Когда-нибудь ты поймешь, что бывают люди, которые никогда не предают, но для этого придется пройти через очень много предательств. Когда-нибудь ты поймешь, что внешний блеск – ничто по сравнению с внутренней красотой. Потому что все, что снаружи – это до первого дождя. То, что внутри – горит всегда. Пусть даже оно угасло до еле-видных угольков. Но, достаточно сложить губы трубочкой и ласково подуть – огонь постепенно разгорится и согреет тебя. Когда-нибудь ты поймешь, что многие формулы и афоризмы, которых ты нахватался в окружающем мире – пустые, пусть и красивые, наборы слов – не более того. Важны лишь те истины, до которых ты сам дошел. Когда-нибудь ты поймешь, что доброта, нежность, ласка и забота – это проявление внутренней силы, а не слабость души.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Someday you will understand that there are people who will never betray, but this will have to go through a lot of betrayals. Someday you will understand that the gloss is nothing compared to inner beauty. Because everything outside is before the first rain. What's inside is always lit. Even if it was extinguished before barely eminent ugolki. But enough to fold the lips pout and affectionately to breathe fire flares up gradually and will warm you up. Someday you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms, whom thou nahvatalsâ in the world is empty, albeit beautiful sets of words-no more. Important only the truths to which you came. Someday you will understand, that kindness, tenderness, caress and care is a manifestation of inner strength, not a weakness of soul.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Someday you'll understand that there are people who will never betray, but you have to go through so many betrayals. Someday you'll understand that the gloss - nothing compared with the inner beauty. Because all of that from the outside - it's up to the first rain. What the inside - is always on. Even if it faded to a barely-eminent embers. But enough to lay down his lips and gently blow - Fire breaks out gradually and keep you warm. Someday you'll understand that many formula and aphorisms, which you picked up in the outside world - an empty, albeit interesting, sets of words - no more than that. It is only important truths to which you yourself reached. Someday you'll understand that kindness, gentleness, kindness and concern - it is a manifestation of inner strength, not a weakness of the soul.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
someday you will understand that there are people who will never betray, but you'll have to go through a lot of betrayal. someday, you'll understand that external light is nothing compared to the inner beauty.because everything that there is to the first rain. something inside is burning forever. even it out before too prominent угольков. but,enough to put the mouth tube and gently blow, the fire gradually rises and will warm you up. someday you will understand that many formulas and quotes that you picked up some in the world is emptylet the beautiful, sets of words is no more. it's just the truth, which you did. someday you will understand, kindness, tenderness, gentle and caring is the manifestation of internal force, not a soul.
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