Сочинение – эссе«Человек на которого я хотел бы быть похожим»Индивидуа перевод - Сочинение – эссе«Человек на которого я хотел бы быть похожим»Индивидуа английский как сказать

Сочинение – эссе«Человек на которог

Сочинение – эссе
«Человек на которого я хотел бы быть похожим»
Индивидуальность человека зарождается в самом детстве, когда мы еще только открываем для себя этот новый мир. В таком возрасте на подсознательном уровне уже появляется воля к самосовершенствованию. Образцы примера для подражания – это и есть первый шаг. Ведь практически всю нашу жизнь, мы стремимся стать ближе к избранному идеалу. Они помогают нам стать теми, кем мы хотим быть, и вдохновляют нас на большие свершения. Отличные примеры для подражания мы часто находим в своем окружении. Эти люди могут оказать существенное положительное влияние на нас.
Мой образ идеала формировался поэтапно, из разных людей. Сперва я хотел быть похожим на брата, его умелые руки, которые вырезали из дерева невероятные узоры, всегда вызывали у меня чувство восторга. До сих пор помню, как я безрезультатно пытался повторить его творения, и к моему счастью, вскоре он научил меня этому ремеслу. Также он сам построил свой дом, гараж, чем я горжусь до сих пор. Я часто помогал ему в строительстве, отчего многое узнал об тонкостях этой работы. После появления в моей жизни школы, примером для подражания уже становились одноклассники, у которых не было проблем с учёбой. Именно они зарождали мотивацию учиться на «отлично». Далее, познакомившись с классической литературой, меня заинтересовало творчество Александра Блока. Я постоянно брал его книги из библиотеки и читал в свободное время. В его стихах и поэмах была постоянная игра света и тени, печали и радости, жизни и смерти, мечты и реальности. Именно после знакомства с его творчеством, я начал писать стихотворения.
По мере взросления, менялись мои идеалы, мировоззрения и окружение. Я находил все больше друзей, которые несомненно делали мою жизнь ярче и разнообразнее. Про одного из таких друзей я и расскажу. Его зовут Дмитрий, он из города Чебоксары, Чувашская республика, он мой сверстник, ему также 18 лет. Еще с самого знакомства, мне хотелось быть похожим на него. Он может часами обсуждать что угодно, ведь его интересы очень обширны: история, выживание в экстремальных ситуациях, политика и прочее. Например, он может легко выйти из леса, если заблудится, умеет по запаху различать грибы. Также отлично разбирается в огнестрельном оружии, начиная от пистолетов, и заканчивая автоматическими винтовками. Дима легко находит общий язык с другими. А при общении с ним, я чувствую, что мне комфортно быть собой. Также он ведет активный образ жизни: зимой часто катается на лыжах, с весны начинает рыбачить, а летом, во время каникул, мы часто с ним катаемся на велосипедах. Занимается в спортивных секциях "Баскетбол", "Футбол", "Волейбол", в свободное время любит поиграть в теннис. В общении Дима всегда корректен и очень тактичен. Редко встретишь таких людей, которые всегда выслушивают до конца и дадут разумные советы. Безусловно, это тот человек, на которого я хочу быть похожим.
Любой сегодня может стать примером для подражания: киноартист, певец, публичный политический деятель, герой фильма или произведения. Но я привык выбирать примеры для подражания из своего круга общения. Живые люди, с кем ты сможешь поговорить научат большему, чем просто знаменитые люди или же герои из комиксов. Я от каждого стараюсь брать лишь лучшие черты, ведь наша жизнь и так имеет много негативных препятствий.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Essay-essay"A man to whom I would like to be like"Personality emerges in the childhood, when we are only discovering this new world. In such an age on a subconscious level already appears willing to self-improvement. Sample example for imitation is the first step. Because almost all our lives, we strive to become closer to the chosen ideal. They help us become who we want to be, and encourage us to great achievements. Excellent examples of role models we often find in their environment. These people can have a considerable positive impact on us.My ideal image formed in stages, from different people. First I wanted to be like his brother, his skillful hands that cut out from a tree incredible patterns, I have always caused a sense of delight. I still remember as I unsuccessfully tried to repeat his creations, and to my luck, he soon taught me the craft. Also he himself built his house, garage, than I am proud so far. I often assisted him in the construction, so learned a lot about the intricacies of this work. After appearing in my school life, exemplary already were classmates who have had no problems with their studies. It is they who generate the motivation to learn on "excellent". Next, get acquainted with classical literature, I was interested with the creativity of Alexander Blok. I am constantly taking his books from the library and read in their spare time. In his poems and poems was the constant play of light and shadow, sadness and joy, life and death, dreams and reality. After getting acquainted with his work, I began to write poems. As they grow older, changed my ideals, ideology and environment. I have found more friends who no doubt have done my life brighter and more varied. One of these friends I have and tell. His name is Dmitry, he from the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, he is my contemporary, it is also 18 years old. Even with the dating, I wanted to be like him. He can spend hours discussing anything, because his interests are very broad: a story of survival in extreme situations, politics, etc. For example, it can easily get out of the Woods, if you get lost, can distinguish the smell of mushrooms. Also excellent is an expert in firearms, ranging from pistols, and ending with automatic rifles. Dima easily finds common ground with others. And in communion with him, I feel that I'm comfortable to be themselves. He also leads an active lifestyle: Winter often went skiing with spring fishing starts, and in the summer, during the holidays, we often rode with him on bicycles. Engaged in sports "basketball", "football", "Volleyball" in his spare time likes to play tennis. In communicating Dima always correct and very tactful. Rarely seen such people who always listened to the end and give sound advice. Of course, this is the person that I want to be like. Anyone can become an example for others to follow: film actor, singer, public political figure, the hero of the film or artwork. But I'm used to select role models from their circle of friends. Real people with whom you can talk to teach more than just famous people or characters from the comics. I try to take from each of only the best features, because our lives and so has a lot of negative obstacles.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The writing - essays
"The man to whom I would like to be like"
Individuality person born in the childhood, when we are just discovering this new world. At this age, on an unconscious level there will have to self-improvement. Samples were an example to follow - this is the first step. After all, almost all of our lives, we aim to get closer to the ideal of the favorites. They help us become who we want to be, and inspire us to great achievements. Great role models we often find in their environment. These people may have a significant positive effect on us.
