Я заказала детскую обувь размер 31. Продавец указал размер стельки 18,6 см. Заказ я получила, размер 31 правильный. НО!!! Размер стельки 16,4 см. Это на 2,2 см меньше! Обувь очень мала для моей дочери.
I ordered a baby shoes size 31. The seller stated size 18.6 cm insole. Order I got 31 correct size. BUT! The insole size 16.4 cm. This is the 2.2 cm less! Footwear is very small for my daughter.
I ordered the children's shoes size 31. Sold have the size insoles 18.6 cm. The order I received a size 31 regular. BUT !!! The size of the insole 16.4 cm. This is less than 2.2 cm! Shoes is very small for my daughter.
I ordered baby shoes size 31. The seller pointed out insoles size 18.6 cm. The Order i received, the size 31 is correct. But!!! Insoles size 16.4 cm. This is the 2.2 cm less! Shoes are very small for my daughter.