Волнение достаточно сильны, чтобы проверить мятежных слезы дом-любител перевод - Волнение достаточно сильны, чтобы проверить мятежных слезы дом-любител английский как сказать

Волнение достаточно сильны, чтобы п

Волнение достаточно сильны, чтобы проверить мятежных слезы
дом-любители, и сделать наши последние прощания все, но случайный. Ни один из
нам уже было никаких контактов с пэра до сих пор.
Г-н Ли, Латинской Мастер подтвердил доклад. Господь был гонят в школу, что утром в герцогского Rolls-Royce. Это должно было быть его первый опыт школьной жизни. Герцог до сих пор хранится его в замке под репетиторов
Должны ли мы ожидать называть его ваше сиятельство "или" Сэр "или
что нибудь? Будет мастера осмеливаются тростника его, если он нарушил школьные правила или не
знаю его преп?
Мы прибыли в Cedars как раз вовремя для школы ужин. Thos (преподобный Томас Пирс, наш директор), а сознательно вел небольшой бледно светловолосых мальчика в столовую, и показал его место в конце стола, среди других новичков. "Это Господь Юлий Bloodstock мальчики," сказал он. "Вы никогда не будете называть его просто Bloodstock. Нет tites или другие почетные здесь."усмехнулся Thos.
Ни один из tablemates Джулиуса не назвал его вообще ничего. Начнем с того, что они были либо слишком несчастным или уклоняться даже сказать, "Pass
соль, пожалуйста. "Но после супа, и на полпути через
пирог пастуха. Биллингтон Тертий, чтобы выиграть пари, узнал смело через стол и спросил: "Господи, почему ты не пришел на поезде, так же, как и остальные из нас"
Юлий не ответил на первый, но, когда его соседи
подтолкнул его, он сказал: "Это имя Юлий, и мой отец был
боюсь нахождения газетные фотографы на платформе.
Они могут быть такой неприятностью. Два из них ждали нас
на школьных ворот, и мой отец послал шофера, чтобы разбить
оба их камеры.
Эта информация едва затонул в до третьего курса
появились: патока пирог. Сегодня был понедельник: луковый суп, пирог и морковь пастушья, патока пирог. Всегда было. Даже когда
Г-н Лис-Лис-Лем был мальчик здесь и выиграл стипендию верхнюю
Винчестер. Г-н Лис, который сидел в самом конце таблицы есть пирог с патокой, посмотрел вверх и заметил, что Юлий отодвинул тарелку, оставив жесткую сожгли тесто нетронутыми.

Ешьте это, мальчик! "сказал г-н Ли. "Не допускается, чтобы оставить что-нибудь
Херефорд Mr Хорошие манеры. Школа Правило "
"Я никогда не едят пирог с патокой," объяснил Джулиус с легким вздохом.
"Вы, как ожидается, для решения МПС" сэр ", сказал г-н Лис.
Юлий, казалось, удивился. "Я думал, что мы не использовали названия здесь,
или другие вежливости », сказал он," но только фамилии?
"Позвони мне" сэр "," настаивал мистер Лис, не совсем уверен, является ли
эти слова были невинность или дерзость.
"Сэр," сказал Джулиус, пожимая слегка.
"Ешь пирог», отрезал г-н Лис.
"Но я никогда не едят пирог с патокой Сэр!"
"Это мой долг, чтобы увидеть, что вы делаете так, каждый понедельник.
Юлий улыбнулся. "То, что странный долг!", Сказал он
"Старший мастер." Г-н Лис сказал: "Я не могу уговорить мальчика дерзкое
по вкусу нашим традиционным пирог с патокой.
"Пошли его сюда," сказал Thos в его наиболее знаменательным голосом.
"Пошли его сюда, и все пластины"
Когда Thos признали Юлию, лицо его изменилось, и он swal
мычали пару раз, но, по-видимому, читал лекции сотрудников
о внесении ни малейшего различия между сыном герцога и сын лавочника, он должен был поставить ногу вниз. "Мой дорогой мальчик," сказал он,
"дайте мне посмотреть, что вы едите прекрасный кусок пищи без дальнейшего
возражать; и нет ерунда.
