1. По-моему это очень заманчивое предложение, его стоит рассмотреть. 2. Попробуй посмотреть на ситуацию с их точки зрения. 3. Она показала на дом, стоявший на углу и сказала: "Вот там я жила". 4. Ты можешь отличить Тома от его брата-близнеца? 5. Мы ничего не выиграем, отложив собрание. 6. Ее родители умерли, когда ей было 5 лет. 7. Ей за 40, но она сохранила стройную фигуру. 8. Я не могу понять, что он за человек. 9. Он выбрал Испанию, но лично я поехал бы в Грецию. 10. Я совершенно убежден, что с человеком, чьи политические взгляды настолько реакционы, невозможно иметь дело. 11. Я не понял смысла его последнего замечания. 12. Грабитель наставил пистолет на прохожего и потребовал деньги. 13. Трудно определить, сколько времени это займет, потому что мы никогда не делали такую работу раньше. 14. Поначалу его невзлюбили, но в конце концов его работа заслужила их одобрение. 15. Я потерял равновесие и упал со стены. 16. Я плохо считаю. 17. Мы никак не могли понять, что он собирается делать. 18. Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? 19. В этой главе рассматривается проблема инфляции. 20. Дело в том, что я проспал и опоздал на работу. 21. Он заметил, что если они не отправятся немедленно, они могут опоздать на поезд. 22. Вы можете определить разницу между этими двумя картинками. 23. По-моему, я полнею. - Не удивительно, ты совсем не выходишь из дома. 24. Самолет начал терять высоту 25. Я видел кого-то вдалеке, но не мог разобрать, кто это. 26. Они предпочли умереть, но не сдаться. 27. Ботаника - наука о растениях. 28. Председатель попросил оратора придерживаться сути. 29. Он показал мне самые лучшие картины. 30. Я могу узнать отца по голосу. 31. Он выиграл главный (первый) приз в конкурсе, проводимом газетой. 32. Мы заблудились и вынуждены были обратиться к полицейскому.33. Он один из ведущих политических деятелей страны. 34. Я бы лучше остался сегодня дома, а не ходил в кино. 35. Не понимаю, зачем пытаться убедить его - он никогда не передумает. 36. Если вы будете все время поздно ложиться спать - это, в конце концов, отразиться на здоровье. 7. Она вышла из себя и стала кричать на нас. 38. Я люблю, чтобы мясо было хорошо прожаренным. 39. В вашем докладе было несколько моментов, которые я не совсем понял. 40. Мой сын еще маленький - он не может определять время по часам. 41. Комната выходит окнами во двор, не так ли? 42. Перед каждым школьником стоит вопрос выбора – пойти учиться в институт или работать. 43. Я никогда не встречал человека, который бы смотрел в лицо опасности с таким хладнокровием. 44. Мне не нравится его грустное ( вытянутое) лицо. 45. Конверт лежал лицом вниз. 46. Я не мог смотреть девушке в лицо – мне было очень стыдно. 47. Солнце светило мне в лицо и я не мог ничего видеть. 48. У девушки был разочарованный вид, когда они отказались взять ее в кино. 49. Мы не знаем, как выполнить задачи, стоящие перед нами.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I think it's a very tempting offer, its worth considering. 2. Try to look at the situation from their point of view. 3. She showed at the House, which stood on the corner and said, "that's where I lived". 4. can you tell Tom from his twin brother? 5. We have nothing to gain by suspending the meeting. 6. her parents died when she was 5 years old. 7. It for 40, but she retained a slender figure. 8. I can't figure out what kind of person he is. 9. He chose Spain, but personally I would have gone to Greece. 10. I am absolutely convinced that with the man whose political views are so reakciony, it is impossible to deal with. 11. I have not understood the meaning of his latest comments. 12. a robber pointing a gun at a passer-by and demanded money. 13. it is difficult to determine how long it will take, because we have never done this work before. 14. initially, the disliked, but in the end, his work has earned their approval. 15. I lost my balance and fell from the wall. 16. I believe. 17. we could not understand what he was going to do. 18. What do you prefer tea or coffee? 19. This chapter deals with the problem of inflation. 20. in fact, I woke and was late for work. 21. He pointed out that if they did not leave immediately, they may miss the train. 22. you can tell the difference between these two pictures. 23. I think I weight gain factor. -No wonder you're not going out of the House. 24. the plane began to lose altitude 25. I saw someone in the distance, but couldn't make out who it is. 26. They chose to die but not to surrender. 27. Botanica-science about plants. 28. the Chairman asked the speaker to keep to the point. 29. He showed me the best picture. 30. can I find out the father's voice. 31. He won the Grand Prize in the first contest, held by the newspaper. 32. we got lost and were forced to turn to the police. 33. He is one of the leading political figures of the country. 34. I'd rather stayed home today, and didn't go to the cinema. 35. do not understand, why try to convince him he has never changed his mind. 36. If you stay up late all the time-it is, after all, affect health. 7. She left herself and was yelling at us. 38. I love to meat was fried well. 39. your report was a few points that I had not fully understood. 40. my son is still small-it can't tell time on a clock. 41. a room facing the courtyard, right? 42. before each schoolboy question choice is to go to college or work. 43. I've never met a person who was looking into the face of danger with such equanimity. 44. I do not like his sad (extended) face. 45. envelope lying face down. 46. I could not see the girl in person-I was very ashamed. 47. the sun shone in my face and I could not see anything. 48. She was disappointed by the view, when they refused to take her to the movies. 49. we do not know how to perform the tasks facing us.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. In my opinion this is a very tempting offer, it is worth considering. 