Ann: Hi, Susie, haven't seen you for a long time! What have you been d перевод - Ann: Hi, Susie, haven't seen you for a long time! What have you been d английский как сказать

Ann: Hi, Susie, haven't seen you fo

Ann: Hi, Susie, haven't seen you for a long time! What have you been doing? Where have you been


Susie: I've been working on my talk about Wales for the last week and spent many hours in the


Ann: Wales? What can be interesting about that part of Britain? No big cities, no picturesque

scenery, no interesting facts on the history of the country.

Susie: Aren't there? You can't imagine, Ann, how wrong you are here. The book I'm reading says:

"Though visitors don't need passports to cross the border from England into Wales, they soon realize

that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language."

Ann: What do you mean? Don't the Welsh speak English?

Susie: They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely, especially in the north of the country and

it is still the first language for many people. By the way English is taught side by side with Welsh in


Ann: Is Welsh different from English?

Susie: Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish Gaelic.2 Even if

your English is fluent you won't be able to understand Welsh.

Ann: Interesting. And what about the cities? I hear that Wales is agricultural; there are few cities

there, rather small and unimportant.

Susie: Let's not argue, but look up in the book I'm reading. I know at least one big city in Wales. It's

Cardiff," its capital and the main port.

Ann: (looking through the book) You are right. It says: "Cardiff is an industrial city, which also has

a castle, a cathedral, a university. There are other big towns in Wales too, Swansea and Newport

among them." OK. But what about the scenery, the history, the culture?

Susie: The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high

mountains, including Mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in Britain.

Ann: I have always thought that Wales is a land of green fields, forests and farms.

Susie: And you have been right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and

waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain paths for miles and miles.

Ann: Tell me a few words about Mount Snowdon.

Susie: Got interested? OK. In summer, when the sun is shining, Snowdon looks very peaceful and

beautiful. A little train runs to the top and the walk is not at all hard. But in winter the mountains can

become very dangerous.

Ann: But do climbers go there?

Susie: They do, but every year climbers get lost in bad weather or fall and injure themselves. When

this happens, the Mountain Rescue Service1 has to go out to look for the climbers.

Ann: I see. And what about Welsh traditions and the history of the country?

Susie: Sorry, Ann. I've got to run. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger

Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you're really interested you can look through my notes.

They are all on Welsh traditions and culture. Though they are very brief you can find them

