Логической моделью является орел. Давайте, посмотрим, что у орла есть. У него два когтя, две лапы с когтями. И, как видите, он вот так действует, видите, соответственно, нож направлен вниз.
The logical model is an eagle. Let's see what the Eagles are. He had two claw, two paws with claws. And, as you can see, it so acts, see, respectively, the knife goes down.
The logical model is the eagle. Let's see what the eagle is. He has two claw two paws with claws. And, as you can see, it's so acting, you see, respectively, the blade pointing down.
the logical model is the eagle. let"s see what"s there. it has two claws, two feet with claws. and, as you can see, he now is, you see, respectively, the knife is down.