенный или запеченный в большом количестве растительного масла. . В крупных городах на улицах напарника каждое утро, но к вечеру
на тротуарах можно увидеть много мусора.
. Где выращивание кофе в Бразилии. - А также культивирование
In India? - Tea. Silk manufacture in China and Japan, but Japanese silk's most popular, because it is well стира
. Such computers can no longer produce. They have become obsolete. ( .
What are the main crops growing in our republic? - Here successfully is cultivated potatoes, flax and grain crops. - And what goods is releasing domestic industry? - Tractor,Bicycles, motorcycles. Part of this production is exported.
. At what time of the year cleaning grain harvest? - Usually 'bab
густе, but much depends on the weather conditions. Tables collect, the factoryКрасяти mulitplex in shops. Paper and glass two main directions for a second time, but it is plastic recycling is not exposed. Fish caught in the high seas, and deliver to the nearest port.Parent meeting in our school is held at the end ka ждои quarters. At these meetings best students touted via a good education and good behavior. The new machine обязательнотестируются before using,There its freezing or redrafting the canned food. When oranges estuaries, they collect, sort, scenes in a special box, and then they come on the market.
.- You will be able to have breakfast at any time from 7 to 9 am. In the announcement that the restaurant is closed for repairs, we will have to go to another. Unfortunately, the service is much worse.Each year, the average English family discharges per ton
debris. Bananas do not grow up in an English climate change. A large part of bread in England breads from the wheat flour.
in what time breakfast is served in the hotel?The Sunday food stores are closed very early. Our ballroom is very large. He holds 500 people. Story begins with a description family gatherings in the home English lord,In England(probable 70 billion cups tea Toji. Each year, approximately 10% of the forest lands are being killed by the fire. At the time of registration and passport airline tickets are checked, their baggage weigh,It is a fashionable clothing comes in our republic from many countries of the world. It is sold in both large and small in Hаx. The vegetable and fruit produce many delicious and healthy food.In which there are many notables people. Half of the shares in this plant belongs to the диpeKTOpy. t British drink more tea, and Americans - coffee. According to statistics,Today more and more number of mobile phones is in the enjoyment of people. - After the letter will be removed from your mailbox, they are received in the division delivery,Where are special machines pose a date of departure letter and absorb postage stamp. Then agents or special machine shreds letter in accordance with the recipient's postal code.
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