Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental  перевод - Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental  английский как сказать

Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique

Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental education centre where visitors can listen to the cry of a red-tailed hawk, go eye-to-eye with a grey fox and watch a bald eagle eat lunch. More than fifty species of native California animals are on exhibit here.

Thousands of school children learn about the natural environment in their classrooms A __________ of the museum. Nature- and science-oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. More than 600 volunteers help to feed and care for wild animals, B __________. Volunteers are active in the museum's work, contributing C __________.
The museum was founded by a local businessman, Alexander Lindsay. Sandy, as friends knew him, started teaching neighborhood children about nature in the early 1950s. Initially housed in an elementary school, the museum began offering school-aged children summer classes, D__________.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Lindsay Wildlife Museum is a unique natural history and environmental education centre where visitors can listen to the cry of a red-tailed hawk, go eye-to-eye with a grey fox and watch a bald eagle eat lunch. More than fifty species of native California animals are on exhibit here.We of school children learn about the natural environment in their classrooms A _ of the museum. Nature-and science-oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. More than 600 volunteers help to feed and care for wild animals, B _. Volunteers are active in the museum's work, contributing C _.The museum was founded by a local businessman, Alexander Lindsay. Sandy, as friends knew him, started teaching neighborhood children about nature in the early 1950s. Initially housed in an elementary school, the museum began offering school-aged children summer classes, D__________.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
lindsay wildlife museum is a unique natural history and environmental education centre where visitors can listen to the cry of a red - tailed which file i need, go eye - to - eye with a grey fox and watch a day eagle eat lunch. more than fifty species of native california animals are on exhibit here.

soft school children learn about the natural environment in their classrooms a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the museum.nature and science - oriented classes and trips are offered for adults and children. more than 600 volunteers help to feed and care for wild animals, b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. volunteers are active in the museum 's work, contributing c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
museum was one by a local businessman, alexander lindsay. sandy, as you knew him.(2) all about nature in the early 1950s. but set in an elementary school, the museum began offering school - aged children summer classes, d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
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