Около половины территории США занимают горные хребты, плоскогорья и пл перевод - Около половины территории США занимают горные хребты, плоскогорья и пл английский как сказать

Около половины территории США заним

Около половины территории США занимают горные хребты, плоскогорья и плато обширной системы Кордильер, протянувшейся с севера на юг по всему западу страны, от Аляски до Калифорнии и Нью-Мексико. Длина горных цепей около 1700 км при максимальной ширине до 1600 км (почти треть площади США, остальное - Аппалачи и прочие старые горы, часто выветренные до состояния высоких холмов или плато). В сложной системе хребтов и межгорных котловин Кордильер достаточно четко выделяются три пояса - восточный, или пояс Скалистых гор (горы Сакраменто, Сангре-де-Кристо, Передовой хребет, Биг-Хорн и другие, высшая точка - гора Элберт, 4399 м); западный, или Тихоокеанский пояс (Береговые хребты, Сьерра-Невада, Каскадные горы, Нижняя Калифорния и прочее, высшая точка - гора Уитни, 4418 м) и так называемый внутренний пояс, состоящий из высоких плато (Колорадо, Юта и др.) и отдельных горных массивов, разделенных глубокими котловинами ("парками") и долинами (здесь расположена самая низкая точка материка - Долина Смерти, - 85 м). По восточному обводу Скалистых гор и в южной части Береговых хребтов (разлом Сан-Андреас) наблюдается высокая сейсмическая активность, а в Каскадных горах есть действующие и спящие вулканы (Рейнир, Худ, Олимп и др.).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
About half of the territory of the United States occupied by mountain ranges, plateaus vast Cordillera system stretching from North to South across the West of the country, from Alaska to California and New Mexico. The length of the mountain ranges around 1700 km with a maximum width up to 1600 km (almost a third of the United States, the rest of Appalachia and other old mountains, often weathered to a State of high hills or plateaus). In a complex system of ridges and intermontane hollows Cordillera quite clearly distinguished three belt, or the belt of the Rockies (mountains, Sangre de Cristo, front range, Big Horn and the other, the highest point is Mount Elbert, 4399 m); West or Pacific zone (Coastal ridges of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade range, Baja California and miscellaneous, the highest point is Mount Whitney, 4418 meters) and the so-called inner belt consisting of the high plateaus (Colorado, Utah, etc.) and certain mountain ranges separated by deep valleys ("parks") and valleys (here is the lowest point of the continent-Death Valley-85 m). Consisting of the Eastern Rockies and southern Coastal ranges (San Andreas fault) seismic activity is high, and in the Cascades is active and dormant volcanoes (Mount Rainier, hood, Olympus, etc.).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
About half of US territory is occupied by mountain ranges, plains and plateaus of the Cordillera vast, stretching from north to south across the west of the country, from Alaska to California and New Mexico. The length of the mountain range of about 1,700 km with a maximum width of up to 1,600 km (nearly one-third of the United States, the rest - the Appalachian Mountains and other old, often weathered to a state of high hills or plateau). In a complex system of ridges and intermountain basins of the Cordillera quite clearly divided into three zones - Eastern, or belt of the Rocky Mountains (the mountains of Sacramento, Sangre de Cristo, Front Range, Big Horn and others, the highest point - Mount Elbert, 4399 m); Western, or Pacific belt (Coast Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Mountains, Baja California, etc., the highest point - Mount Whitney, 4418 meters) and the so-called inner belt, which consists of high plateaus (Colorado, Utah, and others.) and individual mountain ranges separated by deep basins ("Park") and valleys (where is the lowest point of the continent - Death Valley - 85 m). ET circumscription of the Rocky Mountains in the southern part of the Coast Ranges (San Andreas Fault) there is a high seismic activity, and in the Cascade Mountains have active and dormant volcanoes (Mount Rainier, Hood, Olympus and others.).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
about half of the us took the ridges, and highland plateau vast system of cordillera, extending from north to south in the west country, from alaska to california and new mexico.the length of the mountain chain of about 1700 km with a maximum width of up to 1600 km (almost a third of the area of the us, the rest of the appalachian mountains and other old mountains, often to the point of highest elevation выветренные or plateau).in the complex system of ridges and межгорных котловин cordillera is clearly distinguishes between three belt or belt east, rocky mountain (mountains of sacramento, the sangre de cristo, front range, big horn and othersthe highest point is mount elbert, 4399 m); the western or pacific belt (pacific coast ranges and sierra nevada, the cascade range, baja california. the highest point is mount whitney, four four one eight m) and the so-called internal beltconsisting of a high plateau (colorado, utah, etc.) and some mountain ranges separated by deep котловинами ("parks") and valleys (here is the lowest point of the mainland - death valley, 85 m).the eastern обводу rocky mountains and southern coastal ranges (fault san andreas), there is a high seismic activity and, in the cascade mountains are active and dormant volcanoes (mount rainier, hood, olympus etc.).
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