Горбачев-Фонд — международная организация. В деятельности Фонда могут  перевод - Горбачев-Фонд — международная организация. В деятельности Фонда могут  английский как сказать

Горбачев-Фонд — международная орган

Горбачев-Фонд — международная организация. В деятельности Фонда могут принимать участие граждане любых государств. Горбачев-Фонд постоянно сотрудничает с ведущими университетами, фондами, международными организациями в разных странах мира.
Он проводит исследования социальных, экономических и политических проблем, актуальных для российской и мировой истории. Фонд стремится содействовать демократическим ценностям , нравственным, гуманистическим началам в жизни общества.
Фонд основан на убеждении, что в условиях глобализации стране и миру нужно новое мышление, новое прочтение идей прогресса и гуманизма, разработка принципов более справедливого миропорядка. Фонд содействует открытому диалогу между экспертами и общественностью, стремится к использовать результаты научных исследований в интересах развития общества, ученых и политиков .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Gorbachev Foundation is an international organization. The Fund may participate, citizens of any State. The Gorbachev Fund constantly partners with leading universities, foundations, international organizations in countries around the world.He conducts research on the social, economic and political issues relevant to the Russian and world history. The Foundation seeks to promote democratic values and moral, humanistic principles in society.The Fund is based on the belief that in the context of globalization, the country and the world needs new thinking, new reading ideas of progress and humanism, principles of a more equitable world order. The Foundation promotes open dialogue between experts and the public, aims to use research results in society's development, scientists and politicians.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Gorbachev Foundation - an international organization. The activities of the Fund may participate in the citizens of any state. The Gorbachev Foundation is constantly working with leading universities, foundations, international organizations around the world.
It carries out research of social, economic and political issues of relevance to the Russian and world history. The Foundation seeks to promote democratic values, moral, humanistic principles in society.
The Foundation is based on the belief that in the conditions of globalization the country and the world need a new mindset, a new interpretation of the ideas of progress and humanism, the development of the principles of a just world order. The Foundation promotes open dialogue between experts and the public tends to use the results of scientific research in the interests of society, scientists and politicians.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
gorbachev foundation - the international organization. in the activities of the fund may participate the citizens of all states. gorbachev foundation has collaborated with leading universities, foundations, international organizations in different countries of the world.he conducts research in social, economic and political problems for the russian and world history. the fund aims to promote democratic values, moral, humanitarian началам in society.the fund is based on the belief that, in the context of globalization, the country and the world needs new thinking, new reading ideas of progress and humanity, the development of a more equitable world order. the fund has supported the open dialogue between the experts and the public, is to use the results of scientific research in the development of society, scholars and politicians.
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