Возможность и действительность всегда совпадают. Нельзя делать того, ч перевод - Возможность и действительность всегда совпадают. Нельзя делать того, ч английский как сказать

Возможность и действительность всег

Возможность и действительность всегда совпадают. Нельзя делать того, чего мы не делаем, и мы не делаем ничего такого, чего не могли бы делать.Все истины, подвластные мне, я признаю, а таких истин, которые росли бы выше меня и с которыми я должна была бы сообразоваться, я не знаю. Для меня не существует истины, ибо я выше всего ценю саму себя. Даже мое существо, или существо человека, я не ставлю выше себя, - себя, хотя я только "капля в море" и "ничтожный человек". [...]Говорят, что во всемирной истории реализуется идея свободы. Наоборот, эта идея уже реализована, коль скоро ее мыслит человек, и она реальна в той самой мере, в какой она идея, т. е. поскольку я ее мыслю или имею. [...]Если религия установила тезис, что мы все грешники, то я ему противополагаю другой тезис, что мы все совершенны, ибо мы во всякий момент бываем всем, чем мы быть можем, и не должны быть чем-то большим. В нас нет никаких недостатков, а потому и грех является нелепостью. (...) ещё Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери говорил: любовь-это когда нравятся даже недостатки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Possibility and reality are always the same. We cannot do what we do, and we're not doing anything could do. All truths, I know, I admit, but such truths that would grow taller than me and with whom I would have to comply, I don't know. For me there is no truth, for I am above all appreciate itself. Even my creature, human or creature, I do not put myself above, myself, although I am only a "drop in the ocean" and "little man". [...] It is said that the history of the world realized the idea of freedom. On the contrary, this idea has already been implemented, since it thinks people, and it is real to the extent it idea, that is, because I think or am. [...] If religion has established a thesis that we are all sinners, I protivopolagaû him another thesis that we are perfect, because every time we are all that we can be, and should not be something big. In the us there are no deficiencies and therefore sin is ridiculous. (...) more Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: love is when you love even disadvantages.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Possibility and reality always coincide. You can not do what we do, and we do not do anything which could delat.Vse truth, subordinate to me, I admit, but such truths that would grow taller than me, and that I would have to conform, I I do not know. For me there is no truth, because I appreciate above all herself. Even my being, or human being, I do not put myself above - myself, even though I only "drop in the ocean" and "little man." [...] It is said that in the history of the world realized the idea of ​​freedom. On the contrary, this idea has already been implemented, as soon as her man thinks, and it is real in the same extent that it is an idea that is. E. As I am, or her thoughts. [...] If religion has established the thesis that we are all sinners, I am he opposes another thesis that we are perfect, because we are in every moments are all that we can be, and should not be more than that. As we have no flaws, but because sin is ludicrous. (...) More Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, love is like, even when the disadvantages.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The possibility and the reality is always the same. You cannot do that, then we do not do so, and we are not doing anything, which is not able to do so.The truth, beyond me, I admit, and such truths,Who grew up to be above me and with whom I should have been to comprehend your, i don't know. For me there is no truth, because I am above all appreciate itself. Even my creature, or a creature rights, I do not put above themselves, - a,Although I am only a "drop in the sea" and the "trifling people". ... It is said that, in the world is the history of the idea of freedom. Vice versa, this idea has already been implemented, inasmuch as it thinks people, and it is real in the very least,To what extent is the idea, i.e. , since i its transcription or i have. ... If religion has established the thesis that we are all sinners, i him противополагаю another argument, that we are all flawed, because we are in every moment mountaineered all,Than we can be, and should not be greater than the. In the us there are no shortcomings, but because sin is and barter. ( ... ) even Antoine de Saint Exupery said: love-this is when love even shortcomings.
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