Прежде всего из всех традиций надо отметить самую главную - клан. Клан в Шотландии (Clan) - это группа семей, носящих одну фамилию ( например, Мак Дональды- " дети Дональда", так как Mac по шотландски значит "сын") и имеющих общего предка. В древние времена все члены клана безоговорочно являлись на зов «Горящего креста», вытаскивая клейморы, то есть шотландские палаши, из потаенных углов своих сараев, чтобы отправиться за своим вождем на войну.
Юбки и пледы
В давние времена горцы Шотландии носили юбки (в переводе с гэльского языка «небольшие одеяла») и пледы («большие одеяла»), выкрашенные природными красителями и сотканные в районах Северо-Западного нагорья. Обычная их расцветка была в полоску или клеточку - на гэльском это называлось «тартан», - но изготавливались они по разным лекалам. На поле брани воины скидывали пледы и бились в рубашках.
Шотландские игры
Многие традиции Шотландии дошли до наших дней именно благодаря тому, что были интересны самому населению страны и даже горячо им любимы. К таким традициям относятся как раз и шотландские горские игры: на протяжении долгих веков на подобных сходках мужчины выясняли между собой, кто из них сильнее, умнее, быстрее, ловчее. Казалось бы, сейчас, в наше время, подобная традиция уже должна была изжить себя, но вопреки всему шотландцы относятся к ней все с тем же энтузиазмом, благодаря которому горские игры до сих пор не выродились в один сплошной туристический аттракцион.
Прежде всего из всех традиций надо отметить самую главную - клан. Клан в Шотландии (Clan) - это группа семей, носящих одну фамилию ( например, Мак Дональды- " дети Дональда", так как Mac по шотландски значит "сын") и имеющих общего предка. В древние времена все члены клана безоговорочно являлись на зов «Горящего креста», вытаскивая клейморы, то есть шотландские палаши, из потаенных углов своих сараев, чтобы отправиться за своим вождем на войну.
Юбки и пледы
В давние времена горцы Шотландии носили юбки (в переводе с гэльского языка «небольшие одеяла») и пледы («большие одеяла»), выкрашенные природными красителями и сотканные в районах Северо-Западного нагорья. Обычная их расцветка была в полоску или клеточку - на гэльском это называлось «тартан», - но изготавливались они по разным лекалам. На поле брани воины скидывали пледы и бились в рубашках.
Шотландские игры
Многие традиции Шотландии дошли до наших дней именно благодаря тому, что были интересны самому населению страны и даже горячо им любимы. К таким традициям относятся как раз и шотландские горские игры: на протяжении долгих веков на подобных сходках мужчины выясняли между собой, кто из них сильнее, умнее, быстрее, ловчее. Казалось бы, сейчас, в наше время, подобная традиция уже должна была изжить себя, но вопреки всему шотландцы относятся к ней все с тем же энтузиазмом, благодаря которому горские игры до сих пор не выродились в один сплошной туристический аттракцион.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Clans At the outset of all traditions have to mention the most important. In Scotland, the clan (Clan) is a group of families having one name (for example, Mac Donal′dy-"children of Donald" as Scott Mac meaning "son") and having a common ancestor. In ancient times, all members of the clan were unequivocally call "Burning cross", pulling the Claymores, i.e. Scottish broadswords, from the inner corners of their sheds to your leader on the war.Skirts and blankets In ancient times, the Highlanders of Scotland wore skirts (translated from the Gaelic "small blankets) and blankets (" big blankets "), painted with natural dyes and weaved in areas of the North West Highlands. Typical of their coloring was striped or checked-in Gaelic this was called "Tartan"-but they were on different patterns. On the field of battle, the Warriors threw off blankets and fought in shirts.Scottish games Many Scottish traditions have survived precisely because of the fact that the population of the country were interesting and even warmly they loved. Such traditions are just and Scottish mountain games: for many centuries at such gatherings men sorted out among themselves which of them stronger, smarter, faster, more agile. It would seem, for now, in our time, this tradition already had eliminated himself, but in spite of all the Scots are all with the same enthusiasm, thanks to which mountain games not yet degenerated into a tourist attraction.Clans At the outset of all traditions have to mention the most important. In Scotland, the clan (Clan) is a group of families having one name (for example, Mac Donal′dy-"children of Donald" as Scott Mac meaning "son") and having a common ancestor. In ancient times, all members of the clan were unequivocally call "Burning cross", pulling the Claymores, i.e. Scottish broadswords, from the inner corners of their sheds to your leader on the war.Skirts and blankets In ancient times, the Highlanders of Scotland wore skirts (translated from the Gaelic "small blankets) and blankets (" big blankets "), painted with natural dyes and weaved in areas of the North West Highlands. Typical of their coloring was striped or checked-in Gaelic this was called "Tartan"-but they were on different patterns. On the field of battle, the Warriors threw off blankets and fought in shirts.Scottish games Many Scottish traditions have survived precisely because of the fact that the population of the country were interesting and even warmly they loved. Such traditions are just and Scottish mountain games: for many centuries at such gatherings men sorted out among themselves which of them stronger, smarter, faster, more agile. It would seem, for now, in our time, this tradition already had eliminated himself, but in spite of all the Scots are all with the same enthusiasm, thanks to which mountain games not yet degenerated into a tourist attraction.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