2. Try to look at the situation from their point of view. 3. She pointed to the house, which stood on the corner and said, "That's where I lived." 4. You can distinguish Tom from his twin brother? 5. We have nothing to gain by postponing the meeting. 6. Her parents died when she was 5 years old. 7. She was 40, but she retained a slim figure. 8. I can not understand what kind of man he. 9. He chose Spain, but personally I would go to Greece. 10. I am absolutely convinced that with a man whose political views are so reactionary, it is impossible to deal with. 11. I do not understand the meaning of his last remarks. 12. The robber guided gun at passers-by and demanded money. 13. It is difficult to determine how long it takes, because we have never done this kind of work before. 14. At first, his dislike, but in the end his work earned their approval. 15. I lost my balance and fell off the wall. 16. I feel bad. 17. We could not understand what he was going to do. 18. What do you prefer tea or coffee? 19. This chapter deals with the problem of inflation. 20. The fact that I overslept and was late for work. 21. He said that if they did not go immediately, they may miss the train. 22. You can tell the difference between these two pictures. 23. In my opinion, I'm full. - No wonder you do not leave the house. 24. The plane began to lose altitude 25. I saw someone in the distance, but could not make out who it is. 26. They chose to die rather than surrender. 27. Botany - the science of plants. 28. The Chairman asked the speaker to the point. 29. He showed me the best pictures. 30. I can find my father's voice. 31. He won the main (first) prize in the competition organized by the newspaper. 32. We got lost and had to turn to politseyskomu.33. He is one of the leading political figures of the country. 34. I would rather stay at home today, and did not go to the movies. 35. I do not understand why try to convince him - he never changed his mind. 36. If you always stay up late - it is, after all, the impact on health. 7. She lost her temper and started yelling at us. 38. I love that the meat was well done. 39. In your report, there were a few things that I did not quite understand. 40. My son is still small - it can not tell time. 41. The room is facing the courtyard, is not it? 42. Before each pupil is a question of choice - to go to college to study or work. 43. I've never met anyone who would look into the face of danger with such equanimity. 44. I do not like it sad (oblong) face. 45. The envelope was lying face down. 46. I could not watch the girl in the face - I was very ashamed. 47. The sun was shining in my face and I could not see anything. 48. The girl was disappointed look, when they refused to take her to the movies. 49. We do not know how to perform the tasks facing us.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. In my view this is a very are you getting the proposal, it is to be considered. 2. Try to see the situation from their point of view. 3. It showed the house, parked at the corner, and said: "That is where I lived". 4.You can distinguish between a volume of his brother Twincast? 5. We have nothing to gain, postponing the meeting. 6. Her parents died when she was 5 years old. 7. It was over 40, but it has maintained its streamlined shape. 8. I do not understand, that he was for the people. 9.He chose Spain, but I personally I went to Greece. 10. I am absolutely convinced that the man, whose political views are so реакционы, it is not possible to have the case. 11. I do not understand what his last comments. 12.Adanandus ascend the gun on the spasm and demanded money. 13. It is difficult to determine how much time it will take, because we have never done this work before. 14. Initially his невзлюбили,But in the end his work earned their approval. 15. I lost my balance and fell from the wall. 16. I do not believe it is. 17. We will not be able to understand that he is going to do. 18. What do you prefer: tea or coffee? 19.In this chapter the problem is inflation. 20. The fact is that I slept through and missed work. 21. He observed that, if they do not arrive immediately, they may miss the train. 22.You can determine the difference between the two pictures. 23. In my opinion, I am полнею. - It is not surprising that you did not pitch from home. 24. The aircraft began to lose height 25. I saw someone away, but could not disassemble, who it is. 26.They would have preferred die, but not to surrender. 27. Botanica - science on the plants. 28. The Chairman requested that speaker to adhere to it. 29. He showed me the best picture. 30. I can find out his father's voice. 31.He won the main (first) the prize in the contest, organized by newspaper. 32. We have gone astray and were forced to appeal to полицеискому.33. He was one of the leading political leaders in the country. 34. I would be better left today at home,And did not go to the movies. 35. Do not understand, why should I try to convince him - he had never передумает. 36. If you are all the time too late to sleep - this is, in the end, affect the health. 7.She went out of themselves and was shouting at us. 38. I love that meat was well-прожаренным. 39. In your report, it was a few points, which I do not quite understand. 40.My son is still small - he does not have the power to define the time on clock. 41. Room overlooking the courtyard, isn't it? 42. Before each literature is a matter of choice - go to school or go to work in the institute. 43.I have never enjoyed rights, which would be considered a person in danger with such coolness. 44. I do not like his pessimistic ( extended) the person. 45. An envelope was lying face down. 46.I could not watch girl in person - I was very ashamed. 47. The Sun flagstones me in person and I could not do nothing to see. 48. The girl was gonna burst view, when they refused to take her to the movies. 49. We do not know how to complete the tasks,The challenges we face.
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