Мое любимое произведение искусства называется Рубикон. Это набор скуль перевод - Мое любимое произведение искусства называется Рубикон. Это набор скуль английский как сказать

Мое любимое произведение искусства

Мое любимое произведение искусства называется Рубикон. Это набор скульптур в Атлантическом океане на глубине 14 метров у берегов Lanzarote. Художник Джейсон Тейлор установил ряд скульптурных инсталляции на дне океана.
Установка состоит из 35 фигур, которые вырезаны из камня. Все скульптуры 5.5 метров в высоту и весят каждая по 60 тонн. Статуи - это каменные люди, которые идут в сторону откуда не смогут вернуться. На скульптуры на дне океана приплывают посмотреть туристы - дайверы.
Мне очень нравится Рубикон, потому что это интересно и необычно иметь скульптуры в океане.
Скульптуры как будто оживают.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite piece of art called the Rubicon. This set of sculptures in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 14 meters off the coast of Lanzarote. Artist Jason Taylor installed a number of sculptural installation at the bottom of the ocean.Installation consists of 35 shapes that are carved out of stone. All the sculptures 5.5 meters in height and weigh 60 tons each. The statue is stone people who go in the direction where they will not be able to return. The sculpture at the bottom of the Ocean come see tourists-divers.I really like the Rubicon, because it's interesting and unusual to have sculptures in the ocean.Sculptures as if alive.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What is your favorite piece of art called the Rubicon. This is a set of sculptures in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 14 meters from the coast of Lanzarote. Artist Jason Taylor has established a series of sculptural installations on the ocean floor.
The installation consists of 35 figures, which are carved out of stone. All sculptures are 5.5 meters tall and weigh 60 tons each. Statues - stone is the people who are going in the direction from which will not be able to return. In the sculpture on the bottom of the ocean to see the tourists swim -. Divers
I really like the Rubicon, because it's interesting and unusual to have a sculpture in the ocean.
Sculptures like alive.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my favorite piece of art is called the rubicon. this set of sculptures in the atlantic ocean at a depth of 14 meters of lanzarote. artist jason taylor established a number of sculptures, installation at the bottom of the ocean.the installation consists of 35 players, which carved out of stone. all the sculptures of 5.5 meters in height and weigh 60 tons each. the statue is the stone people who go away how can never come back. the sculpture at the bottom of the ocean sail to see the tourists - divers.i really like the rubicon, because it"s interesting and unusual have a sculpture in the ocean.sculpture as if alive.
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