«Мы, евреи, просто изумлены, с какой лёгкостью американские христиане попадают в наши руки. В то время как наивные американцы ждут, когда Хрущёв похоронит их (как он обещал в ООН), мы учим американцев подчиняться любому нашему приказанию».
"We, the Jews, just amazed how easily American Christians fall into our hands. While naive Americans waiting when Khrushchev bury them (as he promised at the UN), we teach Americans to obey any of our orders.
"We Jews are simply amazed by the ease with which American Christians fall into our hands. While naive Americans are waiting for Khrushchev bury them (as he promised at the UN), we teach Americans to obey any of our orders. "
"we're just amazed with how well american christians are in our hands. while the naive americans waiting for khrushchev's burying them (as he promised at the un)we teach the americans to obey any of our приказанию».