Дима:Я: В связи с тем, что посещаемость этого ресторана уменьшилась, н перевод - Дима:Я: В связи с тем, что посещаемость этого ресторана уменьшилась, н английский как сказать

Дима:Я: В связи с тем, что посещаем

Я: В связи с тем, что посещаемость этого ресторана уменьшилась, наши продажи упали на 20 процентов, по сравнению с прошлым годом. Поэтому, я считаю, что нужно разработать новое меню, добавить новые основные блюда с гарнирами на выбор; разработать комплексные обеды, в которых на выбор будет 3 легкие закуски, 3 основных блюда, и 3 десерта. Также, мы должны рассмотреть, как можно подешевле изменить дизайн ресторана, и сэкономить на освещение. И последнее, изменить название ресторана, что бы можно было привлечь клиентов.
Я: Очень популярным, в последнее время, стали комплексные обеды! Я считаю, что нужно ввести их в наше меню ресторана. Настя, какие у тебя есть предложения?
Я: Отличный выбор комплексных обедов! Теперь, нужно обсудить изменение дизайна ресторана, и как сэкономить на освещении.
Я: Я предлагаю во-первых заменить обои на краску. Дешевле будет покрасить стены в ресторане, в какие-нибудь контрастные цвета. Во-вторых нужно съездить на оптовый рынок, и оптом приобрести недорогую мебель. Затем поехать на барахолку, там всегда есть много интересных вещей для декора. И последнее, можно сделать изюминкой ресторана то, что по вечерам, будут зажигаться свечи, и свечи сделают обстановку в ресторане, более уютной. Так мы сможем сэкономить на освещении. Теперь давайте решим с названием ресторана. Дима, какие у тебя есть предложения?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dima:I: due to the fact that attendance at this restaurant has decreased, our sales have fallen by 20 per cent, compared with last year. Therefore, I believe that we need to develop a new menu, add a new main courses with side dishes to choose from; develop complex meals where the choice of light snacks, 3 3 main courses and 3 desserts. Also, we need to consider how you can change the design of the restaurant is cheaper and save on lighting. And last, change the name of the restaurant that we could attract customers.Dima: Me: very popular lately become lunch! I believe that you need to enter them in our à la carte restaurant. Nastya, what are your suggestions? Nastya:I: a fine selection of complete meals! Now, you want to discuss changing the design of the restaurant and how to save on coverage. I: I propose to first replace the wallpaper on the paint. Would be cheaper to paint the walls in the restaurant any contrasting color. Secondly you need to go to the wholesale market, and wholesale purchase inexpensive furniture. Then go to the flea market, there is always a lot of interesting things for decoration. And last, you can make the highlight of the restaurant that evening, will light up the candles, and candles will make the atmosphere more intimate restaurant. So we will be able to save on coverage. Now let us resolve with the name of the restaurant. Dima, what are your suggestions? Dima:
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

I: Due to the fact that the attendance of the restaurant diminished our sales fell 20 percent compared with last year. Therefore, I believe that we need to develop a new menu, add a new main courses with side dishes to choose from; to develop a set menu, in which the choice is 3 snacks, 3 main courses and 3 desserts. Also, we should consider how we can change the design of the restaurant is cheaper, and save on lighting. Finally, change the name of the restaurant, it would be possible to attract customers.
I am very popular in recent years, become a set menu! I believe that we need to introduce them to our restaurant menu. Nastya, what do you have suggestions?
I am a great selection of set menus! Now, to discuss changes in the design of the restaurant and how to save on lighting.
I: I propose first to replace the wallpaper in the paint. It will be cheaper to paint the walls in the restaurant, in any contrasting color. Secondly you need to go to the wholesale market and the wholesale purchase inexpensive furniture. Then go to the flea market, there is always a lot of interesting things for decoration. Finally, it can be the highlight of the restaurant that evening, will light candles and candles make atmosphere in the restaurant is more intimate. So we can save on lighting. Now, let's decide the name of the restaurant. Dima, do you have any suggestions?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

i: in view of the fact that the attendance of the restaurant declined, our sales fell by 20 per cent, compared with the same period last year. however, i believe that we need to develop a new menuadd new main dishes (choice; to develop integrated dinners in which choice will be 3 of 3 main meals, snacks, and desserts. also, we should considerhow can it change the design of the restaurant, and save on lighting. and the last, to change the name of the restaurant that would attract customers.

i: dima, very popular in recent years.steel integrated lunches! i think we need to introduce them to our menu of the restaurant. nastya, what are your suggestions? anastasia:

i: great selection of integrated lunch! now, we need to consider changes in the design of the restaurant.how to save money on lighting.
i: i suggest we first replace the wallpaper paint. it'd be cheaper to paint in a restaurant, in any contrasting colors. secondly we have to go to the wholesale marketand wholesale purchase inexpensive furniture. then go to the jumble, there is always a lot of interesting things for home decor. and last, you can do in the restaurant, the evening will light up the candles.candles and make the atmosphere in the restaurant, more comfortable. so we can save on lighting. now, let's do it with the name of the restaurant. also, what are your suggestions? dima:

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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