TALKS AND PRESENTATIONS1. Introducing the topicThis morning I'm going  перевод - TALKS AND PRESENTATIONS1. Introducing the topicThis morning I'm going  английский как сказать



1. Introducing the topic
This morning I'm going to... (talk about...)
Today I'd like to... (describe...)
The aim of my presentation this morning is to... (explain...)
I've divided my presentation into... /My talk will be in...(three parts).
First, I'd like to... (give you an overview of...)
Second, I'll move on to.../then I'll focus on...
After that we'll deal with.../Finally, we'll consider...
2. Referring to questions
Feel free to/Do interrupt me if there's anything you don't understand.
If you don't mind, we'll leave questions till the end.
3. Introducing each section
So, let's start with... (the objectives...)
Now let's move on to... (the next part...)
Let's turn our attention to... (the question of)
This leads me to... (my third point...)
Finally,... (let's consider...)
4. Summarizing a section
That completes my... (description of),/ So, to summarize,... (there are five key points...)'
5. Referring
I mentioned earlier... (the importance of...)
I'll say more about this later./ We'll come back to this point later.
6. Checking understanding
Is that clear?/Are there any questions?
7. Referring to visual information
This transparency/diagram shows...
If you look at this graph you can see.../What is interesting in this slide is...
I'd like to draw your attention to... (this chart...)
8. Referring to common knowledge
As you know.../As I'm sure you are aware...
9. Concluding
That concludes my talk./ That brings me to the end of my presentation.
If you have any questions, I'd be pleased/I'll do my best to answer them.
Thank you for your attention.
10. Dealing with questions
That's a good point./I'm glad you asked that question.
Can I get back to you on that later? I'm afraid I don't have... (the information
at present)./
I'm afraid I'm not the right person to answer that.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
TALKS AND PRESENTATIONS1. Introducing the topicThis morning I'm going to ... (talk about ...) Today I'd like to ... (describe ...)The aim of my presentation this morning is to ... (explain ...)I've divided my presentation into ... my talk will be in ... (three parts).First, I'd like to ... (give you an overview of ...)Second, I'll move on to. ../then I'll focus on ...After that we'll deal with. ../Finally, we'll consider.2. Referring to questionsFeel free to interrupt/Do me if there's anything you don't understand.If you don't mind, we'll leave questions till the end.3. Introducing each sectionSo, let's start with ... (the objectives.)Now let's move on to ... (the next part. ..)Let's turn our attention to ... (the question of)This leads me to ... (my third point ...)Finally, ... (let's consider ...)4. a section SummarizingThat completes my ... (description of),/So, to summarize, ... (there are five key points ...) '5. ReferringI mentioned earlier. (the importance of ...)I'll say more about this later./we'll come back to this point later.6. Checking understandingIs that clear?/Are there any questions?7. Referring to visual informationThis transparency/diagram shows ...If you look at this graph you can see. ../What is interesting in this slide is. ..I'd like to draw your attention to ... (this chart.)8. Referring to common knowledgeAs you know. I'm sure ../As you are aware ...9. ConcludingThat concludes my talk/That brings me to the end of my presentation.If you have any questions, I'd be pleased/I'll do my best to answer them.Thank you for your attention.10. Dealing with questionsThat's a good point./I'm glad you asked that question.Can I get back to you on that later? I'm afraid I don't have ... (the informationat present)./I'm afraid I'm not the right person to answer that.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

1. Introducing the topic
This by morning I of'm going to ... (to talk about ...)
the Today I of'd like to ... (the describe ...)
of The AIM of the this up my The presentation is to by morning. .. (the explain ...)
I of've DIVIDED up my ... Into The presentation / the My to talk will of the BE in ... (a three parts).
First, I of'd like to ... (give you an it overview of ...)
of Second, I of'll the move on to ... / I of the then'll focus on ...
of After That we'll deal with .. ./Finally, we'll Consider ...
2. Referring to Questions
Feel free to / the do the interrupt me the if there's anything you do not Understand.
If you do not mind, we'll leave questions till the end.
Introducing each section called 3.
for So, the let's the start with ... (the Objectives ...)
Now the let's the move on to ... (the the next part ...)
for Let's turn to Our Attention ... (the question of)
This me to ... Leads (THIRD, up my point ...)
the Finally, ... (the let's Consider ...)
4. Summarizing a section called
That Completes up my ... (description of), / for So, to summarize, .. . (there are a five key points ...) '
5. Referring
I of mentioned earlier ... (the then importance of ...)
I of'll say the more about the this later./ for We'll have come back to the this point later.
Understanding the Checking 6.
Is That the clear? / Are the there the any Questions?
Referring to of visual 7. information
This A transparency / diagram ... Shows
the If you look AT the this graph you see ... CAN / for What is interesting in the this slide is ... is
I of The draw'd like to your Attention to ... ( ... chart the this)
8. Referring to common all Knowledge
of As you the know ... / of As I of'm sure the you are aware ...
9. Concluding
That concludes up my talk./ That Brings me to the end of the presentation up my.
If you have any questions, I'd be pleased / I'll do my best to answer them.
Thank you for your attention.
Questions Dealing with 10.
That's a good point./I'm Glad you Asked That question.
Can I get back to you on that later? I of'm Afraid I of do not have ... (the information
AT present) ./
I of'm Afraid I of'm not the right person to That? Answer.

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