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Энн: Привет, Сьюзи, не видела тебя давно! Что ты делаешь? Где ты был прячешься? Сюзи: я работаю на мои разговоры о Уэльсе на прошлой неделе и провел много часов в Библиотека. Энн: Уэльс? Что может быть интересного в этой части Британии? Нет больших городов, нет живописных декорации, никаких интересных фактов об истории страны. Сюзи: а разве нет? Ты не представляешь, Энн, насколько он плох. Книга, которую я читаю написано: "Хотя посетители не нужны паспорта для пересечения границы из Англии в Уэльс, они вскоре понимают что они входят в страну со своей собственной географией, культурой, традициями и языком. " Энн: что ты имеешь в виду? Не Валлийцев говорят на английском? Сюзи: они делают. Но в Валлийском языке говорят широко, особенно в северной части страны и Это все таки первый язык для многих людей. Кстати английский язык преподается бок о бок с Вельш в школ. Энн: отличается от Вельш-английски? Сюзи: очень. Валлийский язык-один из языков Celtic1, как шотландский и ирландский Гэльский. 2 даже если ваш английский свободно Вы не сможете понять, Валлийский. Энн: Интересно. А что насчет городов? Я слышал, что Уэльс-это сельскохозяйственные; Есть несколько городов Там, скорее мелкие и неважные. Сюзи: давайте не спорить, а искать в книге, которую я читаю. Я знаю по крайней мере один большой город в Уэльсе. Это Кардифф, "столица и главный порт. Анна: (смотрит книжку) Вы правы. Он говорит: "Кардифф-это промышленный город, который также имеет замок, собор, университет. Есть и другие крупные города в Уэльсе тоже, Суонси и Ньюпорт среди них. " ОК. Но насчет пейзажа, истории, культуры? Сюзи: западное побережье, средний Уэльсе и Северном Уэльсе дикие и красивые. Уэльс обладает высокой горы, включая гору Сноудон, вторая по высоте гора в Великобритании. Энн: я всегда думал, что Уэльс-это край зеленых полей, лесов и ферм. Сюзи: и вы были правы. Но это также страна гор и долин, ручьев и водопады. В Северном Уэльсе вы можете следить за горными тропами для миль и миль. Энн: скажите несколько слов о горе Сноудон. Сюзи: заинтересовался? ОК. Летом, когда солнце светит, Сноудон выглядит очень мирным и красиво. Маленький поезд бежит на вершину и прогулка не трудная. Но зимой в горах может становятся очень опасными. Энн: но альпинисты туда ехать? Сюзи: они делают, но каждый год альпинисты заблудились в непогоду или упасть и травмировать себя. Когда Это происходит, горноспасательной файл service1 пойдет искать альпинистов. Энн: я вижу. И что насчет Валлийских традиций и истории страны? Сюзи: К Сожалению, Энн. Мне пора бежать. Вот мои заметки. Я сделал их во время лекции мистер Роджер Дэвис, приглашенный профессор из Уэльса. Если вы действительно заинтересованы, можете полистать мои записи. Они все на Валлийской традиции и культуры. Они хоть и очень кратко их можно найти полезно.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ann: Hi, Susie, have not seen you for a long time! What have you been doing? Been you have for Where hiding? Susie's: I of've Been working on up my to talk about for the Wales for last week and spent MANY hours in the library. Of Ann: Wales? What can be interesting about that part of Britain? Big cities No, the no Picturesque . The scenery, the no interesting facts on the history of the country the Susie's: Are the not there? You can not imagine, Ann, how wrong you are here. I of'm book of The reading says: "Though visitors do not need passports to the border of cross from England Into Wales, for They soon's Realize That for They are Entering a country with its' own the geography, culture, language and Traditions." Of Ann: for What do you mean? Not the Welsh the Do speak English? Susie's: for They do. The Welsh language But is Widely spoken, Especially in the north of the country and IT is to still the first language for MANY people. The way English By Taught is side by side with Welsh in Schools. Of Ann: Is Different from English Welsh? Susie's: Very much SO. Is one's of Welsh Celtic1 the languages, like the Scottish and Irish Gaelic.2 Even the if your English is not convenient fluent you will of the BE Able to Understand Welsh. Of Ann: by Interesting. And what about the cities? I hear that Wales is agricultural; FEW cities are there . there, rather small and unimportant Susie's: for Let's not Argue, But look up closeup in the book I of'm reading. I know at least one big city in Wales. 's It Cardiff You, "its' Capital and the main port. Of Ann: (looking through the book) You are right It says:." Cardiff You is an industrial o city, the which Also has a castle, a cathedral, a university. There are OTHER big towns in Wales of too, the Swansea and the Newport for Among Them "the OK But what about the the scenery, the the history, the culture..? Susie's: of The west coast, the mid Wales and of North Wales are by wild and beautiful Wales has the high. Mountains , including Mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in Britain. Ann: I have always thought that Wales is a land of green fields, forests and farms. Susie: and you have been right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and . waterfalls with In of North Wales you CAN follow mountain a paths for Miles and Miles. of Ann:. Tell me a FEW Words about in Mount Snowdon Susie's:'s Got interested is the OK with In summer, the when the a sun is shining, Snowdon looks very Peaceful and?. beautiful . A little train the runs to the top and the a walk is not AT all of hard But in winter the mountains CAN. Become very dangerous. of Ann: But do climbers! go there? Susie's: for They do, But every year's climbers the get the lost in bad weather or injure by themselves and fall for When. the this happens, the Mountain has to the Rescue Service1! go out to look for the climbers. of Ann: I of see. What about Welsh And Traditions and the the history of the country? Susie's: Sorry, of Ann. I've got to run. Here are my notes. Them DURING made ​​I of the lecture by by Mr of Roger Davis is, a visiting professor from a Wales. You're really the If interested is you CAN look up my notes through. For They are all on Welsh Traditions and culture. For They are very Though brief The CAN you the find Them Useful.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ann: hi, Susie, haven't seen you for a long time. what have you been doing? where have you beenhiding?Susie: i 've been working on my talk about wales for the last week and spent many hours in thelibrary.ann: wales? what can be interesting about that part of britain? no big cities, no heartwell, no interesting facts on the history of the country.Susie, aren't there? you can 't imagine, ann, how wrong you are here. the book i'm reading says:"though visitors don't need ulaanbaatar, mongolia to cross the border from england to wales, they soon realizethat they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language. "ann: what do you mean? don 't the welsh or english?Susie: they do. but the welsh language is spoken widely, especially in the north of the country andit is still the first language for many people. by the way english is taught side by side with welsh inschools.ann: is welsh or english?Susie: very much so. welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like scottish and irish Gaelic.2 even ifyour english is fluent, you won't be able to understand welsh.ann: interesting. and what about the cities? i hear that wales is better; there are few citiesthere were small and unimportant.Susie: let's not argue and look up in the book i'm reading. i know at least one big city in wales. it 'scardiff, the capital and the main port.ann: (looking through the book) you are right. it says: "cardiff is an industrial city, which also hasa castle, a cathedral, a university. there are other big towns in wales too, swansea and newportamong them. "ok. but what about the scenery, the history, the culture?Susie: the west coast, mid wales and north wales are wild and beautiful. wales has highmountains, including mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in britain.ann: i have always thought that wales is a land of green fields, forests and farms.Susie: and you have been right. but it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams andwaterfalls. in north wales, you can follow the mountain paths for miles and miles.ann: tell me a few words about mount Snowdon.Susie: got you interested? ok. in summer, when the sun is shining, Snowdon looks very peaceful andbeautiful. a little train runs to the top and the walk is not at all hard. but in winter the mountains.become very dangerous.ann: but do climbers go there?Susie: they do, but every year climbers get lost in bad weather or fall and injure themselves. whenthis happens, the mountain rescue Service1 has to go out to look for the climbers.ann: i see. and what about welsh traditions and the history of the country.Susie: sorry, ann. i've got to run. here are my notes. i made them during the lecture by mr. rogerdavis, a visiting professor from wales. if you're really interested you can look through my notes.they are all on welsh traditions and culture. though they are very brief you can find themuseful.
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