Haldane’s rule is likely to reflect several underlying causes, includin перевод - Haldane’s rule is likely to reflect several underlying causes, includin английский как сказать

Haldane’s rule is likely to reflect

Haldane’s rule is likely to reflect several underlying causes, including the recessivity of hybrid incompatibility genes, the higher accumulation of such genes on the X chromosome, and the higher rate of evolution of male versus female hybrid sterility genes
Well done
I'm not rich
я не дома
Мы не на работе
ты не мой друг
наемный рабочий
суп был не вкусный
эта вещь не дорогая
этот человек не злой
Это не моя карта
это не оливье
Она на работе?
где он
это ее дом
мы были студентами
oн будет богатым бизнесменом

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Haldane's rule is likely to reflect several underlying causes, including the recessivity of hybrid incompatibility genes, the higher accumulation of such genes on the X chromosome, and the higher rate of evolution of male versus female hybrid sterility genesWell doneI'm not richI'm not homeWe are not at workyou're not my friendthe hired workerthe soup was delicious, notThis thing is not expensiveThis man is not evilThis is not my cardThis isn't OlivierShe at work?where heThis is her houseWe were studentsIt will be a rich businessman
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Haldane's Rule is likely to Re FL ect Several Underlying Causes, Including the recessivity of hybrid incompatibility Genes, the Higher accumulation of such Genes on the X chromosome, and the Higher rate of evolution of male Versus female hybrid Sterility Genes
Well done
I'm not rich
, I not at home
we are not at work
you're no friend of mine
hired worker
soup was not tasty
, this thing is not expensive
, this is not an evil person
is not my card
is not Olivier
she at work?
where it
is her house
we were students
OH is a wealthy businessman

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hаldаne's rule is likely to refleсt responsabilidad solidaria underlying саuses, including the reсessivity inсоmpаtibility of hybrid genes, the higher operative paragraph of genes on the X сhrоmоsоme, and the higher rate of evolution of back expert see hybrid sterility genes
Well done
i'm not rich
i'm not at home
we do not at the
you are not my friend
annuities business
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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