"Я никогда не едят пирог с патокой, директор. * Thos начал, как будто он был поражен в лицо. Он
safd медленно: «Ты имеешь в виду, возможно,:« Я потерял свой аппетит, сэр. "
Очень хорошо, но ваш аппетит вернется на время ужина, вам
запомните мои слова-и так будет патока пирог. Льстивый смех, который приветствовал эту премьер Thossism
удивлены Юлиус, но не поколебать его самообладание. Прогулки на
маслянистый стол, он заложил пластину, повернулся на каблуках, и
спокойно пошел обратно на свое место.
Раздался звонок к ужину, правило, что tuck-
коробка торты были поставлены под плату Матрона и распределяется
среди всех пятидесяти из нас в то время как они продолжались. Матрона, чтобы взбодриться в первый же вечер, установили самый большой торт, она могла найти на
таблица: Джулиуса.
Когда Thos признали Юлию, лицо его изменилось, и он swal
мычали пару раз, но, по-видимому, читал лекции сотрудников
о внесении ни малейшего различия между сыном герцога и сын лавочника, он должен был поставить ногу вниз. "Мой дорогой мальчик," сказал он,
"дайте мне посмотреть, что вы едите прекрасный кусок пищи без дальнейшего
возражать; и нет ерунда.
"Я никогда не едят пирог с патокой, директор. * Thos начал, как будто он был поражен в лицо. Он
safd медленно: «Ты имеешь в виду, возможно,:« Я потерял свой аппетит, сэр. "
Очень хорошо, но ваш аппетит вернется на время ужина, вам
запомните мои слова-и так будет патока пирог. Льстивый смех, который приветствовал эту премьер Thossism
удивлены Юлиус, но не поколебать его самообладание. Прогулки на
маслянистый стол, он заложил пластину, повернулся на каблуках, и
спокойно пошел обратно на свое место.
Раздался звонок к ужину, правило, что tuck-
коробка торты были поставлены под плату Матрона и распределяется
среди всех пятидесяти из нас в то время как они продолжались. Матрона, чтобы взбодриться в первый же вечер, установили самый большой торт, она могла найти на
таблица: Джулиуса.
"Вы получите ваш кусочек, моя дорогая, когда вы съели ваш
патока пирог "Матрона мягко напомнил Юлиус. "Положение обязывает /

"Я никогда не едят пирог с патокой, Матрона.

Это должно было трудно для него, чтобы увидеть его торт съедение
незарегистрированным перед глазами, но он не сделал протест; просто потягивала
немного чая и пошел без ужина спа
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Excitement is strong enough to check rebel tears House-fans, and make our last farewell to all, but casual. None of the We have had any contact with peer so far.Mr. Lee, Latin Master confirmed the report. Lord was being driven to school that morning in the Doge's Rolls-Royce. This was supposed to be his first experience of school life. Duke still kept him in the castle under tutorsShould we expect call him your Highness "or" Sir "or something? The wizard will dare to cane him if he broke school rules or not know his Prep?We arrived at Cedars school just in time for dinner. Thos (Rev. Thomas Pierce, our Director) and consciously led a small pale blonde boy in the cafeteria and showed it at the end of the table, among other newcomers. "It is the Lord Julius Bloodstock boys," he said. "You'll never call it simply Bloodstock. No tites or other honorary here. " chuckled Thos.None of tablemates Julius did not call it anything at all. Let's start with the fact that they were either too miserable or evade even say "Pass salt, please. "But after the soup, and halfway through the Shepherd's pie. Billington Tertii, to win a bet, learned boldly across the table and asked, "Lord, why didn't you come by train, just like the rest of us"Julius did not respond at first, but when his neighbors pushed him, he said: "is the name of Julius, and my father was I'm afraid finding newspaper photographers on the platform. They can be such a nuisance. Two of them were waiting for us at the school gate, and my father sent the driver to smash both their cameras.This information barely sunk in to the third course There appeared: treacle tart. Today was Monday: onion soup, pie and carrot cattle, molasses cake. It has always been. Even when Mr LEEs-LIS-Lem was a boy here and won a scholarship to the top Winchester. Mr Lees, who sat at the very end of the table there is a pie with molasses, looked up and noticed that Julius pushed back plate, leaving the tough burnt dough intact. Eat it, boy! "said Mr LEE." Not allowed to leave anything Hereford Mr good manners. School Rule ""I never eat pie with molasses," explained Julius with a slight sigh."You are expected to solve the IPU" Sir, "said Mr LEEs. Julius seemed surprised. "I thought that we did not use the names here or other courtesy, "he said," but