Главный персонаж этого мультика Гамбол - юный, гиперактивный и весёлый котёнок, который постоянно попадает в разного рода переделки. Обычно он выпутываются из сложившихся трудных ситуаций, но самое поразительное это то, что он практически не перенимает опыт допущенных ошибок и вновь, раз за разом, вляпывается в одни и те же истории.Список героев сериалаУоттерсоныУоттерссоны — сумасшедшая семья, живет в вымышленном городе Элмор. Гамбол Уоттерсон (Гамбол Триштофер Уоттерсон) — 12-летний синий котёнок, глупый, неисправимый оптимист, экстремал и большой нарушитель спокойствия. Несмотря на свой буйный характер, он верный и добрый. В серии «Свидание» выяснилось, что у Гамбола арахнофобия. Влюблён в Пенни. Дарвин Уоттерсон (Дарвин Раглан Каспиан Ахаб Посейдон Никодемиус Уоттерсон 3-й) — пескарь с ногами, усыновленный семьей Уоттерсонов. Лучший и преданный друг Гамбола. На удивление наивный и невинный. Состоит в клубе синхронного плавания. Анаис Уоттерсон — 4-летняя младшая сестренка Гамбола, розовый крольчонок. Обладает феноменальным интеллектом. Милая, но при этом дерзкая и саркастичная. Состоит в клубе физики. Несмотря на её интеллект, она ведёт себя как обычный ребёнок. Николь Уоттерсон — глава семьи, жена Ричарда, мама Гамбола и Анаис, синяя кошка. Единственный ответственный член семьи. В ней гармонично сочетаются веселье и строгость. Обожает своих детей, часто действует как руководство Гамболу и Дарвину, когда они попадают в затруднительное положение (но в серии «Звезды» и была главной проблемой). Обладает сильной неприязнью к мисс Симиан, так как всю жизнь Симиан смеялась над ней и называла «растяпа». Если её разгневать, то она станет неуравновешенной и разрушительной. Состоит в «Клубе Управления Гневом». Трудоголик, работает на фабрике, производящей радугу[источник не указан 41 день]. В серии «Работа» выяснилось, что она не может перенести трудовой занятости своего мужа. Николь является мастером боевых искусств. Ричард Уоттерсон — розовый кролик. Далеко не интеллектуален, трудолюбив или ответственен. Категорически не подготовлен к жизни, обожает компьютерные игры. Уклоняется от любой ответственности, в том числе от работы, самый ленивый человек в Элморе (предшественник - продавец Ларри). Категорически не способен воспринимать мир со стороны. Он хранил семейную реликвию, переданную ему от отца — компасообразные часы, которые, как оказалось, ни ему, ни его отцу совсем не были нужны, но стоят 700$. Устроившись на работу, может устроить конец света (серия «Работа»). Состоит в клубе фэнтези (проговорился при семье, что участники клуба - "люди, которые ему действительно нравятся"). Джо-Джо Уоттерсон — бабушка Гамбола, Дарвина и Анаис, мать Ричарда. Живёт отдельно от семьи. Не уважает своих внуков. У неё был конфликт с Николь, но он разрешился в одной из серий, где Джо-Джо рассматривала Николь как «плохую мать».
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The main character of this cartoon Gambolò - young, hyperactive and funny kitten who always gets into all sorts of trouble. Usually he get out of the difficult situation, but the most striking thing is that it practically does not take over the experience of mistakes and again, over and over again, vlyapyvaetsya in the same story. <br>List of characters of the series <br>Watterson <br><br>Uotterssony - crazy family lives in the fictional town of Elmore. <br><br>Gambolò Watterson (Trishtofer Gambolò Watterson) - 12-year-old blue kitten, silly, incorrigible optimist, Extreme and big troublemaker. Despite his violent character, he is a loyal and kind. In a series of "Rendezvous" revealed that Gambolò arachnophobia. In love with Penny.<br>Watterson Darwin (Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nikodemius Watterson 3rd) - minnow with their feet, an adopted family Watterson. The best and loyal friend Gambolò. Surprisingly naive and innocent. Is synchronized swimming club. <br>Anais Watterson - 4-year-old younger sister Gambolò, pink bunny. It has a phenomenal intellect. Sweet, but sassy and sarcastic. It is a club of physics. Despite her intelligence, she behaves like a normal child.<br>Nicole Watterson - head of the family, Richard's wife, mother and Anais Gambolò, blue cat. The only member of the family responsible. It harmoniously combines the fun and rigor. Loves their children, often acts as a guide Gambolò and Darwin, when they get into difficulties (but in a series of "Stars" and has been a major problem). It has a strong dislike for Miss Simian, as all life Simian laughed at her and called "bungler". If it is anger, it will become unbalanced and destructive. Is the "Club of anger management." A workaholic who works in a factory that produces a rainbow [source not specified 41 days]. In a series of "work" it became clear that she could not bear her husband's employment. Nicole is a master of martial arts.<br>Richard Watterson - pink bunny. Far from being intelligent, hardworking and responsible. Strongly not prepared for life, he loves computer games. Shies away from any and all liability, including the operation, the laziest man in Elmore (predecessor - the seller Larry). Strongly able to perceive the world from the outside. He kept the heirloom, given to him by his father - kompasoobraznye clock, which as it turned out, neither he nor his father was not needed, but cost $ 700. Get a job, can make a doomsday series ( "Work"). Is fantasy club (let slip when the family, that members of the club - "people who really like it").<br>Joe-Joe Watterson - grandmother Gambolò, Darwin and Anais, Richard's mother. He lives apart from the family. No respect for their grandchildren. She had a conflict with Nicole, but it was resolved in one of the series, where Jo-Jo Nicole regarded as a "bad mother."
