Покупая фрукты, можно обойтись одним полиэтиленовым пакетом, потому что на один пакет можно наклеить и несколько наклеек. Иногда он и вовсе не нужен, напр., наклейку с ценой можно наклеить на гроздь бананов.
When buying fruit, you can get a plastic bag, because in one package you can paste and some stickers. Sometimes he doesn't need, e.g., sticker price can be removed and placed on a bunch of bananas.
Buying fruits, you can get a plastic bag, because in a single package can be pasted and a few stickers. Sometimes he does not need, eg., A label with the price can be pasted on a bunch of bananas.
buying fruits, can be a polyethylene bag, because one can do, and some stickers. sometimes he didn't need to, e.g., a price can be put on a bunch of bananas.