Клайд не хотел признаваться, что убил Роберту из боязни, что она может помешать ему жениться на Сондре Финчли, и пытался отрицать, что он имел какое-либо отношение к ее гибели.
Clyde did not want to be recognized, that killed Robert out of fear that it could prevent him from marrying Sondre Finchley, and tried to deny that he had anything to do with her death.
Clyde did not want to admit that he killed Robert, for fear that it might prevent him from marrying Sondra Finchley, and tried to deny that he had anything to do with her death.
clyde didn't want to admit that he killed robert out of fear that she could stop him from marrying sondre finchley, and tried to deny that he had any connection with her death.