Я так рада, что вы ответили мне. Я так люблю, когда вы говорите мне. Вы так хорошо делаете это. Вы как глоток свежего воздуха. Пожалуйста пишите мне все что хотите. Просто пишите.
I'm so glad you responded to me. I love when you tell me. You are so good at doing it. You are like a breath of fresh air. Please write me all that you want. Just write.
I'm so glad that you have answered me. I love when you tell me. You do it so well. You are like a breath of fresh air. Please write to me all you want. Just write.
i'm so glad that you replied me. i love it when you talk to me. you're so good at doing it. you're like a breath of fresh air. please write me all you want. just write.