Шли дни, недели, месяцы, и любовь принца к этой девушке росла с немысл перевод - Шли дни, недели, месяцы, и любовь принца к этой девушке росла с немысл английский как сказать

Шли дни, недели, месяцы, и любовь п

Шли дни, недели, месяцы, и любовь принца к этой девушке росла с немыслимой скоростью. Все бы был хорошо, но король не мог успокоиться не разузнав всё об этой девушке. И в один прекрасный день он начал выискивать все возможные способы узнать о ней всё...
Девушка позвала принца к себе в гости и угостила его чаем, принц уже тогда начал догадываться что с поведением девушки что то не то, но не придал этому никакого значения, ведь с кем не бывает? После второй чашки чая принц почувствовал головокружение, он спросил у свое возлюбленной:" Что же происходит со мной?" на что девушка ответила:"Спи крепко, мой принц" и в эту же секунду принц потерял сознание...
Король тем временем нашел все нужные документы и детально их изучил. Оказалость, что девушка то была не простая, а дочь короля королевства с которым его королевство уже давно враждует. Король почувствовал беду и сразу же послал слуг искать принца, но где бы они не иски они не могли его найти... И вдруг спустя несколько часов, один из слуг находит принца под листвой далеко далеко от замка. Он принес его к королю, и все уже начали прощаться с принцем так как тот был практически мертв, и последним человеком коты подошел попрощаться была мать принца, она склонилась над сыном и ее слезы потекли по щекам и несколько случайно упали на принца, и материнские слезы оживили мальчика и он открыл глаза. Все в королевстве были счастливы тому что принц жив и устроили пир. После нескольких дней король пошел в другое королевство и убил своего врага, а дочь его посадил в тюрьму на веки вечные.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Walked for days, weeks, months, and love Prince to this girl grew up with inconceivable velocity. All was good, but the King could not calm down is not found out it all about this girl. And one day he began to seek out all possible ways to learn about it. A girl called Prince to visit and handed him a cup of tea, Prince had already started to speculate that the behaviour of girls that something was wrong, but didn't this irrelevant, because with whom does not happen? After a second cup of tea Prince felt dizzy, he asked his sweetheart: "what happens to me?" the girl replied: "sleep tight, my Prince," and the second Prince lost consciousness ...In the meantime, the King found all the necessary documents and details their studied. Okazalost′, that girl that was not simple, and the daughter of the King of a Kingdom with which his Kingdom has long been at odds. The King sensed trouble and immediately sent messengers to look for Prince charming, but wherever they claims they could not find him. And all of a sudden a few hours later, one of the servants finds Prince under foliage far far away from the Castle. He brought it to the King, and all have already started to say goodbye with the Prince since he was almost dead, and last man cats came to say goodbye was mother of Prince, she bends over her son and her tears flowed on the cheeks and a few accidentally dropped to the Prince, and mother tears revived the boy and he opened his eyes. Everyone in the uk were happy that the Prince alive and had a feast. After a few days the King went to another Kingdom and killed his enemy, and his daughter imprisoned for all eternity.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Days passed, weeks, months, and the love of a prince to the girl grew up with incredible speed. All would be good, but the king could not rest not discover everything about this girl. And one day, he began to seek out all possible ways to find out everything about it ...
She called the prince to his guests and gave him tea, the prince had already begun to guess that the behavior of the girls that something was wrong, but did not attach any importance because who does not happen? After the second cup of tea Prince felt dizzy, he asked his beloved: "What is happening to me?" what she said: "Sleep tight, my prince," and in the same moment the Prince lost consciousness ...
The King, meanwhile, found all the necessary documents and details they have studied. Okazalost that the girl was not simple, but the daughter of the king of the kingdom which his kingdom has long been at odds. King sensed trouble and immediately sent messengers to seek the Prince, but wherever they claims they could not find him ... And then a few hours later, one of the servants of the prince is under the foliage is far away from the castle. He brought him to the king, and all have begun to say goodbye to the prince as he was almost dead, and the last human cats came to say goodbye was the mother of the prince, she bent over her son, and her tears flowed down her cheeks and a few accidentally fell on the prince, and the mother's tears animated boy and he opened his eyes. Everyone in the kingdom were happy that the prince was alive and had a feast. After a few days the king went to another kingdom and killed his enemy, and his daughter imprisoned for ever.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
There were days, weeks, months, and love prince to this girl grew with unimaginable speed. All would be well, but the king could not complacency is not разузнав all about this girl.And in one day he began to ferret out all the possible ways to find out about it all ...
girl when he was interrogated, prince to itself in the guests and угостила his tea, prince was already then began to surmise that the behavior of the girls that it is not the,But not given this no value, because the person would not have been? After the second cups of tea prince felt dizziness, he asked his beloved:" that same happens with me?" at that the girl replied: "Boi firmly,My prince" and in the same second prince lost consciousness ...
king in the meantime, found all the required documents and detail their studied. Takes Place At, that the girl was not an easy one,But the daughter of king kingdom with which his kingdom has already long been MILF. The King felt distress and immediately sent messengers > prince, but where they could not claims they could not find it ... And suddenly, after a few hours,One of the servants finds prince under the foliage far far away from the castle. He has brought it to the king, and all have already begun to bid him farewell with Prince as it was virtually dead,And the last person in Holland was approached to bid farewell to his mother, the prince slowing over the son and her tears ran with the cheeks and a few accidentally fell in the prince, and maternal tears Galen boy and he has opened the eyes.All were in the kingdom are happy that prince is alive and staged a feast. After a few days the king went to another kingdom and killed his enemy, and his daughter he hath hedged in prison for quite simple.
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