Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин.Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин государственный деят перевод - Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин.Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин государственный деят английский как сказать

Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин.Петр Аркад

Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин.
Петр Аркадьевич Столыпин государственный деятель, последний крупный реформатор в правительстве Российской империи. Министр внутренних дел, председатель Совета министров.
Столыпин родился 14 апреля 1862 в Дрездене, ныне федеральная земля Саксония, Германия; умер 18 сентября 1911 в Киеве. Жил в имении Средниково, затем переехал в Литву, Орёл. Первое в биографии Столыпина образование было получено в Орловской гимназии. После этого обучался в Петербургском университете. После окончания университета зачислен в ряды МВД, получает диплом кандидата. По своему желанию переходит в Департамент земледелия. В 1889 году в своей биографии Петр Столыпин становится предводителем дворянства в Ковенском уезде. Затем избирается мировым судьей. В 1901 году становится губернатором Гродно, затем губернатором Саратова.

Идея Столыпина заключалась в том, что сначала стране необходимо успокоение, а уж затем – реформы, легла в основу программы правительства. Одной из серьезнейших проблем того времени являлся аграрный вопрос. Начатая в 1906 г. аграрная реформа Столыпина предусматривала устранение множества сословных и правовых ограничений, постепенное введение частной собственности крестьян на земельные наделы. Реформа поощряла покупку крестьянами земель, в том числе и помещичьих.
Я считаю, что Столыпин внес огромный вклад в развитие России. Итогом аграрной реформы Столыпина стало увеличение площадей посевных земель, рост экспорта зерна. Так же, эта реформа привела к окончательному уходу от феодальных пережитков, увеличению производительных сил в деревнях.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, statesman, last major reformer in the Government of the Russian Empire. The Minister of the Interior, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Stolypin was born 14 April 1862 in Dresden, now Federal Land Saxony, Germany; died September 18, 1911 in Kiev. Lived in the Manor of Srednikovo, then moved to Lithuania, Eagle. The first biography of Stolypin education was obtained in the Oryol gymnasium. After this he studied at the St. Petersburg University. After graduating from University joined the ranks of the Interior Ministry, diploma candidate. Voluntarily enters the Department of agriculture. In the year 1889 in his biography of Pyotr Stolypin becomes leader of the nobility in Kovno. Then was elected Justice of the peace. In 1901 year becomes Governor of Grodno, then Governor of Saratov.Stolypin's idea was that the country needs to be calm, and then reform, formed the basis of the program of the Government. One of the major problems of that time was the agrarian question. Launched in 1906, Stolypin. agrarian reform included removing many classes and legal restrictions, the gradual introduction of private ownership of the peasants on the land. Reform encouraged the purchase of land by peasants, including landlords.I believe that Stolypin had made an enormous contribution to the development of Russia. The result of the Stolypin agrarian reform was to increase arable land, grain export growth. Similarly, this reform has led to the final from the feudal remnants, increasing productive forces in villages.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Pyotr Stolypin.
Pyotr Stolypin statesman, the last major reformer in the government of the Russian Empire. . Minister of the Interior, chairman of the Council of Ministers
, Stolypin was born April 14, 1862 in Dresden, now the federal state of Saxony, Germany; He died September 18, 1911 in Kiev. He lived on the estate Srednikovo, then moved to Lithuania, Eagle. The first biography of Stolypin in education has been obtained in the Oryol gymnasium. After that he studied at St. Petersburg University. After graduation enrolled in the ranks of the Interior Ministry, the candidate will receive a diploma. In its request goes to the Department of Agriculture. In 1889, in his biography of Peter Stolypin he became leader of the nobility in the Kovno district. Then the elected magistrate. In 1901 he became governor of Grodno, then the governor of Saratov.

The idea of Stolypin was the fact that at first the country must be calm, and only then - the reform, became the basis for the government's program. One of the greatest challenges of the time was the agrarian question. Launched in 1906, Stolypin's agrarian reform included many other estates and legal constraints, the gradual introduction of private ownership of the peasants on the land plots. Reform encourage the purchase of land by peasants, including landlords.
I believe that Stolypin made a great contribution to the development of Russia. The result of Stolypin's agrarian reform was to increase the area of cultivated land, grain exports. Also, this reform led to the final departure from the vestiges of feudalism, the increase of the productive forces in the countryside.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
peter arkadyevich столыпин.peter arkadyevich столыпин statesman, the last major reformer in the government of the russian empire. the minister of the interior, the president of the council of ministers.столыпин was born on 14 april 1862 in dresden, the federal state saxony, germany; died 18 september 1911 in kiev. live at the средниково, then moved to lithuania, eagle. the first of the столыпина education was received in the орловской gymnasium. after that, studied at the st. petersburg university. after finishing university, enrolled in the ranks of the ministry receives a diploma candidate. my will is in the department of agriculture. in 1889, in his biography of peter столыпин becomes leader of the nobility in the ковенском county. then was elected a justice of the peace. in 1901 became the governor of grodno, then governor of saratov.the idea of столыпина was the fact that the first country to be calm, and then reform provided the basis for the programme of the government. one of the major issues of the time was the agrarian question. launched in 1906. agrarian reform столыпина addressed many сословных and legal restrictions, the gradual introduction of private ownership of farmers on the land. the reform promoted the purchase of peasant land, including помещичьих.i believe that столыпин made an enormous contribution to the development of russia. the agrarian reform столыпина was the increase of cultivation land, the growth of the export of grain. so, this reform has led to a complete withdrawal from the feudal remnants of, increase the productive forces in the villages.
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