only the names? "Call me" Sir "," insisted Mr foxes, not quite sure whether the These words were the innocence or insolence. "Sir," said Julius, shaking slightly. "Eat cake," snapped Mr LEEs. "But I never eat pie with molasses, Sir!" "It is my duty to see that you are doing so, every Monday. Julius smiled. "What a strange debt!", he said "Senior." Mr. Lees said: "I can't persuade boy daring to taste our traditional pie with molasses. "Send him here," said Thos in his most memorable voice. "Send him here, and all the plates"When Thos recognized Julia, his face changed, and he swal myčali a couple of times, but, apparently, he has lectured employees on making the slightest distinction between the son of the Duke and the son of a shopkeeper, he was supposed to put a foot down. "My dear boy, ' said he, "Let me see what you eat a wonderful piece of food without further object; and no nonsense. "I never eat pie with molasses, Director. * Thos started as if he was struck in the face. He safd slowly: "you mean, perhaps:" I lost my appetite, Sir. " Very good, but your appetite will return for dinner, you Mark my words-and so will the treacle tart. Flattering laugh, who welcomed the Prime Thossism surprised Julius but not shake his composure. Walks on oily the desk, he laid the plate, turned on his heels, and quietly went back to his place. The bell rang for dinner, usually that tuck- box cakes were placed under charge Matron and distributed among all fifty of us while they lasted. Matron to cheer up the first evening, installed the biggest cake, she could find on table: Julius.When Thos recognized Julia, his face changed, and he swal myčali a couple of times, but, apparently, he has lectured employees on making the slightest distinction between the son of the Duke and the son of a shopkeeper, he was supposed to put a foot down. "My dear boy, ' said he, "Let me see what you eat a wonderful piece of food without further object; and no nonsense. "I never eat pie with molasses, Director. * Thos started as if he was struck in the face. He safd slowly: "you mean, perhaps:" I lost my appetite, Sir. " Very good, but your appetite will return for dinner, you Mark my words-and so will the treacle tart. Flattering laugh, who welcomed the Prime Thossism surprised Julius but not shake his composure. Walks on oily the desk, he laid the plate, turned on his heels, and quietly went back to his place. The bell rang for dinner, usually that tuck- box cakes were placed under charge Matron and distributed among all fifty of us while they lasted. Matron to cheer up the first evening, installed the biggest cake, she could find on table: Julius. "You get your piece, my dear, when you ate your molasses pie "Matron gently reminded Julius." Provision obliges a/ "I never eat pie with molasses, matron. It must have been difficult for him to see him eating cake strangers before his eyes, but he did not protest; just potâgivala a little tea and went without dinner Spa
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Excitement is strong enough to check the rebellious tears
house fans, and make our last goodbyes all but random. None of
us had had any contact with the peer until now.
Mr. Lee, Latin Master confirmed the report. The Lord was being driven to school in the morning in the ducal Rolls-Royce. This was to be his first experience of school life. Duke is still kept it in a castle under tutors
Should we expect to call him Your Excellency "or" Sir "or
something? Will the master dare to cane him if he broke the school rules or does not
know his prep?
We arrived at Cedars just time for school dinner. Thos (Rev. Thomas Pearce, our director), but deliberately kept small pale fair-haired boy in the dining room, and showed him the place in the table, among the other newcomers. "It is the Lord Julius Bloodstock boys," he said. "You You will never call it simply Bloodstock. No tites or other honored here. "Grinned Thos.
None of the Julius tablemates not call him anything at all. Let's start with the fact that they were either miserable or too shy even to say," Pass
the salt, please. "But after the soup, and halfway through the
shepherd's pie. Billington Tertius, to win a bet, learned easily across the table and asked," Lord, why do not you come by train, as well as the rest of us,
"Julius did not answer at first but when his neighbors
nudged him, he said: "This is the name of Julius, and my father was
afraid of finding newspaper photographs on the platform.
They can be a nuisance. Two of them were waiting for us
at the school gate, and my father sent the driver to beat
both of their camera.
