Виктор Гюго заметил однажды, что разум человеческий владеет тремя ключами, позволяющими людям знать, думать, мечтать. Два из них - буква и нота. А каков третий ключ? (Цифра.)
Victor Hugo once remarked that the mind of man owns three keys that enable people to know, to think, to dream. Two of them-letter and memo. And what is the third key?(Figure.)
Victor Hugo once said that the human mind has three keys that allow people to know, think, dream. Two of them - a letter and a note. And what is the third key? (Num.)
victor hugo once remarked that the human mind has three keys to enable people to know, to think, to dream. two of them - the letter and note. what is the key?(figure).