после того как они прибыли в Капитолий их отправили к косметологам и с перевод - после того как они прибыли в Капитолий их отправили к косметологам и с английский как сказать

после того как они прибыли в Капито

после того как они прибыли в Капитолий их отправили к косметологам и стилистам. Это важная часть шоу. так как его показывают по телевидению все участники должны быть красивыми. А так же успешное появление на церемонии открытия игр поможет найти спонсоров которые смогут помочь в будущем. К Китнис приходит главный стилист Цинна, он не похож на остальных людей в Капитолии. У него нет ужасного акцента и глупых глаз, поэтому Китнисс доверяет ему в отличии от остальных. Цинна говорит что поможет ей стать красивой, чтобы привлечь спонсоров. У каждого участника на церемонии должен быть костюм олицетворяющий его дистрикт. Цинна сказал Киттнисс что у них будут лучшие костюмы.
На церемонии открытия участники на колесницах должны проехать по кругу и поприветствовать президента. И когда Китнисс и Пит проезжают мимо него их костюмы начинают сверкать пламенем. Оно искусственное. Но оно произвело большое впечатление на зрителей. Все смотрели только на них. А они должны были изображать улыбку на лице чтобы нравится спонсорам.
Потом Киттнис и Пит идет в номер, который выглядит очень дорогим и богатым. Хеймич и Эффи приходят на ужин чтобы поздравить с великолепным выходом и рассказать что нужно делать дальше. В этот раз Хеймич пришел трезвым и опрятным. Он говорит им что тренировка начнется на следующее утро. После ужина Пит предлагает Китнис подняться на крышу здания, так как думает что за ними следят. У них происходит разговор о их семьях которые остались одни, о том что они могут не вернутся. Пит проявляет симпатию к Китнис и говорит, что она должна выжить.
На следующее утро они приходят к Хеймичу. Он спрашивает их о том что они умеют делать. Китнисс умеет стрелять из лука и хорошо владеет ножом, а Пит хорошо дерется в рукопашном бою. Хеймич говорит что перед играми пройдут тренировки, где они должны показать все что умеют, чтобы спонсоры обратили на них внимание. Если они получат большие баллы за тренировки то на арене, когда им будет необходима помощь спонсоры смогут им помочь. Также он говорит им чтобы они поддерживали друг друга на виду у всех, чтобы не быть легкой добычей для остальных.
Когда они приходят в тренировочный центр там находятся остальные трибуты. Почти все выглядят сильными и жестокими. Каждый занимается своим делом : несколько человек дерутся, кто-то занимается маскировкой, кто-то орудует ножами. Китнис и Пит выбирают с простого, ставить ловушки. Потом они расходятся. когда китнис находит Пита он показывает как он замаскировал свою руку под дерево. Когда он помогал отцу в пекарне то разукрашивал торты.
На следующий день они идут метать копья, и Китнис замечает что за ней следит маленькая девочка с дистрикта 11.
