Формула рентабельности реализуемой продукции Рентабельность – относите перевод - Формула рентабельности реализуемой продукции Рентабельность – относите английский как сказать

Формула рентабельности реализуемой

Формула рентабельности реализуемой продукции Рентабельность – относительный показатель, характеризующий эффективность экономической деятельности предприятия. В отличие от абсолютных показателей (выручка, прибыли и т.д.) рентабельность позволяет сравнивать результативность деятельности нескольких предприятий. Сравнение можно производить только по относительным показателям, сравнение абсолютных показателей некорректно и не даст правильных результатов для дальнейшего планирования деятельности. В общем виде показатель рентабельности отражает сколько копеек/рублей прибыли принесет один рубль, вложенный в деятельность (в себестоимость, основной или оборотный капитал и т.д.). Что такое рентабельность реализуемой продукции Рентабельность реализуемой продукции (ROM– ReturnonMargin) – показатель, отражающий эффективность реализации продукции. Численное выражение рентабельности реализуемой продукции показывает соотношение между доходами от реализации продукции и затратами на производство и продажу продукции. Иначе говоря, рентабельность реализуемой продукции отражает сколько копеек/рублей прибыли принесет один рубль, потраченный на производство и продажу продукции. Формула рентабельности продукции Для расчета рентабельности реализуемой продукции используется либо прибыль от продаж, либо чистая прибыль. Также используются два вида себестоимости – полная или производственная (технологическая). Рентабельность реализуемой продукции рассчитывается по следующим формулам: Рентабельность продукции по прибыли от продаж и полной себестоимости: ROM=ПР/TC Рентабельность продукции по прибыли от продаж и производственной себестоимости: ROM=ПР/TCтехн Рентабельность продукции по чистой прибыли и полной себестоимости: ROM=ЧП/TC Рентабельность продукции по чистой прибыли и производственной себестоимости: ROM=ЧП/TCтехн, где ROM– рентабельность реализуемой продукции, ПР – прибыль от продаж, ЧП – чистая прибыль, TC– полная себестоимость реализуемой продукции, TCтехн – производственная себестоимость. Прибыль от продаж можно найти в отчете о финансовых результатах (строка 050) или рассчитать по формуле: ПР=TR-TC, где TR– выручка от реализованной продукции, TC– полная себестоимость реализованной продукции. Выручка отражается в отчете о финансовых результатах. Строка 010 отчета – «Выручка (нетто) от продажи товаров, продукции, работ, услуг», Полную себестоимость рассчитывают по следующей формуле, основанной на данных отчета о финансовых результатах: TC=строка 020+строка 030+строка 040, где строка 020 – «Себестоимость проданных товаров, продукции, работ, услуг» – это производственная себестоимость (TCтехн), строка 030 – «Коммерческие расходы», строка 040 – «Управленческие расходы». Чистую прибыль можно найти в отчете о финансовых результатах (строка 190) или рассчитать по формуле: ЧП=ПР-ПрР+ПрД-Н, где ПР – прибыль от продаж, ПрР – прочие расходы, ПРД – прочие доходы, Н – сумма налогового бремени. Прочие доходы и расходы – это затраты, напрямую не связанные с процессом производства и реализации продукции. Рентабельность реализуемой продукции может рассчитываться как по всей произведенной продукции, так и по каждому отдельному виду реализуемой продукции. Анализ рентабельности продукции Анализ рентабельности реализуемой продукции необходим для правильной оценки эффективности текущей деятельности. Он позволяет понять, сколько копеек прибыли принесет один рубль, вложенный в производство и реализацию продукции. Рентабельность, рассчитанная по технологической себестоимости, позволяет оценить эффективность затрат на производство продукции. Этот показатель будет выше, чем рентабельность, рассчитанная по полной себестоимости. Целесообразно рассчитывать оба этих показателя для того, чтобы дать более полную оценку как производства, так и реализации продукции. Чем выше показатель рентабельности, тем более эффективно производство и реализация продукции. Высокие численные показатели рентабельности реализуемой продукции отражают конкурентоспобность продукции. Раньше была рассмотрена формула рентабельности продаж по балансу. А в этой статье приведена формула расчета рентабельности активов. Что такое аутстаффинг персонала — Для повышения рентабельности реализуемой продукции возможно снижать себестоимость продукции и повышать объемы продаж. Оба пути связаны с появлением дополнительных затрат, которые впоследствии повлияют на величину рентабельности.