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The main character of this cartoon Gamball - a young, hyperactive and cheerful kitten, which constantly gets into all sorts of alterations. Usually he gets out of the current difficult situations, but the most striking thing is that he practically does not take the experience of mistakes and again, time after time, gets into the same stories.<br>List of the show's heroes<br>Watterson<br><br>The Watersons - a crazy family, lives in the fictional city of Elmore.<br><br>Gamball Watterson (Gamball Trishtofer Watterson) - 12-year-old blue kitten, stupid, incorrigible optimist, extreme and a great troublemaker. Despite his exuberant nature, he is faithful and kind. In the series "Date" it turned out that Gambol arachnophobia. I'm in love with Penny.<br> Darwin Watterson (Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemius Watterson 3) is a foot-walking sander adopted by the Watterson family. Gambol's best and most devoted friend. Surprisingly naive and innocent. He is a member of the synchronized swimming club.<br> Anais Watterson is Gambola's 4-year-old little sister, a pink rabbit. He has a phenomenal intellect. Sweet, but at the same time cheeky and sarcastic. He is a member of the Physics Club. Despite her intellect, she behaves like a normal child.<br> Nicole Watterson is the head of the family, Richard's wife, Gambol's mother and Anais, the blue cat. The only responsible member of the family. It harmoniously combines fun and rigor. He adores his children, often acts as a guide to Gambol and Darwin when they find themselves in a predicament (but in the Stars series and was the main problem). He has a strong dislike for Miss Simian, as all her life Simian laughed at her and called her a "slob". If you anger her, she will become unbalanced and destructive. He is a member of the Anger Management Club. A workaholist who works in a rainbow-producing factory. In the series "Work" it turned out that she can not transfer the employment of her husband. Nicole is a martial artist.<br> Richard Watterson - pink rabbit. Far from being intellectual, hardworking or responsible. Categorically unprepared for life, loves computer games. He evades any responsibility, including work, the laziest person in Elmore (the predecessor is Larry's salesman). He is categorically incapable of perceiving the world from the outside. He kept a family heirloom given to him from his father - a compass-like watch, which, as it turned out, neither he nor his father needed, but cost $700. If you get a job, you can make the end of the world (the series "Work"). He is a member of a fantasy club (he said in the family that the members of the club are "people who he really likes").<br> Joe-Jo Watterson is Gambol's grandmother, Darwin, and Anais, Richard's mother. He lives separately from his family. He doesn't respect his grandchildren. She had a conflict with Nicole, but it was resolved in one of the series where Jo-Jo regarded Nicole as a "bad mother".
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The main characters of this cartoon are young, active and interesting kittens, who are always in all kinds of troubles. He usually comes out of the current difficult situation, but the most surprising thing is that he has hardly learned the wrong experience, again and again, again and again, This is the same story.<br>List of leading characters in TV series<br>Watson<br>Watson is a crazy family living in the fictional city of Elmore.<br>Hambal tristopher Watson -- 12-year-old blue kitten, a stupid, irreparable optimist, an extreme and a troublemaker. Although he is grumpy, he is loyal and kind. In the dating series, it was revealed that hamburgers are technophobia. Love a cent.<br>Darwin Watterson (Darwin rawlan Kaspian Ahab poseydon nikdemius Watson 3-y) - a Sandman on the leg adopted by the Watson family. Best and faithful friends. It's amazing how naive and innocent. By the simultaneous swimming club.<br>Anais watterson-4-year-old sister hambola, pink bunny. With extraordinary intelligence. Honey, but it's bold and ironic. He is a physics club. In spite of her wisdom, she is like an ordinary child.<br>Nicole Watson is the head of the family, Richard's wife, garmbola's mother and Anna, blue cat. The only responsible family member. It harmoniously combines joy and rigour. He loves his children and often plays the leading role of hamburger and Darwin when they are in trouble, but he is the main problem in the star series. There was a strong animosity towards Miss Simian, who had laughed at her all her life and called her "stupid.". If she is angry, she will become unstable and destructive. This is anger management club. [41] workaholic works in the factory of rainbow production, without indicating the source within 41 days. The work series shows that she can't transfer her husband's work. Nicole is a martial arts master.<br>Richard Watson is a pink rabbit. Far from being an intellectual, hardworking or responsible. Absolutely not ready for life, like computer games. Avoid any responsibilities, including work, the laziest person in Elmore)( Emotional attachment is the cause of distress. You can be free only when you let go of emotional attachment. He took the compass watch, a family souvenir he got from his father. It turned out that neither he nor his father needed it, but it was worth 700 dollars. Once you have a job, you can run a "work" series. At home, he said, the members of the club are the people he really likes<br>Grandma Joe Watson Gumble, Darwin and Anna, Richard's mother. He was separated from his family. Disrespect oneself<br>
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