Царь правил Россией из своей резиденции в Санкт-Петербурге - городе, п перевод - Царь правил Россией из своей резиденции в Санкт-Петербурге - городе, п английский как сказать

Царь правил Россией из своей резиде

Царь правил Россией из своей резиденции в Санкт-Петербурге - городе, построенном в устье Невы. Владения его были столь обширны, что когда на западных границах империи наступала ночь, на тихоокеанском побережье вставало солнце. К далекому югу среди пойм и лугов Европейской России плавно несли свои воды полноводные реки. В Сибири еще более могучие реки устрем¬лялись к Северному Ледовитому океану, пробираясь сквозь тайгу, где не ступала нога человека, и безрадостную тундру.
Рассеянные по этим просторам, жили сто тридцать миллионов подданных российского царя. В это число входили не только славяне, но и прибалты, евреи, немцы, грузины, армяне, узбеки, татары... Одни обитали в провинциальных городах и городишках, над белыми стенами которых возвышались купола церквей, другие, еще более многочисленные, - жили в своих бревенчатых избах в деревнях. В душных избах, пропахших одеждой и чаем, крестьяне, сидя у печей, обсуждали таинственные явления природы, чудные дела Господни.
Население деревень жило тихой размеренной жизнью. Люди, как правило, умирали в тех же селениях, где и появились на свет. Большая часть крестьянства была раскрепощена царем-освободителем Александром II. Но свобода не принесла им сытости. Когда лишенная влаги земля покрывалась сеткой трещин, зерно осыпалось в прах, и наступал голод, крестьяне снимали с крыш солому, чтобы накормить скотину, а их дети отправлялись на заработок в город. В голодное время мужики, натянув на себя рваные зипуны, целыми днями молча стояли у запорошенной снегом дороги. Закутанные в меха барыни разъезжали на тройках по деревням, в которые пришел голод, и изящными движениями красивых пальчиков швыряли им пригоршни серебряных монет. Затем появлялись сбор¬щики податей, отбирали у мужиков эти монеты и требовали еще.
Если мужики возмущались, появлялись казаки с пиками в руках, шашками и нагайками на боку. Смутьянов пороли, текла кровь, вскипала ненависть. Крестьяне проклинали всех - помещи¬ков, полицейских, губернаторов и чиновников. Но только не ца¬ря. Царь, живущий в своем дворце за тридевять земель, ни в чем не виноват. Царь-батюшка не ведает о страданиях, которые выпали на их долю. «До Бога высоко, до царя далеко!» - гласит русская пословица. Но если дойдешь до царя, да расскажешь ему обо всем, то все твои невзгоды как рукой снимет - таков смысл доброй сотни русских сказок.
Как и ныне, в ту пору Москва была центром страны, узлом, где сходились железные дороги, водные пути, средоточием торговли и промышленности. Из небольшого поселения, обнесенного частоколом, каким она была в XII веке, Москва превратилась в столицу, священный град России. Именно здесь, вступив в 1547 году на престол, Иван Грозный заявил, что будет короноваться не как Великий князь, а как царь всея Руси.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The King rules Russia from his residence in St. Petersburg, a city built at the mouth of the Neva. His tenure was so vast that when the western borders of the empire began the night on the Pacific coast, the Sun rose. To the far south of floodplains and meadows among the European Russia smoothly carried their water flowing rivers. In Siberia even more mighty rivers ustrem ¬ identified to the Arctic Ocean, wading through the taiga, where no human foot, and stark tundra.Scattered on those expanses, lived one hundred and thirty million subjects of the Russian Tsar. This number included not only Slavs but also the Balts, Jews, Germans, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Tatars. Some lived in provincial towns and gorodiškah, over the white walls that towered domes of churches, other, more numerous, have lived in their timbered houses in the villages. In stuffy izby, smelled by clothing and tea, peasants, sitting near the furnaces, discussing the mysterious phenomena of nature, the wonderful works of God.Villages lived a quiet measured life. People tend to die in the same villages, where both were born. A large part of the peasantry was raskrepoŝena King-liberator of Alexander II. But freedom has not brought them to satiety. When deprived of moisture land covered with a grid of cracks, grain fell down in ashes, and famine was the peasants shot from the roofs of straw to feed cattle and their children went to the earnings in the city. In the hungry time, pulling themselves ragged zipuny, stood silently all day from powdered snow road. Swathed in furs on the move in threes barynia villages which come hunger and graceful movements of beautiful fingers threw them a double handful of silver coins. Then appeared the collection ¬ as duties, confiscated men these coins and demanded more.If the men were indignant, Cossacks with peaks in the hands, checkers and with whips on the side. Whipped troublemakers, bleeding, vskipala hatred. Farmers cursed all-pomeŝi ' ¬â Cove, police officers, Governors and officials. But not CA OC ¬. King, who lives in his palace at the other end, is innocent. Ivan kuchin car-batyushka transcends the suffering that befell them. "Before God, before the High King far!" reads the Russian proverb. But if you reach the King, yes tell him about everything, all your miseries as hand withdraws-this is the meaning of good hundreds of Russian fairy tales.As it is now, at that time, Moscow was the Centre of the country, site, where railways, waterways, the focus of trade and industry. From a small settlement, surrounded by a Stockade, it was in the 12th century, Moscow has turned into the capital, Holy Hail Russia. It was here, in the year 1547, Ivan the terrible has stated that he would not like to be crowned Grand Duke, and as King of all Russia.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The king ruled Russia from his residence in St. Petersburg - a city built at the mouth of the Neva. Holds it was so extensive, that when on the western borders of the empire came the night, on the Pacific coast of the rising sun. To the far south amidst meadows and flood plains of European Russia gradually carried their water deep rivers. In Siberia, the more mighty river ustrem¬lyalis to the Arctic Ocean, making his way through the taiga, where no man has gone before, and the bleak tundra.
