Каждый день, большинство людей сталкиваются с проблемами в своей жизни перевод - Каждый день, большинство людей сталкиваются с проблемами в своей жизни английский как сказать

Каждый день, большинство людей стал

Каждый день, большинство людей сталкиваются с проблемами в своей жизни. Эти проблемы могут возникать на работе, дома и даже на улице. Но не все люди могут решить эти проблемы.
Что касается меня, Я чаще сталкиваюсь с домашними проблемами, чем с другими проблемами. Дома я часто сталкиваюсь с недопониманием между мной и моей матерью. Она очень сложный человек и она всегда высказывает свою точку зрения, и поэтому мы часто ссоримся. Чтобы решить эти проблемы, я обсуждаю с ней причину конфликта и пытаюсь найти компромисс. Иногда возникают проблемы бытового уровня, например, протекает кран или не работает электричество. В таких случаях мой отец пытается починить это, но если у него не получается, то мы вызываем мастера (водопроводчика, электрика и так далее). Чтобы решить какие-нибудь проблемы, я прошу родителей дать мне какой-нибудь совет, потому что они много раз сталкивались с такими проблемами и их совет очень важен для меня.
Иногда у меня возникают конфликты с моими друзьями. Я ругаюсь или повышаю голос на друга или в крайнем случае обижаюсь на него, но потом я и мой друг пытаемся решить этот конфликт. Но мы никогда не ругаемся при людях, потому что люди сразу начинают остерегаться нас. Поэтому я пытаюсь решать спорные вопросы дома или один на один с другом.
В заключении хочу сказать, что когда мы сталкиваемся с проблемами, то мы должны сохранять спокойствие и решить их любыми способами, а не бежать от них.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Every day, most people are faced with problems in their lives. These problems can occur at work, at home and even on the street. But not all people can solve these problems.As for me, I often encounter with domestic problems than other problems. At home I often encounter misunderstanding between me and my mother. It's a very complex man and she always expresses his point of view and therefore we often argue. To solve these problems, I am discussing with her the cause of the conflict and try to find a compromise. Sometimes there are problems of domestic level, for example, leaking or not working electricity. In such cases, my father is trying to fix it, but if it doesn't work, then we call the Wizard (plumber, electrician, and so on). To resolve any problems, I ask parents to give me any advice, because they are many times confronted with such problems and their advice is very important to me.Sometimes I'm having conflicts with my friends. I swear or raise the voice on the other, or at least get angry at him, but then I and my friend are trying to resolve this conflict. But we will never swear at people, because people will start to look out for us. So I'm trying to resolve disputed issues at home or one on one with a friend.In conclusion I want to say that when we face problems, we must remain calm and resolve them by any means, and not run away from them.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Each day, the majority of people have problems in their lives. These problems can occur at work, at home or even on the street. But not all people can solve these problems.
As for me, I am often confronted with domestic problems than other problems. At home, I often encounter misunderstanding between me and my mother. She is a very complex person and she always expresses his point of view, and so we often quarrel. To solve these problems, I discuss with her ​​the cause of the conflict and trying to find a compromise. Sometimes problems domestic level, for example, flows crane or electricity works. In such cases, my father is trying to fix it, but if he can not, then we call the wizard (plumber, electrician, etc.). To solve any problems, I ask parents to give me some advice, because many times they have faced such problems and their advice is very important to me.
Sometimes I have conflicts with my friends. I swear or raise my voice on the other, or at least take offense at it, but then me and my friend are trying to solve this conflict. But we never swear in public, because people immediately begin to look out for us. So I'm trying to resolve disputes at home or one on one with the other.
In conclusion I want to say that when we face problems, we need to remain calm and solve them by any means, and not run away from them.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Every day, the majority of the people are faced with problems in their lives. These problems may arise at work, at home, and even on the street. But not all people can solve these problems.
as far as I'm concerned,I have increasingly overloaded with pet problems, than with other problems. At home, I often overloaded with misunderstanding between me and my mother. She is a very complex person and she has always expressed its point of view,And, therefore, we're bickering often. To solve these problems, I discuss with it the cause of the conflict and try to find a compromise. Sometimes there are issues of domestic level, for example, leaking cock or not working electricity.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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