Вроцлавские гномыВроцлав — один из крупнейших и один из самых древних  перевод - Вроцлавские гномыВроцлав — один из крупнейших и один из самых древних  английский как сказать

Вроцлавские гномыВроцлав — один из

Вроцлавские гномы
Вроцлав — один из крупнейших и один из самых древних городов Польши, историческая столица Силезии.
Необычной достопримечательностью этого города являются бронзовые статуэтки гномов.
Статуэтки гномиков появились в начале 2000-х как символ оппозиционного движения 80-х годов 20-го века. Однако они так полюбились горожанам, которые считают, что эти маленькие существа приносят городу процветание, что с каждым годом гномов становится все больше и больше, и 21 мая 2014 года был представлен уже 300-й гном — «Европейский».
Каждый гном имеет свое имя.
По легенде, гномы жили во Вроцлаве всегда, просто они прятались от людей.
Да и сейчас найти их не так легко, их размер всего лишь 20-30 см, и находиться они могут в самых неожиданных местах, — на земле, на столбах, на стенах, на подоконниках, в фонтанах и т.п. Во Вроцлаве даже продаются специальные наборы для поиска гномов, в которые входят мягкие тапочки, чтобы не спугнуть гномов, лупа, чтобы получше их разглядеть, и мазь для спины, чтобы облегчить страдания туристов, проходивших согнувшись весь день в поисках гномиков.
Считается, что гномы приносят удачу и благополучие, поэтому, когда найдешь гномика, надо обязательно потереть его.
У гномиков Вроцлава есть свой сайт, где можно найти фото гномов, легенды о них, интересные факты и карту для поиска гномов.

Уникальное пересечение польских рек Велны и Нельбы
На нашей планете существует множество уникальных мест. Одно из таких мест находится недалеко от небольшого польского города под названием Вонгровец: это пересечение двух рек – Нельбы (Nielba) и Велны (Welna), протекающих перпендикулярно друг другу, пересекаясь под прямым углом. При этом принято считать, что Нельба – это приток Велны.
Но не только равенство углов пересечения делает это место уникальным. Дело в том, что пересекаясь друг с другом, воды рек совсем не смешиваются, и это было доказано учёными с помощью красной и синей краски. Река, в которую была добавлена красная, оставалась и дальше красной, а вторая река, в которую добавили синюю краску, так и продолжала течь синей. Это объясняется тем, что водный поток Велны проходит под потоком Нельбы. Учёные утверждают, что это происходит из-за разности температур воды, скоростей и уровней течений.