First of all traditions should be noted the most important - the clan. Clan in Scotland (Clan) - a group of families bearing the same family name (for example, Mac Donaldy- "children Donald," as Mac on Scottish means "son of") and having a common ancestor. In ancient times, all members of the clan is by far the call of "Burning Cross", pulling the Claymores, ie Scottish broadswords, from the secret corners of their sheds to go for their leader to the war. Skirts and blankets In ancient times, the Highlanders of Scotland wore skirts (in translation with Gaelic language "small blanket") and blankets ( "big blanket"), painted with natural dyes and woven in the areas of the North West Highlands. Usually they were coloring with stripes or a cell - Gaelic is called "tartan" - but they were made in different patterns. On the battlefield, the soldiers threw off blankets and fought in shirts. Scottish games Many traditions of Scotland survived precisely because they were interested in the country's own people, and even they loved dearly. These traditions are just the Scottish Highland games: for many centuries in such gatherings men find out among themselves which of them is stronger, smarter, faster, more agile. It would seem that now, in our time, this tradition has had to come to an end, but in spite of all the Scots treat it with the same enthusiasm, thanks to which the Mountain game has not yet degenerated into one big tourist attraction. Clans First of all traditions should be noted the most important - the clan. Clan in Scotland (Clan) - a group of families bearing the same family name (for example, Mac Donaldy- "children Donald," as Mac on Scottish means "son of") and having a common ancestor. In ancient times, all members of the clan is by far the call of "Burning Cross", pulling the Claymores, ie Scottish broadswords, from the secret corners of their sheds to go for their leader to the war. Skirts and blankets In ancient times, the Highlanders of Scotland wore skirts (in translation with Gaelic language "small blanket") and blankets ( "big blanket"), painted with natural dyes and woven in the areas of the North West Highlands. Usually they were coloring with stripes or a cell - Gaelic is called "tartan" - but they were made in different patterns. On the battlefield, the soldiers threw off blankets and fought in shirts. Scottish games Many traditions of Scotland survived precisely because they were interested in the country's own people, and even they loved dearly. These traditions are just the Scottish Highland games: for many centuries in such gatherings men find out among themselves which of them is stronger, smarter, faster, more agile. It would seem that now, in our time, this tradition has had to come to an end, but in spite of all the Scots treat it with the same enthusiasm, thanks to which the Mountain game has not yet degenerated into one big tourist attraction.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the clansfirst of all the traditions, it should be noted the primary - clan. clan in scotland (clan) is a group of families with a name (for example, mac дональды - "children of donald" as mac on шотландски means "son") and have a common ancestor. in ancient times, all members of the clan were unequivocally call for "a burning cross pulling клейморы, a scottish палаши, hidden corners of their barns to go for his nation to war.skirts and quiltsin the old days the highlanders of scotland wore skirts (translated with a gaelic language "small одеяла») and children (the" big одеяла»), выкрашенные natural dyes and half in the areas of the north west highlands. their color was a striped or cell - in gaelic was called "тартан», but they were on different lines. the battlefield warriors paged quilts and fought in shirts.the scottish gamemany traditions of scotland came to our days. it is due to the fact that most people were interested in the country, and even hot they loved. such traditions are both time and the scottish mountain games: for many centuries in such сходках men were fighting among themselves, which of them stronger, smarter, faster, faster. it is, in our time, this tradition already had come to an end, but for all of the scottish people refer to it with the same enthusiasm, through which the mountain games still выродились into a tourist attraction.the clansfirst of all the traditions, it should be noted the primary - clan. clan in scotland (clan) is a group of families with a name (for example, mac дональды - "children of donald" as mac on шотландски means "son") and have a common ancestor. in ancient times, all members of the clan were unequivocally call for "a burning cross pulling клейморы, a scottish палаши, hidden corners of their barns to go for his nation to war.skirts and quiltsin the old days the highlanders of scotland wore skirts (translated with a gaelic language "small одеяла») and children (the" big одеяла»), выкрашенные natural dyes and half in the areas of the north west highlands. their color was a striped or cell - in gaelic was called "тартан», but they were on different lines. the battlefield warriors paged quilts and fought in shirts.the scottish gamemany traditions of scotland came to our days. it is due to the fact that most people were interested in the country, and even hot they loved. such traditions are both time and the scottish mountain games: for many centuries in such сходках men were fighting among themselves, which of them stronger, smarter, faster, faster. it is, in our time, this tradition already had come to an end, but for all of the scottish относ
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