Фирма знаменита тем, что ведет постоянную борьбу с контрафактной проду перевод - Фирма знаменита тем, что ведет постоянную борьбу с контрафактной проду английский как сказать

Фирма знаменита тем, что ведет пост

Фирма знаменита тем, что ведет постоянную борьбу с контрафактной продукцией, многие иски компании получили широкое общественное распространение. В качестве примера можно привести судебные дела против Бритни Спирс, Sony BMG и MTV Online. Певицу признали виновной в нарушении закона о фальсификации товарного знака в клипе «Do Something», где фигурирует приборная доска, обитая розовым материалом с символикой «Louis Vuitton». А телемагнатам Sony BMG и MTV Online пришлось выплатить бренду по 80 000$ за трансляцию данного клипа;
Технология производства дорожных сумок и чемоданов не претерпела изменений с тех самых пор, когда Луи Виттон открыл свою компанию. Корпус сумки создается из тополя, а обивка исключительно из полотна «Monogram». К тому же, существует специальная защита углов и уникальные замки, являющиеся неотъемлемой частью всех багажных аксессуаров и чемоданов Louis Vuitton;
На сегодняшний день по всему миру насчитывается более 350 фирменных бутиков Louis Vuitton;

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The company has developed is constantly combating counterfeiting, many claims the company had been widely disseminated among the public. Examples of court cases against Britney Spears, Sony BMG and MTV Online. The singer was found guilty of violating the law on trademark counterfeiting in the clip "Do Something", where appears the Dasher, upholstered in pink material with the symbols "Louis Vuitton". And telemagnatam Sony BMG and MTV Online had to pay brand $ 80 for airing this clip; Production technology of road bags and suitcases remained unchanged since then, when Louis Vuitton opened his company. Chassis bag is constructed from poplar and upholstery exclusively from Monogram Canvas». In addition, there is a special and unique angles protection padlocks, are an integral part of all luggage suitcases accessory and Louis Vuitton;Today worldwide there are more than 350 boutiques such as Louis Vuitton;
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The company is famous for the fact that is a constant fight against counterfeit goods, many companies have received claims widespread public dissemination. As an example, lawsuits against Britney Spears, Sony BMG and MTV Online. The singer was found guilty of violating the law on the falsification of the trademark in the movie «Do Something», which featured dashboard, padded pink material with symbols «Louis Vuitton». A telemagnate Sony BMG and MTV Online brand had to pay 80 000 $ for the transmission of video,
production technology travel bags and suitcases remained unchanged ever since, when Louis Vuitton opened his own company. The body bag is created from poplar and padding entirely of paintings «Monogram». In addition, there is a special protection of the unique angles and locks, which are an integral part of all the accessories of luggage and suitcases Louis Vuitton;
Today, throughout the world there are more than 350 boutiques Louis Vuitton;

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the company is famous for, waging a constant fight against counterfeit goods, many claims the company received wide public distribution. examples of legal cases against britney spearssony bmg and mtv online. the singer was found guilty of violating the act of counterfeiting trademark in the music video "do Something», where is the control board's tacky pink material symbols" louis Vuitton».and телемагнатам sony bmg and mtv online had to pay the brand for $80000 on the clip;
production technology of bags and suitcases has not changed sincewhen louis vuitton started his own company. the bag is made up of poplar, and upholstery fabric "Monogram» exclusively. in addition, there are special protection of unique locksthat is an integral part of all baggage accessories and bags louis vuitton;
today, throughout the world, there are more than 350 brands louis vuitton boutiques

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