Мальборк — польское название, по-немецки оно звучит как Мариенбург — был основан в 1276 г. в качестве замка тевтонского рыцарского ордена. Замок, площадь, которого составляет около 20 га, является самым большим готическим замком на территории Европы. Сегодня он не только представляет собой интерес для любителей истории и замковой архитектуры, но и просто-напросто поражает своей красотой даже самых невосприимчивых к красоте туристов.
В 1997 г. замок Мальборк внесен в список мирового наследия ЮНЕСКО и является излюбленным местом для туристов из всех стран Европы.
По назначению помещения замка делились на три категории: Высокий замок (обиталище рыцарей-монахов), Средний замок (помещения для чиновников и парадные залы для приема гостей) и Низкий замок (конюшни, пекарни, мастерские и прочие вспомогательные службы). После окончания тринадцатилетней войны крестоносцев с Польшей, замок был превращен в одну из резиденций польских королей. Конец 19 в. ознаменовался для Мальборка реконструкцией с целью придания ему средневекового облика, а середина века 20 — почти полным разрушением во время Второй Мировой войны.
После войны замок был восстановлен, и сейчас стоит он во всей своей красе на берегу реки Ногат, отражаясь в ней всеми своими башнями, стенами и галереями, производя на туристов неизгладимое впечатление. У многих возникает вопрос: если даже в наши дни замок так впечатляет своими размерами и суровой красотой, то какое же впечатление он производил на людей в средние века?
Музей в Мальборке
С 1960 г. в помещениях замка работает музей, здесь можно ознакомиться с несколькими экспозициями, самая обширная из которых рассказывает об истории замка. Привлекают внимание посетителей также коллекция изделий из янтаря и коллекция оружия и доспехов разных исторических периодов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Wrocław's dwarfsWroclaw is one of the largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland, the historical capital of Silesia.The unusual attraction of this city are bronze statues of gnomes.Statues of gnomes introduced in the early 2000 's as a symbol of the opposition movement 80-ies of the 20-th century. But they are so loved by the citizens, who believe that these little creatures bring prosperity to the city that dwarfs every year becomes more and more, and May 21, 2014 year was presented already 300th dwarf is "European".Each dwarf has its name.According to legend, the dwarves lived in Wrocław, but they always hide from people.And now finding them is not easy, their size is only 20-30 cm, and they may be in the most unexpected places — on the ground, on the pillars, the walls, windowsills, in fountains and the like Wroclaw even sold special kits for search of dwarfs, which includes soft slippers, so as not to startle the Gnomes, Magnifier to see them better, and ointment for back to alleviate the suffering of the tourists held bent all day in search of dwarfs.It is believed that dwarves bring good luck and prosperity, so when you find GNOME, it is necessary to rub it.At Wrocław Gnomes have a website where you can find images of dwarfs, legends about them, interesting facts and a map to find the gnomes.A unique intersection of Polish rivers Velny and Nel′by On our planet there are many unique places. One such place is not far from a small Polish town called Wągrowiec: it is the intersection of two rivers-Nel′by (Nielba) and Velny (Welna) flowing perpendicular to each other, intersecting at right angles. While it is generally considered that inflow is Wełna Velny.But not only equality of angles makes this place unique. The fact of the matter is that they intersect with each other, the water of rivers is not mixed, and this has been proven by scientists using red and blue paint. The River, which was added to the Red remained and beyond the Red River and the second, to which was added a blue dye, and continued to flow blue. This is because the water stream passes under the Velny Nel′by flow. Scholars argue that this is due to the difference of temperatures, speeds and levels of currents.Malbork is a Polish name, German it sounds like Marienburg — was founded in 1276 as the castle of the Teutonic knightly order. Castle Square, which is about 20 hectares, is the largest Gothic castle on the territory of Europe. Today it is not only of interest to lovers of history and architecture, but also simply amazes with the beauty of even the most resistant to the beauty of the tourists.In 1997 Malbork Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site and is a favorite destination for tourists from all over Europe.Upon designation by the premises of the Castle were divided into three categories: high Castle (abode of the Knights-monks), the Middle Castle (officials and State rooms to receive guests) and weak Castle (stables, bakeries, workshops and other supporting services). After the end of the thirteen years ' war the Crusaders with Poland, the castle was turned into one of the residences of the Polish kings. The end of 19 c. marked for Malbork reconstruction with a view to giving it the medieval appearance, and mid-century 20-almost complete destruction during the second world war.After the war, the castle was restored, and he now stands in all its glory on the Bank of the river Nogat, reflected in it all their towers, walls and galleries, making an indelible impression on tourists. For many, the question arises: If even in our days the Castle so impressive in its size and rugged beauty, what impression he made on people in the middle ages? Museum in MalborkSince 1960, in the premises of the Castle Museum, here you can get acquainted with several exhibits, the most extensive of which tells about the history of the Castle. Attract the attention of visitors is also a collection of products from amber and a collection of arms and armour from different historical periods.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Wrocław's dwarfs
Wroclaw - one of the largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland, the historic capital of Silesia.
An unusual attraction of this town are bronze statues of gnomes.
Figurines gnomes appeared in the early 2000s as a symbol of the opposition movement '80s of the 20th century. However, they are so fond of citizens who believe that these little creatures bring the city prosperity, that every year the gnomes are more and more, and May 21, 2014 was presented for 300 minutes gnome - "European".
Each dwarf has a name .
According to legend, dwarves always lived in Wroclaw, but they were hidden from the people.
And now I find it not so easy, and their size is only 20-30 cm, and they may be in the most unexpected places - on the ground, on poles, on the walls, on window sills, fountains, etc. In Wroclaw even sell kits to find the gnomes, which includes soft slippers in order not to frighten off gnomes, magnifying glass, to better see them, and ointment for the back to relieve the suffering of tourists held bent all day in search of gnomes.
It is believed that the dwarves bring luck and prosperity, so when you find the gnome, it is necessary to rub it.
We Dwarfs of Wroclaw has a website where you can find photos of gnomes, legends about them, interesting facts and a map to search for gnomes. A unique intersection of Polish rivers Velny and Nelby on our planet, there are many unique places. One such place is not far from a small Polish town called Wągrowiec: the intersection of two rivers - Nelby (Nielba) and Velny (Welna), flowing perpendicular to each other, intersecting at right angles. At the same time it is assumed that Nelba - a tributary of Velny. But not only the equality of the angles of intersection makes this place unique. The fact that intersect with each other, river water is not mixed, and it has been proven by scientists using the red and blue paint. The river, which has been added to red, and remained on red, and the other river, which added a blue dye, and continued to flow blue. This is because the water flow stream passes under Velny Nelby. Scientists claim that this is due to the temperature difference between the water level and velocity flows. Malbork - the Polish name, in German it sounds like Marienburg - was founded in 1276 as the castle of the Teutonic Knights. Castle area, which is about 20 hectares, is the largest Gothic castle in Europe. Today he is not only a concern for fans of history and architecture of the castle, but simply amazing in its beauty, even the most refractory to the beauty of the tourists. In 1997 Malbork Castle, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a favorite destination for tourists from all countries Europe. By appointment the castle premises were divided into three categories: High Castle (home of warrior monks), the Middle Castle (rooms for officials and staterooms for the reception) and the Low Castle (stables, bakeries, shops and other support services). After the end of a thirteen-year war with Poland Crusaders, the castle has been transformed into one of the residences of Polish kings. The end of the 19th century. marked for Malbork reconstruction to give it a medieval appearance, and mid-century 20 - the almost complete destruction during the Second World War. After the war the castle was restored, and now he stands in all its glory on the banks of the river Nogat, reflected in it all their towers , walls and galleries, making a lasting impression on tourists. Many question arises: if even today the castle is impressive because of its size and rugged beauty, what is the impression he made ​​on people in the Middle Ages? Museum in Malbork In 1960 in the premises of the castle is a museum, where you can familiarize yourself with a few exhibits , the most extensive of which tells the history of the castle. They attract the attention of visitors as a collection of articles made ​​of amber and a collection of arms and armor from different historical periods.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
вроцлавские dwarves
wroclaw - one of the largest and one of the oldest cities in poland, the historical capital of silesia.
unusual attraction of this city is a bronze statue of the dwarves. "the dwarfs came in the early 2000s as a symbol of opposition of the 1980s of the 20th century. however, they полюбились citizens who believe that these little creatures are the city prosperitythat each year the dwarf is becoming more and more, and 21 may 2014 was presented for 300. the dwarf - "european." each dwarf has its name. according to the legend, the dwarves lived in wroclaw, they're just hiding from humans.yeah, and now find it not so easy, the size of only 20 - 30 cm, and they may be in the most unexpected places on earth, on the columns, walls, window, fountains and so on.wroclaw even sold special sets to find gnomes, which include soft slippers, not to scare the dwarves, magnifying glass, to get them to see it, and back cream to ease the suffering of touristsheld bent all day in search of dwarfs.
is that it brings good luck and prosperity, however, when you find gnome, you have to rub it.
from dwarfs breslau's websitewhere can i find a picture of the dwarves, the legends about them, interesting facts and the map to find gnomes.