This information is almost sank in the third course
were: treacle tart. Today was Monday: onion soup, shepherd's pie and carrots, molasses cake. Always has been. Even when
Mr. Lees Lees Lem was a boy here and won a scholarship to the top
Winchester. Mr. Fox, who was sitting at the end of the table has a treacle tart, looked up and saw that Julius pushed his plate away, leaving intact a tough burnt batter. Eat it, boy! "said Mr. Lee." It is not allowed to leave anything Hereford Mr Good manners. School of Law, "" I never eat treacle tart, "Julius explained with a slight sigh." You are expected to address the IPU "Sir," said Mr. Fox. Julius seemed surprised. "I thought we did not use the name here, or other courtesy," he said, "but only the names?" Call me "sir", "insisted Mr. Fox, not quite sure whether these words were innocent and daring." Sir, "said Julius, shaking slightly." Eat Cake "snapped Mr. Fox." But I never eat treacle tart Sir! "" It is my duty to see that you do so every Monday. Julius smiled . "What a strange duty!" He said, "Foreman." Mr. Fox said, "I can not persuade the boy daring to taste our traditional treacle tart." Send him here, "said Thos in its most significant voice." Send him here, and all the plates "When Thos recognized Julia face it changed and he swal lowed a couple of times, but apparently lectured employees about making the slightest difference between the son of the Duke and the son of a shopkeeper, he had to put his foot down. "My dear boy," he said, "let me watch what you are eating a fine piece of food without further objection; and no nonsense. "I never eat treacle tart, the director. * Thos started as if he had been struck in the face. He safd slowly:" You mean, maybe ,: "I've lost my appetite, sir." It is good, but your appetite will come back for dinner, you mark my words-and so will the treacle tart. Sycophantic laughter that greeted the Prime Thossism surprised Julius, but do not shake his composure. Walking on oily table, he laid the plate, turned on his heel and walked calmly back to his seat. The bell rang for dinner, usually that tuck- box cakes were put under the charge Matron and distributed among all fifty of us while they continued. Matron, to cheer on the first night, have established the largest cake, she could find on the table: Julius. When Thos recognized Julius, his face changed and he swal lowed a couple of times, but apparently lectured employees about making any the slightest difference between the son and the son of the Duke of the shopkeeper, he had to put his foot down. "My dear boy," he said, "let me see what you are eating a fine piece of food without further objection, and no nonsense." I never eat treacle tart, the director. * Thos started as if he had been struck in the face. He safd slowly: "You mean, maybe ,:" I've lost my appetite, sir. "Very good, but your appetite will come back for dinner, you mark my words-and so will the treacle tart. Sycophantic laughter that greeted the Prime Thossism surprised Julius, but do not shake his composure. Walking on oily table, he laid the plate, turned heels, and quietly went back to his seat. The bell rang for dinner, usually that tuck- box cakes were put under the charge Matron and distributed among all fifty of us while they lasted. Matron, to cheer on the first night , have established the largest cake, she could find on the table: Julius. "You will get your piece, my dear, when you have eaten your treacle tart" Matron gently reminded Julius. "Noblesse oblige /" I never eat treacle tart, Matron. It must have been hard for him to see his cake eaten by strangers before your eyes, but he did not protest, just I sipped some tea and went without dinner Spa

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a strong enough to check rebel tears
house amateurs, and make our last goodbye, but random. none of the
we have had no contact with peer still. - mr. leelatin master confirmed the report. he was being driven to school that morning in герцогского rolls royce. it was to be his first experience of school life. the duke still kept him in the castle under the tutors.should we expect "your lordship" or "sir" or "something? will the master dare cane him if he broke the rules of the school or not. i know his tea?
we arrived at the cedars in time for school dinner. Thos (reverend thomas pierce, the director), and deliberately drove a little pale blond boy in the dining room, and showed him the place in the end of the table, among other players."it is the lord julius Bloodstock boys," he said. " you'll never just call him Bloodstock. no tites or other distinguished here. "Thos chuckled." none of the tablemates julius don't call him anything. to start with,they were either too poor or not even say "pass" the salt, please. " but after the soup, and halfway through. shepherd's pie. saint terence billington to win a bet, found out boldly across the table and said:"my lord, why don't you come by train, like the rest of us". julius didn't answer at first, but when his neighbours
pushed him, he said: "this is the name of julius, and my father was.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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