1. Вам лучше подождать здесь. 2. Я думала, что вы, может быть, не хоти перевод - 1. Вам лучше подождать здесь. 2. Я думала, что вы, может быть, не хоти английский как сказать

1. Вам лучше подождать здесь. 2. Я

1. Вам лучше подождать здесь. 2. Я думала, что вы, может быть, не хотите, чтобы с вами говорили. 3. Последним, кто приехал, был мой отец. 4. О таких вещах нельзя говорить. 5. У нее была привычка приходить ко мне каждое утро и спрашивать, что я хочу на завтрак. 6. Почему за ним нельзя послать? 7. Это, кажется, просто сделать. 8. С ним нельзя было шутить. 9. Очень холодно. Я лучше закрою окно. 10. Том не спешил с ответом. 11. Вам лучше не ходить туда одной. 12. Филипп разрешил дяде поцеловать его в лоб. 13. Она предполагала, что ее будут ругать, когда она вошла, так как было слишком поздно. 14. Подождите, пожалуйста, я должна вам что-то рассказать. 15. Рассказ был слишком хорош, чтобы его так быстро забыть. 16. Она вошла, и он встал, чтобы встретить ее. 17. Я хочу, чтобы меня оставили одного. 18. Он снял очки, чтобы их протереть. 19. Он был недостаточно взрослым, чтобы понять этот рассказ. 20. У него было желание поехать на юг к друзьям. 21. Они уехали последними. 22. Джек посмотрел на Тома, чтобы понять, как он воспринял эти новости. 23. За ним послали, но он приехал слишком поздно, чтобы сделать что-либо полезное. 24. Они продолжали сидеть и разговаривать почти до полуночи. Том, который жил дальше всех, ушел первым. 25. Она тихо вошла, чтобы сказать, что Джейн уже приехала. 26. Он получил письмо от Джеймса, в котором сообщалось, что его сестра была недостаточно здорова, чтобы самой писать ответ. 27. На следующий день она встала рано, чтобы приготовить комнату к приезду сына. 28. Он подошел достаточно близко, чтобы увидеть ее лицо. 29. Она вошла, чтобы накрыть на стол. 30. Спустя десять дней она была достаточно здорова, чтобы выписаться из больницы.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you better wait here. 2. I thought you maybe don't want to with you talking. 3. The last who came was my father. 4. it is not possible to speak of such things. 5. She had a habit of coming to me every morning and ask what I want for breakfast. 6. Why not send? 7. It seems to be easy to do. 8. With him could not have been joking. 9. Very cold. I better close the window. 10. How did not hurry with the response. 11. you better not go there alone. 12. Philip allowed the uncle kiss his forehead. 13. It is anticipated that it will be a scold, when she walked, since it was too late. 14. Please wait, I must tell you something. 15. The story was too good to him so quickly forget. 16. She entered, and he got to meet her. 17. I want to be left alone. 18. He withdrew to their glasses wipe. 19. It was not enough for adults to understand this story. 20. He had a desire to go south to friends. 21. They left last. 22. Jack looked at Tom, to understand how he took this news. 23. Behind it sent, but it arrived too late to do anything useful. 24. They continued to sit and talk almost until midnight. Tom, who lived furthest left first. 25. She quietly entered to say that Jane has already arrived. 26. He had received a letter from James, stating that his sister was not sufficiently healthy to the write answer. 27. The next day she got up early to make room for the arrival of a son. 28. He came close enough to see her face. 29. She entered, to lay the table. 30. Ten days later it was healthy enough to leave the hospital.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. You'd better wait here. 2. I thought you maybe do not want to say to you. 3. The last to come was my father. 4. On such things can not speak. 5. She had a habit of coming to me every morning and ask what I want for breakfast. 6. Why can not send him? 7. It seems to be easy to do. 8. Since it was impossible to make jokes. 9. Very cold. I'd better close the window. 10. Tom was in no hurry to answer. 11. You better not go there alone. 12. Philip's uncle allowed to kiss him on the forehead. 13. It is assumed that it will abuse when she came in because it was too late. 14. Wait, please, I need you to tell me something. 15. The story was too good to be so quickly forgotten. 16. She came in, and he got up to meet her. 17. I want to be left alone. 18. He took off his glasses to wipe them. 19. He was not old enough to understand the story. 20. He had a desire to go to the south to friends. 21. They left last. 22. Jack looked at Tom, to see how he took the news. 23. Behind him was sent, but he arrived too late to do anything useful. 24. They continued to sit and talk until almost midnight. Tom, who lived farthest, went first. 25. She quietly went to say that Jane has arrived. 26. He received a letter from James, which reported that his sister was healthy enough to write the answer itself. 27. The next day, she got up early to prepare the room for the arrival of his son. 28. He was close enough to see her face. 29. She came to set the table. 30. Ten days later, she was well enough to be discharged from the hospital.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. you'd better wait here. 2. i thought that maybe you don't want to be talked about. 3. the last one arrived, my father was. 4. these things can't talk. 5.she had a habit of coming to me every morning and ask me what i want for breakfast. 6. why he don't send? 7. this is, i think, just do. 8. he was not joking. 9. it's very cold. i'd better close the window. 10.tom was in no hurry to answer. 11. you'd better not go there alone. 12. philip gave uncle kiss him on the forehead. 13. she assumed her scolded when she walked in, as it was too late. 14. wait, please,i have something to tell you. 15. the story was too good to be so quick to forget. 16. she walked in, and he stood up to meet her. 17. i want to be left alone. 18. he took the glasses to wipe. 19.he was old enough to understand this story. 20. he had a desire to go to the south to friends. 21. they left last. 22. jack looked at tom, to understand how he took the news. 23. he sent.but he came too late to do anything useful. 24. they continued to sit and talk until almost midnight. tom, who lived on the left first. 25. she quietly walked to sayjane's here already. 26. he received a letter from james, which reported that his sister was not strong enough to write the answer. 27. the next day she got up early.to make room for the arrival of a son. 28. he came close enough to see her face. 29. she went in to set the table. 30. ten days later she was well enough to leave the hospital.

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