the unique intersection of polish rivers велны and нельбы
on our planet, there are many unique places.one such place is not far from a small polish town called вонгровец, crossing two rivers is нельбы (Nielba) and велны (Welna) flowing perpendicular to each other, пересекаясь angles.it is considered that the нельба is an influx of велны.
but not only equality of angles of intersection makes it unique. the thing is that пересекаясь with each other, the water streams do not mix.and it was proved by scientists using red and blue paint. the river, which was a red, remained on the red river, and the second, which added the blue paint, and the continued flow blue.this is due to the fact that the flow of water велны passes under the нельбы. scientists claim that this is because of the difference of temperature of water, the speeds and levels of currents.

malbork - polish namein german, it sounds like malbork castle - was founded in 1276. as the тевтонского holy order. castle square, which is about 20 hectares, is the largest gothic castle in europe.today he not only represents the interest for lovers of history and castle architecture, but simply amazes with the beauty of the most beautiful tourist невосприимчивых.
in 1997.castle malbork is included in the unesco world heritage list and is a favorite destination for tourists from all over europe.
to appoint space castle were divided into three categories:the high castle (the home of the knights of the monks), the castle (rooms for officials and front rooms for guests), and low (castle stables, bakeries, shops, and other supporting services.after the 13-year-old war crusaders with poland, the castle was turned into one of the residences of polish kings. the end of 19.marked for мальборка reconstruction to give it its shape, and the middle of the century 20 to almost total destruction during the second world war. after the war the castle was restored.and now he's in all its glory on the bank of the river ногат, reflecting her all your towers, walls and galleries, giving tourists a deep impression. many question arises:even if nowadays the castle so impressed by its size and the harsh beauty, what impression it made on the people in the middle ages? in мальборке

museum since 1960. the castle is a museumhere you can see several expositions, the biggest of which tells about the history of the castle.attract the attention of visitors to the collection of items from the collection of arms and armor of amber and different historical periods.
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