Через неделю тренировок трибуты должны показать на что они способны. Когда приходит очередь Китнис она заходит в зал где много видов оружия. Спонсоры наблюдают за ней сверху. Она берет лук и стреляет. Но от того что она волнуется она промахнулась. Спонсоры сразу перестали ее замечать и начали смеяться. и разговаривать. Китнис не хотела уходить ни с чем и решила доказать спонсорам что она лучший стрелок. Она увидела рядом со спонсорами стол с разной едой, где лежал жаренный поросенок с яблоком во рту. Она натянула тетиву и выстрелила прямо в яблоко. Спонсоры были в шоке. а она лишь поклонилась им с ухмылкой и вышла из зала.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
after they arrived in the Capitol they were sent to do facials and stylists. This is an important part of the show. as his show on television, all participants must be beautiful. As well as the successful appearance at the opening ceremony of the games will help find sponsors who will help in the future. The Kitnis comes the Chief stylist, Cinna, he is not like the other people at the Capitol. He does not have a horrible accent and stupid eye, so Katniss trust it unlike the rest. Cinna says that will help it become a beautiful to attract sponsors. Each participant in the ceremony must be a costume representing his district. Cinna Kittniss said that they will have the best costumes. At the opening ceremony of the chariot must drive in a circle to welcome the President. And when Katniss and Pit pass by him their suits begin to Flash fire. It is artificial. But it produced a great impression on the audience. All looked only at them. And they had to draw a smile on the face to like sponsors.Kittnis and then Pete comes in the room, which looks very expensive and rich. Hejmič and his wife come to dinner to celebrate with a great output and tell what to do next. This time Hejmič was sober and neat. He tells them that exercise would begin the following morning. After dinner Pete offers Kitnis to climb to the roof of the building, as it thinks that they are being watched. They are talking about their families who were alone, that they may not return. Pete takes a liking to Kitnis and said that it should survive.The next morning they come to Hejmiču. He asked them about what they can do. Katniss is able to shoot with a bow and a good knife, and Pete good fights in hand-to-hand combat. Hejmič said that the exercise will take place before the games, where they have to show all that they can to sponsors have paid attention to them. If they get big points for a workout at the arena, when they will need assistance to sponsors will be able to help them. He also tells them that they support each other in full view of everyone not to be easy prey for the rest.When they come to the training center there are other tributy. Almost all look strong and violent. Everyone does his own business: a few people fight, someone engaged in a disguise, someone is doing with knives. Kitnis and Pete choose with a simple trap. Then they diverge. When kitnis finds Pete, it shows how he has disguised his hand under the tree. When he helped his father in the bakery that Church cakes. The next day they go hurl Spears and Kitnis notes that it follows the little girl from District 11. After a week of training tributy have to show what they are capable of. When comes the turn of Kitnis she walks into the room where a lot of weapons. Sponsors monitor it over the top. She takes the bow and shoots. But that is freaking it missed. Sponsors immediately stopped her to notice and started to laugh. and talk. Kitnis did not want to go away with nothing and decided to prove that it sponsors the best shooter. She saw next to the sponsors table with different food, where lay fried suckling pig with an Apple in its mouth. She pulled the string and shot straight at Apple. Sponsors were in shock. and it only bowed out with a grin and walked out of the room.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
after they arrived at the Capitol, they were sent to the beauticians and stylists. This is an important part of the show. as it shown on television, all participants must be beautiful. And as a successful appearance at the opening ceremony of the games will help to find sponsors who can help in the future. It comes Kitnis chief stylist Cinna, he is not like the other people in the Capitol. He does not have a terrible accent and stupid eyes, so Katniss trusts him, unlike the others. Zinn says that will help her become beautiful to attract sponsors. Each participant must be at the ceremony costume symbolizing his District. Cinna Kittniss said that they will have the best costumes.
At the opening ceremony, participants must drive the chariot around and greet the president. And when Katniss and Pete drive past it suits them start to sparkle flame. It is artificial. But it made ​​a great impression on the audience. Everyone looked only at them. And they were supposed to represent a smile on his face like that of the sponsor.
Then Kittnis and Pete goes to a room that looks very expensive and rich. Heymich and Effie come to dinner to congratulate with great yield and tell what to do next. This time Heymich came sober and tidy. He tells them that the training will start on the following morning. After dinner Pete offers Kitnis climb onto the roof of the building, as is thinking that they are being watched. They talk about going their families who were left alone, that they can not return. Pete takes a liking to Kitnis and says that she has to survive.
The next morning they come to Heymichu. He asks them about what they can do. Katniss knows how to shoot a bow and a good command of the knife, as well Pete fighting melee. Heymich says that before games will exercise where they have to show all that they can to sponsors pay attention to them. If they get more points for training is the arena where they will need the help of sponsors will be able to help them. He also tells them that they support each other in front of everybody, not to be easy prey for the other.
