1. После того, как он увидел это собственными глазами, он поверил, что чудо
действительно произошло. 2. Это было нечто, о чем мы никогда не слышали.
3. Эрик очень удивился, когда узнал, что Эрика влюблена в а я его и влюблена уже много
лет. 4. После того, как дети ушли в школу, в доме стало тихо. 5. В прошлом году я
впервые посетила Ирландию. Я не бывала там прежде. 6. Нам не пришлось стоять в очереди, потому что мы купили билеты заранее. 7. Когда Таня позвонила Рите, та уже легла
спать. 8. До 1893 года ни один врач не оперировал на сердце. 9. После того как неловкий
момент прошел, все расслабились. 10. Он представлял себе вещи, которые не произош-
ли. 11. Я никогда не занимался водными лыжами раньше. В первый раз я сделал это во
время поездки на Кипр. 12. Виктор был измучен, устал. Он плохо спал уже несколько
ночей. Его бессонница не была чем-то новым. 13. С острой болью Нина вдруг поняла, как
же она соскучилась по детям! 14. Возможно, Эмма и была одержима властью (to be
power-ridden). Но конечно же жизнь сделала ее такой. Андрей знал это, так как почти
тридцать лет был ее финансовым консультантом. 15. После того, как она совершила
храбрый поступок, она стала героиней в глазах всех.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. After he saw it with his own eyes, he believed that miraclereally happened. 2. This was something we had never heard.3. Eric was very surprised when I learned that Erica and I am in love with it and am in love with already manyyears. 4. After the children have gone to school in the House became quiet. 5. last year, Ifirst visited Ireland. I have not been there before. 6. We do not have to stand in line, because we bought tickets in advance. 7. When Tanya called Rita, she has formedsleep. 8. prior to the 1893 year no doctor operated on her heart. 9. After the uneasytime has passed, all relaxed. 10. He imagined things that don't proizoš-Lee. 11. I have never indulged in water skiing before. The first time I did it ina trip to Cyprus. 12. Victor was exhausted, tired. He slept badly for severalnights. His insomnia was not something new. 13. Nina to acute pain suddenly realized howdoes she miss the children! 14. May, Emma and was obsessed with power (to bepower-ridden). But of course life has made her such. Andrew knew it, as almostthirty years was her financial advisor. 15. After she hadbrave Act, she became a hero in the eyes of all.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Once he saw it with his own eyes, he believed that the miracle
really happened. 2. It was something of which we have never heard.
3. Eric was very surprised when I learned that Eric is in love with and I love it, and for many
years. 4. After the children went to school, the house was quiet. 5. In the past year I
first visited Ireland. I have not been there before. 6. We do not have to stand in line, because we bought tickets in advance. 7. When Tanya called Rita, she had already gone
to bed. 8. Until 1893 no doctor operated on the heart. 9. After an awkward
moment passed, all relaxed. 10. He imagined things that are not proizosh-
there. 11. I have never engaged in water-skiing before. The first time I did it during
a trip to Cyprus. 12. Victor was exhausted, tired. He did not sleep for several
nights. His insomnia was not something new. 13. Nina sharp pain suddenly realized how
she missed the children! 14. Did Emma and was obsessed with authority (to be
power-ridden). But of course, life has made it so. Andrew knew that, as almost
thirty years was its financial advisor. 15. After she made
a brave act, she became a heroine in the eyes of all.
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