Источник: русский
Цель: английский
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Formula ROI Profitability of sold products is a relative measure, which characterizes the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise. Unlike absolute indicators (sales, profits, etc.) the profitability allows you to compare performance of several enterprises. A comparison can only be made by relative indicators comparing absolute figures incorrectly and does not give correct results for further planning. Generally profitability index reflects how many pennies/rubles of profit will bring one ruble invested in activities (cost, primary or working capital, etc.). What is the ROI of sales Profitability of sold products (ROM-ReturnonMargin) is an indicator reflecting the effectiveness of product sales. A numerical expression of the profitability of sold products shows the ratio between the revenue from product sales and cost of production and sale of products. In other words, the profitability of the sold products reflects how many pennies/rubles of profit will bring one ruble spent for the production and sale of products. The formula for the calculation of profitability of production profitability of sold products is either profit from sales or net profit. Also used two types of cost-full or industrial (technological). Profitability of sold products shall be calculated by the following formulae: profitability of production, by profits from sales and total cost: ROM = OL/TC profitability on profit from sales and production cost: ROM = PR/TCtehn the profitability on net profit and total cost: ROM = pp/TC profitability on net profits and productioncost new: ROM = pp/TCtehn, where ROM-profitability of sold products, ETC-sales profits, CHP-net profit, TC-total cost of products sold, TCtehn-production cost. Profit from sales can be found in the report on financial results (line 050) or calculated according to the formula: = TR-TC, where TR is the proceeds of sold products, TC-total cost of goods sold. Revenue is recognised in the statement of financial performance. 010 string report-net revenue from sales of goods, products, works, services, the full cost is calculated using the following formula, based on the data in the report on financial results: TC = line 020 030 + line + line 040 020, where string is the "cost of goods sold, products, works and services" is the production cost (TCtehn), line 030-commercial expenses, line 040-"management costs". Net income can be found in the report on financial results (line 190) or calculated according to the formula: CHP = PR-Pi + Ftes, where PR-sales profits, Pi-other costs, DWP-other income, n is the sum of the tax burden. Other income and expense is a cost not directly relating to the process of production and sales. Profitability of sold products may be calculated as throughout production, and each individual mind of sold products. Product profitability analysis analysis of the profitability of sold products is required for proper assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing activities. It allows you to understand how many pennies of profit will bring one ruble invested in producing and selling products. Profitability calculated by technological cost, allows to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of production. This figure will be higher than the ROI calculated on the total cost. It is advisable to expect both figures to give a more complete assessment of both production and sales. The higher the profitability index, the more effectively the production and sale of products. High numerical indicators of profitability of sold products reflect the advantage products. Before formula was considered profitability of sales on balance. And provides a formula for the calculation of the return on assets. What is outstaffing of personnel — to improve profitability of sold products may reduce production costs and raise sales volumes. Both paths are connected with the introduction of the additional cost, which subsequently affect the amount of profitability.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Formula Return on profitability of products sold - a relative measure of the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise. In contrast to the absolute indicators (revenue, profits, etc.) allows you to compare the profitability impact of the activities of several companies. A comparison can be made only relative terms, comparing absolute indicators incorrect and will not give correct results for further planning. In general, the profitability index reflects how many cents / rubles of profit will bring one ruble invested in the activities (in the cost, fixed or working capital, etc.). What is the profitability of products sold Profitability of sold products (ROM- ReturnonMargin) - an indicator of the efficiency of sales. The numerical expression of the profitability of products sold shows the ratio between revenue from sales and cost of production and sale of products. In other words, the profitability of products sold reflects how many cents / rubles of profit will bring one ruble spent on the production and sale of products. The formula for calculating the profitability of production profitability of products sold or used profits from sales or net profit. Also, there are two kinds of cost - full or manufacturing (process). Profitability of products sold is calculated by the following formulas: Return on production of profit on sales and total cost: ROM = PR / TC Product profitability profit from sales and cost of production: ROM = OL / TCtehn Product profitability on net profit and total cost: ROM = PE / TC Product profitability, net profit margin and production cost: ROM = PE / TCtehn where ROM- profitability of sold products, PR - sales profit, PE - net income, TC- total cost of products sold, TCtehn - production cost. Profit from sales can be found in the statement of income (line 050) or calculated by the formula: PR = TR-TC, where TR- revenue from