1. Эти органические соединения уже изучены. 2. Это химическое вещество перевод - 1. Эти органические соединения уже изучены. 2. Это химическое вещество английский как сказать

1. Эти органические соединения уже

1. Эти органические соединения уже изучены. 2. Это химическое вещество только что получено. Следовательно, вы можете начинать опыт. 3. Это вещество было получено уже в XV веке. 4. С этой целью строение этих соединений может быть представлено различными формулами. 5. Состав этого вещества сейчас исследуют. 6. В тот момент, когда растворяли это вещество, вода стала белой. 7. Всегда, когда растворяют это вещество, вода становится мутной. 8. Об этих опытах будут много говорить, а имя этого ученого будут связывать с этими опытами. 9. Производные этого углеродного соединения изучаются в этой лаборатории. 10. Результатам этого опыта было уделено много внимания еще до того, как была написана эта работа. 11. Эти соединения назвали производными метана. 12. Определению этого вещества было уделено много внимания.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. These organic compounds have been studied. 2. This chemical has just received. Therefore, you can start experience. 3. This material was obtained already xv century. 4.For this purpose, the structure of these compounds may be represented by different formulas. 5. The composition of this substance is now investigating. 6. At that moment, when the substance is dissolved, the water was white. 7. Always,when it is dissolved substance, the water becomes turbid. 8. Of these experiments will be much to say, and the name of the scientist will be associated with these experiments. 9.Derivatives of carbon compounds studied in this laboratory. 10. The results of this experience has been paid much attention before, as this paper was written. 11. These compounds are called methane derivatives.12. Definition of the substance has been given a lot of attention.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. these organic compounds are studied. 2. the chemical is just received. Therefore, you can start to experience. 3. the substance was received already in the 15th century. 4. To this end, the structure of these compounds can be represented by various formulas. 5. the composition of the substance is now investigating. 6. at the time when this substance is dissolved, the water was white. 7. always, When the substance is dissolved, the water becomes cloudy. 8. these experiences will be a lot of talk, and the name of this scientist would associate with these experiences. 9. Derivatives of this carbon compounds are studied in the laboratory. 10. the results of this experience has been given a lot of attention even before it was written this work. 11. these compounds called derivatives of methane. 12. the definition of the substance has been given a lot of attention.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. These organic compounds have already been explored. 2. This chemical substance only that you have received. Therefore, you can begin to experience. 3. This substance has been received already in the XV century. 4.To this end a building these connections can be represented by different formulas. 5. The composition of this material is now investigating. 6. At the moment, when растворяли this substance, water has become white. 7. Always,When purposes this substance, water becomes murky waters. 8. The prophecy will be much to say, and the name of this scientist will be able to associate with these experiments. 9.Derivative Works the carbon connections are being studied in this laboratory. 10. The results of this experience, it was given much attention even before, as was written this work. 11. These connections called methane derivatives.12. Definition of this substance has received much attention.
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