1. Никто никогда не подавал мне ничего на блюдечке. Всю жизнь мне приш перевод - 1. Никто никогда не подавал мне ничего на блюдечке. Всю жизнь мне приш английский как сказать

1. Никто никогда не подавал мне нич

1. Никто никогда не подавал мне ничего на блюдечке. Всю жизнь мне пришлось работать как рабу за все, что у меня есть. 2. Мне всегда нравилось готовить. Мама научила меня делать это. 3. Я хочу отдать тебе кое-что. Это было со мной много лет. 4. Ее работа и ее дети стали ее цитаделью. 5. В последние годы у нас было много потерь, и все это время ты нам очень помогал, Чарльз (to be helpful). 6. Теперь, когда вы все вернулись домой, я счастлива. 7. Эта пьеса не шла на Бродвее с 1990 года. 8. Все эти годы, что я знаю тебя, ты всегда был моей правой рукой. 9. Они пока еще не установили точную дату церемонии. 10. Она собирается в Ирландию. Она никогда там не бывала. 11. — Ты поставила кипятить чайник? — Он уже свистит. 12. Мы друзья с тех пор, как ходили вместе в школу. 13. Ей не хватает времени, всю жизнь его не хватало. 14. Борис в больнице с тех пор, как произошло нападение на него. 15. Они женаты очень давно и все эти годы очень счастливы. 16. Я верю вам и всегда верил с того момента как вы меня спасли, сэр. 17. Лидия не надевала это платье с тех пор как была в нем на выпускном вечере. 18. Я постоянный читатель этого журнала уже 20 лет, и он всегда был очень полезен для меня. 19. Мы не друзья, но у нас всегда были хорошие отношения. 20. Мне не нужно мороженого. Оно мне никогда не нравилось.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. no one has ever had anything on the platter. All my life I had to work as a servant for all that I have. 2. I have always loved to cook. MOM taught me to do it. 3. I want to give you something. It's been with me for many years. 4. her work and her children became her citadel. 5. in recent years, we've had a lot of losses, and all this time you really helped us, Charles (to be helpful). 6. now that you've all come home, I'm happy. 7. the play was on Broadway in 1990 year. 8. all these years that I've known you, you've always been my right hand. 9. They have not yet set an exact date for the ceremony. 10. She was going to Ireland. She had never been there. 11. "you put boil? He has the whistle. 12. we are friends since walked together in the school. 13. She did not have enough time, life is not enough. 14. Boris in the Hospital since the attack occurred to him. 15. They married for a very long time, and all these years are very happy. 16. I believe you and always believed since I rescued you, Sir. 17. Lydia not wore this dress since it was at the prom. 18. I'm a regular reader of this magazine is already 20 years old, and he's always been very useful for me. 19. We are not friends, but we have always had a good relationship. 20. I don't need ice cream. I never liked it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Nobody ever handed me anything on a silver platter. All my life I had to work as a servant for all that I have. 2. I always liked to cook. My mother taught me to do it. 3. I want to give you something. This happened to me for many years. 4. Her work and her children were her stronghold. 5. In recent years we have had a lot of losses, and all this time you helped us a lot, Charles (to be helpful). 6. Now that you have all returned home, I'm happy. 7. The play did not go on Broadway in 1990. 8. All these years that I've known you, you've always been my right hand. 9. They have not yet established the exact date of the ceremony. 10. She's going to Ireland. She never been there. 11. - You put the kettle to boil? - He was whistling. 12. We are friends since both went to school together. 13. She did not have the time, his whole life is not enough. 14. Boris in the hospital as long as there was an attack on him. 15. They have been married a long time ago and all these years very happy. 16. I believe you and always believed from the moment you saved me, sir. 17. Lydia did not wear this dress since it was at the prom. 18. I am a regular reader of this magazine for 20 years and he has always been very helpful to me. 19. We are not friends, but we always had a good relationship. 20. I do not need an ice cream. It never liked me.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. No one has ever interviewed me nothing to treat. All the life I had to work as a servant for all that I have. 2. I always like to cook. Mom taught me to do this. 3. I would like to give you some of that.This has been with me many years. 4. Her work and her children have become its stronghold. 5. In recent years, we have had many losses, and all this time, you have helped us very much, Charles (to be helpful). 6. Now, when you have all returned to their homes, I am happy. 7.This play is not on Broadway since 1990. 8. All of these years, that I may know thee, thou has always been my right hand. 9. They have not yet established an exact date the ceremony. 10. It is collected in Ireland. It was never there has not visited. 11.- Do you put boiling the kettle? - He already whistles is. 12. We are friends since then, as a prophet, together in school. 13. It is not enough time, the entire life it is not enough. 14. He was in the hospital since then, such as the attack against it. 15.They married a very long time, and all these years, are very happy. 16. I trust you, and have always believed from the moment you have saved me, Sir. 17. Lydia does not wife this dress since it has been in the evening on the exhaust pipe. 18.I permanent reader this log is already 20 years old, and he has always been very useful for me. 19. We are not friends, but we have always had good relations. 20. I don't have to ice-cream. It i have never liked.
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