My image of the ideal formed in stages, from different people. At first I wanted to be like his brother, his skillful hands, which were cut from the tree unbelievable patterns, always aroused in me a feeling of delight. I still remember how I tried in vain to repeat his work, and to my happiness, he soon taught me the craft. Also, he built his house, a garage, which I am proud of so far. I often helped him in the construction, why learn much about the intricacies of the work. After visiting my school life, a role model has become classmates, who had no problems with their studies. They nascent motivation to learn from the "excellent". Then, having become acquainted with classical literature, I was interested in works of Alexander Blok. I always took his book from the library and read at leisure. In his poems and poems was a constant play of light and shadows, joy and sorrow, life and death, dream and reality. It was after meeting with his work, I began to write poems.
As they get older, changed my ideals, attitudes and environment. I have found more and more friends, who certainly made ​​my life brighter and more varied. About one of these friends, I tell you. His name is Dmitry, he's from the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, he was my age, he is also 18 years old. More from the acquaintance, I wanted to be like him. He can spend hours discussing anything, because his interests are very extensive: a story of survival in extreme situations, politics and so on. For example, it can easily get out of the woods, if you get lost, is able to distinguish the smell of mushrooms. It is also well versed in firearms, ranging from pistols to automatic rifles. Dima easily find a common language with others. And when dealing with him, I feel that I'm comfortable to be themselves. He also maintains an active lifestyle, often in the winter skiing, spring begins with fishing, and in summer, during the holidays, we are often with him to ride a bike. Engaged in sports clubs "Basketball", "Football", "Volleyball" in his spare time likes to play tennis. In conversation Dima always correct and very considerate. Rare to find such people who always listen to the end and give sound advice. Of course, this is the man to whom I want to be like.
Anyone today can become an example for others to follow: movie star, a singer, a public politician, hero of the film or product. But I'm used to choose role models from their circle of friends. Living people with whom you can talk to teach more than just famous people or characters from the comics. I try to take from each only the best features, because our life and so has a lot of negative obstacles.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
essay - essay - "the man i want to be похожим»
personality rights is in the childhood, when we only discover the new world.in this age, on a subconscious level have a will to self-improvement. the example model is the first step. for almost all of our life.we strive to be closer to the ideal. they helped us to become who we want to be, and inspires us to great things. great role models, we often find in their environment.these people may have a significant positive impact on us. - my image of the ideal has been gradually, from different people. at first i wanted to be like a brother, and his skilled hands,who carved out of wood with an always moved me a sense of excitement. i still remember how i vainly tried to repeat his creation, and to my happiness, he soon taught me this art.also he built his own house, garage, which i am still. i often helped him build, and learned a lot about the finer points of this work. after the appearance of my life schoolan example already became classmates who have not had any problems with the study. they зарождали motivation to learn "a". further, tracked with classical literaturei'm interested art alexandra unit. i always took his books from the library and read in his spare time. in his poems and поэмах was a game of light and shadow, the sorrow and joy of life and death.dreams and reality. it is after meeting with his work, i started to write poems.
as they grow older, changed my ideals, philosophy of life and the environment. i found more and more friendsthat will certainly make my life brighter and more. one of these friends, i tell you. his name is dmitry, he is from the city of cheboksary, chuvash republic, he is my peer, he was 18 years old.since you met, i wanted to be like him. he can spend hours discussing anything, but his interests are very broad: story, survival in extreme situations, policies and so on. for example,he can easily get out of the forest, if only, can't distinguish the mushrooms. also great with firearms, ranging from pistols, to automatic rifles.dima is easy to find common language with other. and in conversation with him, i feel comfortable being yourself. he also led an active life: in the winter often skiing, spring begins to go fishing, and summerduring the vacation, we often with him have been riding on bicycles. does sports clubs "basketball", "soccer", "volleyball", in my spare time likes to play tennis. communicating dima always correct and very discreet.rare people who always listen to to the end and give reasonable advice. of course, this is the man i want to be like.
any today could become a role model: киноартист,
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