я просто не хочу, чтобы ты разочаровался во мне. я уже говорила тебе об этом. мне уже приходилось слышать, что я оказалась не такой замечательной, какой я казалась при общении в сети
I just don't want you to be disappointed in me. I've already told you about this. I've had to hear that I was not such a wonderful, what I looked like when communicating online
I just do not want you to be disappointed in me. I already told you about it. I have heard that I was not so great, what I seemed when communicating on the network
I simply do not want you to be disappointed in me. I already said tell you about it. I've been there to hear that I was not such a remarkable, what I had seemed when communicating on the network