When they come to the training center there are the other tributes. Almost all look strong and violent. Everyone does their job, few people are fighting, someone is engaged disguise someone wielding a knife. Kitnis and Pete selected with a simple set traps. Then they diverge. kitnis when Pete finds he shows how he disguised his hand under the tree. When he helped his father in the bakery then decorate cakes.
The next day they go to throw a spear, and Kitnis notes that following her, the little girl with the district 11.
After a week of training tributes have to show what they can do. When it all comes Kitnis it into the hall where a lot of weapons. Sponsors watching her from above. She takes a bow and shoot. But from the fact that she is worried she missed. Sponsors immediately ceased to notice it and started laughing. and talk. Kitnis not want to leave with nothing and decided to prove that it sponsors the best shot. She saw the table next to the sponsors of different food, where lay roasted pig with an apple in his mouth. She pulled the bowstring and fired directly into the apple. Sponsors were shocked. and she bowed to them with a smile and left the room.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
After they had arrived in the Capitol they sent to косметологам and humid climates. This is an important part of the show. as it is shown on TV all participants must be beautiful.Also, he said to them to ensure that they support each other in the full view of all, in order not to be an easy prey for the rest.
when they come to pass the center there are the remaining трибуты.As well as the successful appearance at the opening ceremony of the games will help you to find sponsors who will be able to help in the future. The Panel finds the master stylist Китнис Цинна, it is not similar to the other people in the Capitol.It has no terrible emphasis and dumb-eye, therefore Китнисс trusts him in contrast to the other. Цинна said that will help it to become a beautiful, to attract sponsors.Each party to the ceremony should be suit epitomizes his district. Цинна Киттнисс said that they would be best costumes.
At the opening ceremony of the participants at the horsemen should drive in a circle and to welcome the president. And when Китнисс and Pete bypass passing him their costumes are beginning to sparkle by flames. It is artificial.But it had been impressed by the large audience. All watched only on them. As well they should have been to depict a smile on the face that you love sponsors.
then Киттнис and Pete are in the number,Which looks like a very expensive and rich. And Хеимич Эффи come to dinner to congratulate you on the excellent output and tell what you need to do next. In this time he Хеимич sober and clean.He said to them that training will begin on the following morning. After dinner Pete invites Китнис go up to the roof buildings, as thinks that followed. They are talking about their families who were left alone,The fact that they may not return. Pete has shown sympathy to Китнис and said that it should survive.
the following morning they come to Хеимичу. He asked them about the fact that they know how to do.Китнисс knows how archery and are well-versed in with a knife and Pete well wildcat in ruined. Хеимич said that before the Games will receive training, where they have to show all that know how,To ensure that the sponsors have drawn to their attention. If they receive the large points for training at the scene, when they will be needed assistance sponsors will be able to help them.Also, he said to them to ensure that they support each other in the full view of all, in order not to be an easy prey for the rest.
when they come to pass the center there are the remaining трибуты.Then they differ. When китнис finds Pita he shows how he замаскировал your hand under a tree. When he helped his father in the разукрашивал bakery cakes.
The next day they are constantly shoving spears,Almost all look strong and brutal. Each has its own case : a few people social strife, someone is constructs, who is almost knives. Китнис and Pete have opted for the easy, put traps.The sponsors are observing the it on top. It is onions and nest. But from the fact that she worried it was given to any one person to have all. Sponsors immediately ceased its notice and began to laugh. and talk to people.And Китнис observes that it is a little girl with also played 11.
Through a week of training трибуты must show that they are capable of. When it comes, it comes in Китнис hall where there are many types of weapons.It натянула growth stalls and time much less than directly to apple. The sponsors were afraid. And it only changed the handmaid to them and went out of the room.
Китнис does not would like to leave with the sponsors and had decided to prove that it was the best the arrows. She saw a number of co-sponsors a table with different food, where lying specialty is roasted suckling pig pig with apple in the mouth.
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