Так случилось, что в последние сотни лет академическая наука не считала и не считает нужным рассматривать сознание как активный элемент всей космофизической системы. Вселенную представляют наполненной лишь веществом и энергией, но не информацией. Процессы, происходящие в природе, относят к области чистой механики, где при построении научных моделей космофизики информацию просто игнорируют. Лишь в квантовой физике в последние десятилетия некоторые ученые, как, например, М.Б.Менский стали вводить параметр сознания в теоретические модели. Однако, не только объекты микромира при взаимодействии с наблюдателем, но и Земля в целом, как единый организм, по утверждению многих специалистов — астрофизиков, геофизиков и других обладает, при взаимодействии с человеком, разумными свойствами. Можно лишь сожалеть, что академическая наука до сих пор использует слишком упрощенные модели того, что происходит в такой системе, и чем в действительности она является в координатах пространства и времени. А она в этих масштабах проявляет себя как сознательный организм, управляющий своими частями.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It so happened that in the past few hundred years academic science has not considered and does not consider it necessary to consider consciousness as an active element of the entire kosmofizicheskoj system. The universe are only filled with matter and energy, but not information. Processes occurring in nature, belong to the field of pure mechanics, where when you build scientific models physics information simply ignore. Only in quantum physics in recent decades, some scientists, such as Mikhail Miensk began to enter parameter consciousness in theoretical models. However, not only objects of a microcosm when interacting with an observer, but also the Earth as a whole, as a single organism, according to many specialists-astrophysicists, geophysicists and other possesses, when interacting with a person of reasonable properties. It is regrettable that academic science still uses too simplified model of what is happening in such a system, and how in reality it is in space and time coordinates. And it is in these scales, manifests itself as a conscious organism, managing their parts.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It so happened that in the last hundred years of academic science is not considered and does not consider it necessary to consider consciousness as an active element of the whole system cosmophysical. Universe is filled with a substance and energy, but not information. The processes occurring in nature, relates to the field of pure mechanics, where the construction of scientific models astrophysics information simply ignore. Only in quantum physics in recent decades, some scientists, such as MBMensky began to enter the parameter of consciousness in the theoretical model. However, not only the objects of a microcosm in the interaction with the observer, but the Earth as a whole, as a single organism, according to many experts - astrophysicists, geophysicists, and others have, in cooperation with the person reasonable properties. It is regrettable that the academic science still uses too simplified model of what happens in such a system, and what in fact it is in space and time coordinates. And it is in these scales reveals itself as a conscious body, managing its parts.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
so it was that in the past hundreds of years, academic science thought and wouldn't consider consciousness as an active element of the космофизической system. the universe is filled with a substance and energy, but not information. the processes occurring in nature are the pure mechanics, where the building of scientific models of cosmic physics information is ignored. only in quantum physics in the past decades, some scientists, such as м.б.менский have introduced the consciousness in the theoretical model. however, not only the facilities микромира in conjunction with the observer, but also the earth as a whole, as a single organism, according to many experts астрофизиков, interpretation and the other has, in collaboration with the person reasonable properties. it is regrettable that academic science still use too simplified model of what happens in such a system, and in fact it is the coordinates of time and space. and she's in these scales manifests itself as a conscious organism, managing their parts.
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