Представленный миссис Стрикленд, я минут десять беседовал с нею с глаз перевод - Представленный миссис Стрикленд, я минут десять беседовал с нею с глаз английский как сказать

Представленный миссис Стрикленд, я

Представленный миссис Стрикленд, я минут десять беседовал с нею с глазу на глаз. Я не заметил в ней ничего примечательного, разве что приятный голос. Она жила в Вестминстере, и окна ее квартиры выходили на недостроенную церковь; я жил в тех же краях, и это обстоятельство заставило нас почувствовать взаимное расположение. Универсальный магазин Армии и Флота служит связующим звеном для всех, кто живет между Темзой и Сент-Джеймсским парком. Миссис Стрикленд спросила мой адрес, и несколькими днями позднее я получил приглашение к завтраку.

Я редко получал приглашения и потому принял его с удовольствием. Когда я пришел с небольшим опозданием, так как из страха явиться слишком рано три раза обошел кругом церкви, общество было уже в полном сборе: мисс Уотерфорд, миссис Джей, Ричард Туайнинг и Джордж Род. Словом, одни писатели. Стоял погожий весенний день, и настроение у собравшихся было отличное. Разговоры шли обо всем на свете. На мисс Уотерфорд, разрывавшейся между эстетическими представлениями ее юности (строгое зеленое платье, нарциссы в руках) и ветреностью зрелых лет (высокие каблуки и парижские туалеты), была новая шляпа. Это придавало ее речам необыкновенную резвость. Никогда еще она так зло не отзывалась о наших общих друзьях. Миссис Джей, убежденная, что непристойность – душа остроумия, полушепотом отпускала остроты, способные вогнать в краску даже белоснежную скатерть. Ричард Туайнинг все время нес какую-то чепуху, а Джордж Род в горделивом сознании, что ему нет надобности щеголять своим остроумием, уже вошедшим в поговорку, открывал рот только затем, чтобы положить в него лакомый кусочек. Миссис Стрикленд говорила немного, но у нее был бесценный дар поддерживать общую беседу: чуть наступала пауза, она весьма кстати вставляла какое-нибудь замечание, и разговор снова оживлялся. Высокая, полная, но не толстая, лет так тридцати семи, она не отличалась красотой, но смугловатое лицо ее было приятно, главным образом из-за добрых карих глаз. Темные волосы она тщательно причесывала, не злоупотребляла косметикой и по сравнению с двумя другими дамами выглядела простой и безыскусной.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Submitted by Mrs. Strickland, I talked with her for ten minutes with an eye to eye. I have not noticed anything remarkable in it, isn't that a pleasant voice. She lived in Westminster, and her apartment window on the unfinished Church; I lived in the same region, and this has made us feel mutual location. Army and Navy Department store serves as a link for everyone who lives between London and St. Dzhejmsskim Park. Mrs. Strickland asked me and a few days later, I received an invitation to lunch.I rarely received an invitation and because took it gladly. When I came a little late, because of the fear to appear too early three times sidestepped circle Church, society was already in full Assembly: Miss Waterford, Mrs. Jay, Richard Twining and George Born. In short, some writers. Stood a fine spring day, and the mood among the gathered was excellent. The talk went about everything. At Miss Waterford, razryvavshejsja between the aesthetic views of her youth (strong green dress, daffodils) and polyphonic dialog mature years (high heels and toilets of Paris), was a new hat. This gave her speeches unusual playfulness. Never had she so evil not revealed about our common friends. Mrs Jay, convinced that obscenity is the soul of wit, deep undertones, capable drive in the paint even a snow-white tablecloth. Richard Twining all time carried some drool and George Born in minds that are transmitted to him, there is no need to flaunt his wit, already logged in the saying, opened his mouth only to put in it a tasty morsel. Mrs. Strickland spoke a little, but she had a priceless gift to support the general conversation: a little pause, it came very opportunely inserted a comment and conversation picked up again. Tall, plump but not fat, thirty-seven years, it was not beauty but smuglovatoe her face was pleasing, mainly due to the kind Brown eyes. Dark hair she carefully prichesyvala, not abused cosmetics and compared to the other two ladies looked simple and artless.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Introduced Mrs. Strickland, I ten minutes talking to her face to face. I did not see in it anything remarkable, except that a pleasant voice. She lived in Westminster, and the windows of her apartment out on the unfinished church; I lived in the same lands, and this made us feel a mutual arrangement. Universal Army and Navy store serves as a link for everyone who lives between the River Thames and St James's Park. Mrs. Strickland asked my address, and a few days later I received an invitation to lunch.

I have rarely been invited and therefore accepted it with pleasure. When I arrived a little late, because of the fear to come too early three times walked around the church, the society was already in full assembly: Miss Waterford, Mrs. Jay, Richard and George Tuayning Rod. In short, some writers. It was a fine spring day, and the mood of the audience was excellent. Discussions were about everything. On Miss Waterford, torn between the aesthetic ideas of her youth (strict dress green, daffodil in his hands) and windy mature years (high heels and Paris toilets), was a new hat. It gave her speeches extraordinary agility. Never before had she so evil did not respond to our common friends. Mrs. Jay, convinced that obscenity - the soul of wit, let go of visual whisper able to drive into the paint even a snow-white tablecloth. Richard Tuayning always carrying some stuff, and George Rod in proud consciousness that he had no need to flaunt his wit, already proverbial, only opened his mouth and then to put in it a piece of cake. Mrs. Strickland said little, but it was a priceless gift to support the general conversation: just a pause, it is very helpful inserts some remark, and the conversation became animated again. A tall, plump, but not fat, so thirty-seven years old, she was not beautiful, but somewhat dark and her face was pleasant, mainly because of the good brown eyes. Dark hair was carefully combed, do not abuse cosmetics and in comparison with two other ladies looked simple and artless.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
submitted by mrs. strickland, i ten minutes talking to her face to face. i didn"t notice it"s remarkable, isn"t that a nice voice. she lived in the palace of westminster, and the window of her apartment went off plan church; i lived in the same area, and this has made us feel the mutual location. the army and navy general store serves as a link to all who live between the thames and st. джеймсским park. mrs. strickland asked my address, and a few days later, i received an invitation to luncheon.i rarely get invitations and so took it with pleasure. when i got there a little late, as from fear to appear too early, went around the church three times, the company"s full collection: miss waterford, mrs. j. richard up on twining and george b. the word, some writers. there was a nice spring day, and that was a good mood. the talk was about the whole thing. miss waterford, разрывавшейся between the aesthetic ideas of her youth (strict green dress, daffodils in the hands of ветреностью years) and mature (high heels and paris toilets), was a new hat. that gave her the word, it резвость. never had she so no evil speak about our common friends. mrs. jay, believing that obscenity is the soul of wit, полушепотом let acuteness can get the paint even белоснежную tablecloth. richard up on twining all the time talking gibberish, and george tribe in горделивом consciousness that he does not need to strut his wit, including in a proverb, opened his mouth only to put him a morsel. mrs. strickland was a bit, but it was the priceless gift of support: a common conversation at pause, it is most convenient to put some comment and talk again оживлялся. high fat, but not fat, thirty seven years, she was not beautiful, but смугловатое face her good, mainly because of the good brown eyes. dark hair, she carefully причесывала, don"t abuse cosmetics and compared with the two other ladies looked simple and безыскусной.
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