Он не может отличить одно понятие от другого. 2. Ты сможешь отличить о перевод - Он не может отличить одно понятие от другого. 2. Ты сможешь отличить о английский как сказать

Он не может отличить одно понятие о

Он не может отличить одно понятие от другого. 2. Ты сможешь отличить один предмет от другого на ощупь? 3. Было невозможно различить их в темноте. 4. У него хорошие способности к математике. 5. Человек способен мыслить. 6. Психология и философия занимаются проблемой познания. 7. Процесс познания очень сложен. 8. Познание универсальных законов природы очень важно. 9. Ощущения играют очень важную роль в жизни человека. 10. Ощущение — реакция нервной системы на тот или иной раздражитель.

Вкус — одно из пяти главных ощущений. 12. Язык — орган вкуса. 13. Имеется тесная связь между движением и осязанием. 14. У многих слепых хорошо развито осязание. 15. Не трогай меня! 16. Я чувствую какой-то странный запах. 17. У него хорошее обоняние. 18. Эти цветы приятно пахнут. 19. Уши — орган слуха. 20. Врач проверил и нашел, что у меня нормальный слух. 21. Зрение меняется с возрастом. 22. Необходимо регулярно проверять зрение. 23. Органы чувств дают (снабжают) нам разнообразные сведения об окружающем мире. 24. Университет дает нам всевозможные знания, необходимые нам для будущей работы. 25. Качество работы зависит от нас. 26. У него много хороших качеств. 27. Эта книга произвела на меня большое впечатление. 28. Первые впечатления — наиболее сильные. 29. Мы изучали реакцию животных на вид пищи. 30. Больной не реагировал на свет. 31. Различные отделы мозга принимают информацию от определенных органов чувств. 32. Нервные импульсы посылаются по нервным волокнам нервной системы в мозг.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He could not distinguish one concept from another. 2. you will be able to differentiate one item from another by touch? 3. it was impossible to distinguish them in the darkness. 4. He has good ability for mathematics. 5. The person is able to think. 6. Psychology and philosophy focused on cognition. 7. Learning process is very complicated. 8. Knowledge of the universal laws of nature are very important. 9. Feelings play a very important role in human life. 10. Feeling-the nervous system response to a given stimulus.Taste is one of the five main senses. 12. language-organ of taste. 13. There is a close relationship between movement and touch. 14. many blind well-developed sense of touch. 15. Do not touch me! 16. I feel a strange smell. 17. He has a good sense of smell. 18. These flowers smell nice. 19. Ears — hearing body. 20. The doctor checked and found that I had normal hearing. 21. The vision changes with age. 22. There is a need to regularly check your eyesight. 23. The senses give (supply) us a variety of information about the world. 24. the University gives us all sorts of knowledge we need for the future work. 25. The quality of the work depends on us. 26. He has many good qualities. 27. This book made a great impression on me. 28. First impressions — the strongest. 29. We have studied the reaction of animals to look at food. 30. The patient does not respond to light. 31. The various divisions of the brain receive information from certain sensory organs. 32. Nerve impulses are sent to the nerve fibers of the central nervous system to the brain.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

He can not distinguish one concept from another. 2. You'll be able to distinguish one object from another by touch? 3. It is impossible to distinguish them in the dark. 4. He has good ability in mathematics. 5. Man is able to think. 6. Psychology and philosophy dealing with the issue of knowledge. 7. The process of knowledge is very complex. 8. Knowledge of universal laws of nature is very important. 9. Feeling played a very important role in human life. 10. Feeling - the reaction of the nervous system to a particular stimulus. The taste - one of the five major senses. 12. Language - organ of taste. 13. There is a close connection between the movement and touch. 14. Many of the blind well-developed sense of touch. 15. Do not touch me! 16. I feel a strange smell. 17. He has a good sense of smell. 18. These flowers smell good. 19. Ears - the organ of hearing. 20. The doctor checked and found that I had normal hearing. 21. Vision changes with age. 22. Regularly check the eyesight. 23. Senses give (supply) to us a variety of information about the world. 24. The university gives us all kinds of knowledge we need for future work. 25. The quality of the work depends on us. 26. He has many good qualities. 27. This book made ​​a big impression on me. 28. First impressions - the most powerful. 29. We studied the reaction of animals to look at food. 30. The patient did not respond to light. 31. Different parts of the brain receive information from certain senses. 32. Nerve impulses are sent along nerve fibers of the nervous system to the brain.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

he can't distinguish one concept from another. 2. you can distinguish one object from another to the touch? 3. it was impossible to distinguish them in the dark. 4. he has good ability for mathematics. 5. people capable of thinking. 6.psychology and philosophy on the problem of learning. 7. the cognitive process is very complicated. 8. knowledge of the universal laws of nature is very important. 9. it plays a very important role in human life. 10.it is the reaction of the nervous system to one or the other stimulus.

taste is one of the five main senses. 12. the tongue is the taste. 13. there is a close relationship between the movement and touch. 14.many blind well developed sense of touch. 15. don't touch me! 16. i feel a strange smell. 17. he has a good sense of smell. 18. these flowers smell nice. 19. ears - the organ of hearing. 20. the doctor checked and foundi have normal hearing. 21. vision changes with age. 22. should regularly check the eyes. 23. senses give (provide) a variety of information about the world. 24.the university gives us all kinds of knowledge necessary for future work. 25. the quality of the work depends on us. 26. he has many good qualities. 27. this book made me a great impression. 28.the first impression is the most strong. 29. we studied the response of the animals to the type of food. 30. the patient did not respond to light. 31. the various parts of the brain accepts information from certain senses. 32.nerve impulses are sent to the nervous system, nerve fibers in the brain.
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