Многие люди любят называть весь компьютерный кейс центральным процессо перевод - Многие люди любят называть весь компьютерный кейс центральным процессо английский как сказать

Многие люди любят называть весь ком

Многие люди любят называть весь компьютерный кейс центральным процессором но, фактически, центральный процессор это крошечный чип, связанный непосредственно с материнской платой, с большим вентилятором( Кулером) подключенным непосредственно к нему. : 3. ноутбук для современного делового человека это не просто подспорье в работе это неизменный атрибут повседневной жизни. 4. на лицевой панели корпуса клавиатуры имеются два значка микрофона и наушников. 5. Представляем новое поколение игровых мышей с увеличенной скоростью обмена данных! Такая мышка мгновенно среагирует даже на молниеносное движение руки в восемь раз быстрее, чем обычная USB-мышка! и даст вам решающее преимущество, которое может предопределить исход игры. были 6. До появления персональных компьютеров IBM PC все другие модели были основаны на принципе закрытой архитектуры», т.е. все аппаратные средства были для конечного пользователя «вещью в себе». После того, как заканчивалась сборка аппарата, он «был обречен на необратимое старение 7. Программное обеспечение это совокупность программ системы обработки информации и программных документов, необходимых для эксплуатации этих программ. Также, это совокупность программ процедур и правил а также документации, относящихся к функционированию системы обработки данных 8. В зависимости от производителя, гибкие диски можно рассматривать как не совсем надежные устройства либо как совсем безнадежные 9. вот времена раньше были- из всех мобильных накопителей была доступна лишь 3.5" дискета. И ничего не жаловались. Конечно, и объемы переносимой информаци были не те, что сегодня. неважно, какой из способов вы выбрали, выделенный фрагмент текста (ил изображение) удаляется из документа и запоминается в буфере обмена. переместит курсор в то место, куда нужно переместить текст (или изображение) и вставь содержимое буфера обмена. Для этого в меню " правка" выбрать команду «вставит из буфера обмена»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Many people like to call the entire computer CPU case but, in fact, the CPU is a tiny chip, connected directly to the motherboard, with a large fan (Cooler) connected directly to it. : 3. the laptop for the modern business person is not just help in work is an invariable attribute of everyday life. 4. on the front panel of the chassis has two keyboard microphone and headphones icon. 5. Introducing the next generation of gaming mice with increased speed of data exchange! Such a mouse instantly react even to the lightning-fast hand movement eight times faster than a standard USB mouse! and give you a decisive advantage which could prejudge the outcome of the game. There were 6. Before the advent of personal computers IBM PC all other models were based on the principle of closed architecture ", i.e. all the hardware for the end user" thing in itself ". Once ended the Assembly apparatus, he was doomed to irreversible ageing 7. The software is a set of programs of information processing systems and programme documents, necessary for the operation of these programs. Also, a set of programs, procedures and rules as well as documentation relating to the operation of data processing systems 8. Depending on the manufacturer, floppy disks can be regarded as not entirely reliable devices as either very bad 9. Here's the times previously-from all mobile drives available only 3.5 "floppy disk. And nothing complained. Of course, and the volume of portable information were not the same as today. No matter which way you choose, the selected text (image image) is removed from the document and is stored in the Clipboard. moves the cursor to the location where you want to move the text (or image) and paste the contents of the Clipboard. To do this, on the Edit menu, choose Insert from Clipboard
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Many people like to call the entire computer case the CPU but, in fact, the CPU is a tiny chip connected directly to the motherboard, with a large fan (cooler) is connected directly to it. 3. notebook for the modern business person is not just an aid in the work is a constant attribute of everyday life. 4. The front panel keyboard housing are two icons of microphone and headphone. 5. Introducing a new generation of gaming mice with increased speed of data exchange! This mouse will react instantly even at lightning-fast movement of the hand eight times faster than conventional USB-mouse! and it gives you a decisive advantage that may prejudge the outcome of the game. was 6. Before the advent of personal computers IBM PC all the other models were based on the principle of a closed architecture, "ie, All hardware was for the end user "thing in itself." After finishing the assembly of the machine, he "was doomed to irreversible aging 7. The software is a set of programs, information processing systems and policy instruments for the operation of these programs. Also, a set of programs, procedures and regulations as well as documentation relating to the operation of a data processing system 8. Depending on the manufacturer, floppy disks can be viewed as not entirely reliable device or as a completely hopeless 9. Here times before were- of all mobile device has been available only to a 3.5 "diskette. And I do not complain. Of course, the volume of the transferred information are not the same as today. It does not matter which method you choose, the selected text (ill image) is removed from the document and stored in the clipboard. move the cursor the place where you want to move the text (or image) and paste the clipboard contents. To do this in the menu "Edit" choose "Paste from clipboard"
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
many people like to call the central processor the computer case but, in fact, the central processor is a tiny chip, connected directly with the parent of.a fan (cooler) connected directly thereto. : 3. laptop for the modern business man is not just a tool for the continuous attribute in daily life. 4.on the front panel of the keyboard, there are two icon the mic and headphones. 5. we present a new generation of gaming mice with increased speed of data exchange.a mouse immediately emerged even at fast moving hands eight times faster than ordinary usb mouse! and give you the critical advantage that could prejudge the outcome of the game. there were 6.before the advent of personal computers, ibm pc, all other models were based on the principle of the closed architecture, i.e. all the hardware for the end-user "things in themselves". afterhow to end assembling apparatus, he was doomed to irreversible aging 7. the software is a collection of programs, information processing systems and policy instruments.necessary for the operation of these programs. also, it is a set of programs, procedures and rules as well as the documentation pertaining to the operation of a data processing system 8. depending on the manufacturer.flexible disks can be regarded as not quite reliable devices or as a terminal 9. when times were from all mobile hard drives were available only 3.5 "floppy disk. and don't complain. of course, theand the amounts of information were not the ones today. no matter what method you choose, the fragment of text (or image) is removed from the document and is stored in the buffer exchange.moves the cursor to the place where you need to move the text (or image), and paste the contents of the clipboard. in the menu "edit" to choose the "stick" of a buffer
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