1. Цена – один из многих факторов, определяющих спрос на продукт.
2. Она зависит от издержек производства, цен фирм-конкурентов, вида продукта и желаемой доли на рынке.
3. При ценообразовании фирма может руководствоваться такими принципами как «затраты плюс прибыль», предельно высокие издержки, а также ценовая дискриминация.
4. Следует отметить, что ценообразование по принципу «затраты плюс прибыль» - самое распространенное, при котором фирма подсчитывает средние издержки, а затем просто добавляет наценку.
5. При ценообразовании на основе предельно высоких затрат фирма подсчитывает дополнительную стоимость производства следующей единицы выпуска продукции и далее назначает цену с наценкой в соответствии с предельными издержками производства.
6. Ценовая дискриминация возникает, когда несколько фирм способны установить различные цены на одинаковый продукт.
7. Наряду с методом ценообразования фирма может руководствоваться следующими стратегиями.
8. Тактика входящей цены используется фирмой для завоевания места на рынке при ее первичном вхождении.
9. Метод «снятия сливок» используется фирмой при установлении высокой цены на продукт, особенно на новый, чтобы «снять пенку» на максимальной точке.
10. При тактике занижения цены фирма предлагает цену ниже издержек на производство с целью стимулирования продажи продукта.
11. Введение предельной цены используется в том случае, если фирма с большой долей на рынке снижает цену на продукт чтобы ограничить или не допустить появление (вхождение) других новых конкурентов.
12. Хищническое ценообразование обычно происходит в ситуации, когда фирма длительное время устанавливает более низкую, чем у конкурентов цену на продукт, вытесняя их, таким образом, из отрасли и устанавливая монополию.
13. Демпинговое ценообразование применяется в том случае, когда фирма «насыщает» рынок своими товарами по цене ниже себестоимости с целью завоевать место на этом рынке.
14. Конкурентное ценообразование возникает, когда фирма устанавливает одинаковую с конкурентами цену на товар.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Price is one of many factors that determine the demand for the product.2. It depends on production costs, prices of firms-competitors, the type of product and the desired market share.3. Pricing firm can be guided by such principles as "cost plus profit, extremely high costs as well as price discrimination.4. It should be noted that the pricing on a cost plus profit "-the most common, in which the company counts the average cost, then simply adds a mark-up.5. Pricing based on the extremely high cost of the company counts an additional cost of producing the next unit of output and further assigns a price margin in accordance with marginal costs of production.6. Price discrimination occurs when multiple companies are able to set different prices for the same product.7. in addition to the pricing method the firm may be guided by the following policies.8. the Yugoslav Tactics used to gain firm prices market when its primary entry.9. The method of "cream skimming" is firm when setting high prices for the product, especially the new one to "remove the foam" on the maximum point. 10. When the tactics of understating prices firm offers a price below the cost of production in order to stimulate the sales of the product.11. The introduction of marginal price applies if the firm with large market shares reduces the price of the product to limit or prevent (occurrence) of other new competitors.12. Predatory pricing typically occurs in a situation where the firm a long time sets a lower price than the competition on the product, thus displacing them from industry and establishing a monopoly.13. Dempingovoe pricing applies when the firm "saturates the market with their goods below cost with the goal to win a place in this market.14. Competitive pricing occurs when a firm establishes competitors price for the goods.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Price - one of the many factors that determine the demand for the product.
2. It depends on the cost of production, the price of competing firms, the type of product and the desired market share.
3. The pricing of the company can be guided by principles such as the "cost plus profit" extremely high costs, as well as price discrimination.
4. It should be noted that the pricing on a "cost plus profit" - the most common, in which the company calculates the average costs, and then simply adds a mark-up.
5. The pricing on the basis of extremely high cost firm calculates the additional cost of the next unit of production output and then sets the price at a premium in accordance with the marginal cost of production.
6. Price discrimination occurs when a few companies are able to set different prices for the same product.
7. In addition to the method of pricing the company can be guided by the following strategies.
8. The tactics used by the incoming price to win a place in the market during its initial entry.
9. The method of "skimming" is used by the company in setting a high price for a product, especially a new one, "to remove the scum" at the highest point.
10. When tactics undercharge firm offers a price below the cost of production in order to promote sales of the product.
11. Introduction of price cap is used when a company with a large market share reduces the price of the product to limit or prevent the occurrence (occurrence) of other new competitors.
12. Predatory pricing usually occurs in situations when the company establishes a long time lower than the competition price of the product, forcing them thus from the sector and establishing a monopoly.
13. Dumped pricing applies in the case when the firm "saturate" the market with their goods below cost with the aim to win a place in the market.
14. Competitive pricing occurs when a firm sets the same Competitors price of the product.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. The price is one of many factors that determine demand for the product.
2. It depends on the cost of production, price competitive, type of product and the desired market share.
3.In the pricing firm may seek to be guided by such principles as the "cost plus profits", extremely high costs, as well as price discrimination.
4. It should be noted,The pricing on the principle of "cost plus profit" - the most common, in which the firm calculates average costs, and then simply adds a surcharge.
5.In the pricing based on an extremely high cost firm counts an additional cost of production the next units manufactured products and further assigns a price to margins in accordance with limitsof production.
6. Price discrimination occurs when a few firms can set different prices for the same product.
7. In addition to the method pricing firm may be guided by the following strategies.
8.The tactics included price is used by a firm to gain a foothold in the market with its primary occurrences.
9. The method "removal cream" is used by a firm to establish a high price for the product, especially in the new,"To remove styling mousse" at the maximum point.
10. When tactics undervaluation prices firm offers price below costs for production, with a view to stimulate product sales.
11.The limit price is used in the event that if the firm with a large share of the market reduces price of the product to restrict or prevent the emergence (occurrence) other new competitors.
12.Predatory pricing is normally occurs in the situation, when the firm for a long period of time establishes a lower, than that of competitors price for this product, forcing them, in a way, from the industry and setting monopoly.
13. Демпинговое pricing applies in the case where the firm "saturates" the market their products at a price below cost in order to win a place in this market.
14. Competitive pricing occurs,When the firm sets a price equal to the competition for the goods.
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