sales, TC- full cost of goods sold. Revenue is recognized in the income statement. Line 010 of the report - "Proceeds (net) from sales of goods, works and services", the full cost is calculated by the following formula, based on the data of the report on financial results: TC = line 020 + line 030 + line 040 where line 020 - "Cost of goods, products, works and services" - a production cost (TCtehn), line 030 - "Selling expenses", line 040 - "Administrative expenses". Net income can be found in the statement of income (line 190) or calculated by the formula: PE = PR-ALP + Tx-H, where PR - profits from sales, PRR - other expenses, Tx - other income, N - the amount of the tax burden . Other income and expenses - are expenses that are not directly related to the process of production and sales. Profitability of sold products can be calculated as of the total output, and for each individual type of products sold. Analysis of product profitability analysis of the profitability of products sold is required to properly assess the effectiveness of current activities. It allows you to understand how many cents of profit will bring one ruble invested in production and sales. The profitability calculated for the cost of the process, allows us to estimate the cost effectiveness of production. This figure is higher than the margin calculated on the total cost. It is advisable to expect both indicators to give a more complete evaluation of both production and sales. The higher profitability, the more efficient production and sale of products. The high number of profitability of products sold reflects the competitiveness of products. Previously, the formula was considered the profitability of sales on the balance sheet. And in this article, is the formula for calculating the return on assets. What Outstaffing - To improve the profitability of products sold may reduce production costs and increase sales. Both paths are associated with the introduction of additional costs, which subsequently influence the magnitude of profitability.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The formula return on sales return on investment - the relative rate, which reflects the economic activities of the enterprise. In contrast to the absolute indicators (revenue,Profits, etc. ) profitability allows you to compare the impact of several enterprises. A comparison can be made only on a relative indicators,Compare absolute indicators correctly and will not give an accurate results for further planning activities.In the general form of a cost-effectiveness ratio reflects how many kopecks/roubles profit will bring one rouble, nested in activities (in cost, the main or revolving capital, etc. ).What is the return on sales return on sales (ROM- ReturnоnMаrgin) - a figure that represents the efficiency of the product.A numeric expression profitability products shows the ratio between the income of the realization of the product and the cost on the production and sale products. In other words,Return on sales reflects how many kopecks/roubles profit will bring one rouble, spent on the production and sale products.The formula for calculating the cost-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness products used any profits from sales, or net profit.Also used two types of cost - full or production (technology). Return on sales is calculated on the basis of the following formulae:Profitability for the profit from sales and full cost: ROM=OL/TC profitability for the profit from sales and production:ROM=OL/TCтехн profitability on net revenue and full-cost: ROM=HR/TC profitability on net profit and production: ROM=HR/TCтехн,Where ROM- return on sales, etc. - profit from sales, HR is net profit, TC- full cost products, TCтехн - production cost.Profits from sales can be found in the report on the financial results (line 050) or can be calculated by the formula: A=TR-TC, where the TR- proceeds from sales, TC- full cost and the cost of sales.Revenue is reflected in the report on the financial results. Line 010 report - "proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services", full cost expect in the following formula,Based on the data on the report on the financial results: TC=line 020 line 030 line 040, where line 020 - "Cost goods sold, goods, works, services" is a production cost (TCтехн),Line 030 - "business expenses", line 040 - "the costs of Management". Net profit can be found in the report on the financial results (line 190) or can be calculated by the formula: HR=OL-MDP DWP-n, where a is the profit from sales,Ads - other costs, the DWP - other income, H - the amount tax burden. Other income and expenses - the costs that are not directly related to the production process and the realization of the product.Return on sales can be calculated for the entire production, and for each of the individual mind products.Cost-benefit analysis cost-benefit analysis product sales is required for the proper assessment of the effectiveness of current. It allows you to understand how much kopecks profits will bring one rouble,Nested in the production and marketing. Cost-effectiveness, calculated on technology cost, allows you to evaluate the cost-effectiveness to the manufacture of products. This figure will be higher,Than profitability, calculated on the full cost. It would be appropriate to expect both of these indicators, to provide a more complete assessment both the production and the implementation of the product.The higher the value, the more effectively the production and products. The high numerical indicators profitability products reflect the supporting products.Was previously reviewed by the formula return on sales on balance. And in this article provides the formula used to calculate return on assets.What is the testing personnel - to improve the return on sales may reduce production and increase your sales. The two ways to relate to the additional costs,Which subsequently affect the value profitability.
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