Иногда хочется вернуться в прошлое, хотя бы на пять минуточек, но это невозможно. Порой мы совершаем глупые ошибки, которые могли бы и не совершать. Мы ссоримся с теми, кто нам очень дорог, но мы не понимаем, что этого человека в любой момент может не стать. Мы боимся попросить прощения, думая,что этому человеку не до нас, иногда мы бываем гордыми, но ведь гордость ни к чему хорошему нас не приведет. Самые близкие превращаются в знакомых. Но ты ничего не сможешь с этим поделать. Это жизнь.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Sometimes you want to go back in time, at least five more minutes, but it is impossible. Sometimes we make stupid mistakes that could and did not commit. We quarrel with those who we are, but we don't understand what this man at any time may not be. We are afraid to ask for forgiveness, thinking that this man is not up to us, sometimes we are proud, but the pride of any good we would not. The closest turn into friends. But nothing you can do about it. This is the life.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Sometimes you want to go back in time, at least five minutochek, but it's impossible. Sometimes we make stupid mistakes that could not perform. We quarrel with those who are very dear to us, but we do not understand that this person at any time can become. We are afraid to ask for forgiveness, thinking that this person is not up to us, sometimes we go proud, but that pride to nothing lead us well. Closest turn into friends. But nothing you can do about it. That's life.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
sometimes i want to go back to the past, just for five minutes, but it's impossible. we sometimes make stupid mistakes which could not commit. we fight with those who we care about very much, but we don't understand what this man at any time can not be. we're afraid to ask forgiveness, thinking that this man is not before us, sometimes we're proud, but proud to good us nowhere. most people are familiar. but there's nothing you can do about it. that's life.
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