Scattered to these open spaces, lived one hundred and thirty millions of subjects of the Russian tsar. These included not only Slavs, but also the Baltic states, Jews, Germans, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Tatars ... Some lived in provincial towns and small towns, on the white walls that towered church domes, while others, even more numerous - lived in their log huts in the villages. The stuffy huts, smelling clothes and tea farmers sitting in furnaces discussed the mysterious phenomena of nature, the wonderful works of the Lord.
The population of the villages lived a quiet measured life. People usually die in the same villages where they were born. Most of the peasantry was set free the king-liberator Alexander II. But freedom has not brought them to satiety. When deprived of moisture land is covered with a grid of cracks, grain crumbled into dust, and there came a famine, farmers were shooting from the roofs straw to feed cattle, and their children went to the earnings in the city. In times of famine the men, pulled the tattered homespun coats, stood silently all day in powdered snow road. Wrapped in furs lady traveled on threes in the villages, in which there came a famine, and graceful movements of the beautiful fingers threw them a handful of silver coins. Then appeared sbor¬schiki taxes, were taken from the men, these coins and demanded more.
If the men were indignant, appeared Cossacks with peaks in their hands, swords and whips on his side. Troublemakers whipped, bleeding, boil hatred. Farmers cursed all - pomeschi¬kov, police, governors and officials. But not tsa¬rya. King, who lives in a palace far away, in no way to blame. King-Father does not know about the suffering that fell to their lot. "Before God high, far to the king!" - Russian proverb says. But if you get to the king, but tell him everything, all your adversities as the arm lift - this is the meaning of a hundred Russian fairy tales.
Like today, at that time, Moscow was the center of the country, the node where converged railways, waterways, focus trade and industry. From a small settlement, surrounded by a palisade, which she was in the XII century, Moscow became the capital, the sacred city of Russia. It was here, in 1547 entered the throne, Ivan the Terrible said he will not be crowned as the Grand Duke, and the king of all Russia.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the tsar of russia from his residence in st. petersburg, the city built in the mouth of the river neva. possession of him were so extensive that the western borders of the empire, when night fell, the sun would rise on the pacific coast. to the far south of completely under and meadows of european russia and carrying their water abundant river. in siberia, more устрем¬лялись mighty rivers to the arctic ocean, the way through thanks. "poo is" where no man has gone before, and the harsh tundra.scattered on the land have lived one hundred and thirty million subjects of the russian tsar. it included not only the slavs, but прибалты, jews, germans, georgians, armenians, uzbeks, tatars. some lived in the provincial towns and market towns, which towered over the white walls of the church, the other, more numerous, lived in their бревенчатых избах in villages. in a stuffy избах, make clothing and tea farmers from ovens, discussing the mysterious phenomenon of nature is god"s work.the population in the village lived a quiet life. people tend to die in the same places, and came into the world. most of the peasantry was раскрепощена tsar liberator of alexander ii. but freedom is not brought them to satiety. when lacking moisture land cover mesh cracks, grain осыпалось dust, and it was hunger, peasants took off from roofs of straw to feed cattle, and their children were sent to work in the city. in the hungry time men, натянув themselves torn зипуны, day silently stood at the запорошенной snow road. wrapped in furs барыни drove around is in villages, which is hunger, and graceful movements of beautiful fingers and throw them crossed silver coins. then came сбор¬щики taxes, forced men these coins and demanded more.if you eat up the cossacks with peaks in hand, the crowd and the whip on his side. смутьянов whipped, bled, вскипала hatred. the villagers couldn"t bear the sight of all помещи¬ков, police, governors and officials. but don"t ца¬ря. king, who lives in the palace far, far away, not your fault. the father does not know about the suffering, which fell to their share. "the god of high to the far. "- is a russian proverb. but if you get to the king and tell him about everything, all your troubles as hand off - that"s the point of good hundreds of russian fairy tales.and now, at that time, moscow was the centre of the country, the node where they are railways, waterways, of trade and industry. from a small town обнесенного stockade, as it was in the 12th century, moscow became the capital, the city of russia. here, taking the throne in 1547, ivan the terrible had stated that it would be stars as grand duke, as well as tsar of all russia.
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