Владимир Познер: Поскольку моя мама-француженка по-русски неговорила,  перевод - Владимир Познер: Поскольку моя мама-француженка по-русски неговорила,  английский как сказать

Владимир Познер: Поскольку моя мама

Владимир Познер: Поскольку моя мама-француженка по-русски не
говорила, дома говорили только по-французски - это был закон.
По-английски тоже не говорили, хотя ... я все же вырос в Америке. Не
знаю, полиглот ли я, но я языки усваивал по мере того, как мы переезжали из
одной страны в другую: из Франции в Америку, из Америки в Германию, а уж
потом мы жили в Советском Союзе и в России.
Это был постепенный процесс. Русский язык я узнал значительно позже -
уже когда мы приехали в Россию.
Би-би-си: Сложнее всего было учить русский?
В.П.: Вы знаете, нет. Может быть, это связано с тем, что я не учил языки.
Французский - я с этим вырос, и, собственно, по-английски говорил с детского
Но, кроме того, у нас в семье, особенно по отцовской линии, видимо, у
людей были и есть языковые способности. Мы очень легко схватываем языки.
Русский язык, конечно, трудный. В этом нет никакого сомнения. Но я не
могу сказать, что овладевать им было мучительно сложно.
Би-би-си: Частная школа в Нью-Йорке, где вы учились, - в ней
преподавали General American или British English?
В.П.: В Америке британский английский, может быть, где-то и
преподают, но мне это незнакомо. В моем случае это был обыкновенный
американский вариант английского языка New York American.
Вообще в Америке очень четко можно сказать: это из Нью-Йорка, это из
Чикаго. Это слышно.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Vladimir Pozner: Because my mom-not Russian Frenchwomanearlier, the House spoke only in French-it was the law.English is also not mentioned, though ... I grew up in America. Notknow, polyglot I, but I acquired languages as we moved fromone country to another: from France to America, from America to Germany, andthen we lived in the Soviet Union and Russia.It was a gradual process. Russian language I learned much later-When we arrived in Russia.BBC: the most difficult was learning Russian?VP: you know, not. Maybe this is because I didn't teach languages.French-I grew up with it, and, in fact, spoken to the childage.But, in addition, our family, especially the father, apparently,people were and are language skills. We are very easy to grasp languages.Russian language, of course, difficult. There is no doubt. But I'm notI can tell you that master it was excruciatingly difficult.BBC: private school in New York, where did you study, ittaught General American or British English?V.p.: British English in America, maybe somewhere andteach, but I'm unfamiliar. In my case it was an ordinarythe American version of the English language New York American.Generally in America we can say very clearly: it is from New York, it's fromChicago. This can be heard.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Vladimir Pozner: Since my mother-French in Russian is not
spoken at home spoke only in French - it was the law.
In English, too, did not say, though ... I still grew up in America. I do not
know polyglot I, but I language is learned on as we moved from
one country to another: from France to America, from America to Germany, and only
. Then we lived in the Soviet Union and in Russia
It was a gradual process . Russian language I learned much later -
already when we arrived in Russia.
Bi-bi-si: The hardest thing was to learn Russian?
VP .: You know, no. Maybe it's due to the fact that I did not teach languages.
French - I have this rose, and, in fact, in English spoken with children
. The age
, but also in our family, especially his father's side, apparently, from
people they were and are language abilities. We are very easy to grasp the language.
The Russian language is, of course, difficult. In this there is no doubt. But I
can say that it was painful to master difficult.
Bi-bi-si: Private School in New York, where you will learn - it
taught the General American or British English?
VP .: In America, British English, maybe somewhere and
teach, but it is unknown. In my case it was an ordinary
American English New York American.
Generally in America, you can very clearly say it is from New York, is from
Chicago. It is heard.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
vladimir posner: because my mother is french, not russiansaid home only spoke french - it was the law.in english, also don"t say, but... i grew up in america. don"t"know how" i know, but i усваивал languages as we moved fromone country to another, from france to america, from america, germany, andthen we lived in the soviet union and russia.it was a gradual process. russian language i learned much laterwhen we arrived in russia.bbc: the most difficult thing was to teach english?v.p., you know. this may be due to the fact that i haven"t learned languages.french - i grew up with it, and, in fact, english is spoken to a childage.but, in addition, we have a family, especially on the paternal side, apparentlypeople"s language ability. we are very easy схватываем languages.the russian language, of course, difficult. there is no doubt about it. but i don"ti can tell you that the it was excruciatingly difficult.bbc: private school in new york, where you went, itteaching general american or british english?v.p.: in america, british english, maybe somewhere andteach, but i"ve never done it. in my case, it was aamerican english new york american.even in america very clearly can say: this is from new york, itchicago. i hear you.
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