Хейли жалуется Филу, что он в плохих отношениях с ее отцом. Фил хочет доказать обратное и идет к гости к Джею. Джей занимается своим хобби - самолетами, чтобы поддержать беседу с Филом, он просит подержать того кольцо, через которое должен пролететь самолет. Но самолет пролетает не в кольцо, а в лицо Фила.
Кэмерон и Митчел идут в магазин за подгузниками, Митчел всю дорогу недоволен тем, что придется заниматься шоппингом, но уже в самом магазине он был поражен ценами и выбором и решил, что нельзя останавливаться только на подгузниках.
Кроме того, в сериии показывают то, что Алекс не хочет носить платья и считает себя некрасивой, но ее "бабушка" переубеждает ее и Алекс соглашается купить платье, чем немного злит свою маму.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Haley complained to Phil that he was in a bad relationship with her father. Phil wants to prove otherwise and goes to visit Jay. Jay does his own hobby-aircraft to support conversation with Phil, it requests in order to hold the ring, through which to fly the plane. But the plane flies not in the ring, and in person.Cameron and Mitchell go to shop for diapers, Mitchell all the way angry that will have to do some shopping, but already in the store he was amazed by the prices and selection and decided that it is impossible to dwell only on diapers.In addition, the seriii show what Alex doesn't want to wear dresses and considers himself ugly, but her grandmother pereubeždaet her and Alex agrees to buy the dress, than a little irked his mom.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Phil Haley complains that he was in a bad relationship with her father. Phil wants to prove the opposite and goes to visit Jay. Jay has been a hobby - airplanes to maintain a conversation with Phil, he asked to hold that ring through which the aircraft should fly. But the plane is flying is not in the ring, and in the face of Phil.
Cameron and Mitchell go to the store for diapers, Mitchell all the way dissatisfied with the fact that you have to deal with shopping, but already in the store, he was struck by the price and the choice and decided that you can not stop only on diapers.
in addition, seriii show that Alex does not want to wear dresses and considers herself ugly, but her "granny" reassures her and Alex agrees to buy a dress than a little angry his mother.
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