Найдем затраты на аутсорсинг:А) Затраты на оформление одного заказа на перевод - Найдем затраты на аутсорсинг:А) Затраты на оформление одного заказа на английский как сказать

Найдем затраты на аутсорсинг:А) Зат

Найдем затраты на аутсорсинг:
А) Затраты на оформление одного заказа найдем по формуле (3.9):

С_(оф/ед)^аут= (п.11+п.13+п.14+п.15) / К + С_оф, (3.9)

где, С_(оф/ед)^аут –затраты на отгрузочные мероприятия у оператора, долл;
п. «№» – номер пункта в таблице Е.1 (Приложение Е);
К – курс белорусского рубля к доллару, на 07.05.2015 составляет14250 руб;
Таким образом, они равны: С_(оф/ед)^аут=(7750+23450+350+700)/14250+15=17 долл
Б) Затраты на хранение единицы продукции найдем по
формуле (3.10):

С_(хр/ед)^аут=п.1/ N_кор^палл*/К*D_аут, (3.10)

где, С_(хр/ед)^аут– затраты на хранение единицы продукции в год у
оператор, долл;
Dаут – число рабочих дней оператора («ФСК Логистик» работает круглосуточно и ежедневно), дни;

Они равны: С_(хр/ед)^аут=7050/18/14250*360=9,96 долл
В) Для логистического оператора ожидать 2 недели отгрузки оптовику не имеет смысла, он попусту омертвляет свою площадь, да и за оформление отгрузки он получает больше выгоды, нежели за хранение. Поэтому, чтобы учесть интересы как оператора, так и предприятия, находим оптимальный размер отгрузки по формуле Уилсона (3.4):
Он равен: Q=√((2*17*18000)/9,96)=250 шт,или 250/18 ≈ 14 паллет.

Найдем другие параметры отгрузки:
Число отгрузок можно найти из формулы (3.1):
N_отг^аут=18000/250=72 отгрузки за год
Интервал между поставами τнайдем по формуле (3.11)

τ=D_аут/N_отг^аут, (3.11)

Он равен: τ=360/72=5 дней
Г) В условии сказано, что оптовики постоянно жаловались, что при сбое производства, происходит и задержка поставки. Значит, отдел логистик на предприятии не планировал наличие страхового запаса на такие случаи. Оператор по аутсорсингу не может такого допустить, отвечая за качество предоставляемых услуг. Таким образом, страховой запас можно найти по формуле (3.12):

З_стр=o_пр*S/D_аут , (3.12)

где, Зстр– запас страховой, шт;
o_пр – возможные сбои производства на предприятии, дн;

Тогда получим: З_стр=2*18000/360=100 шт
По результатам расчетов, можем найти годовые затраты на аутсорсинг:
Д) Найдем С_оф^аут – годовые затраты на оформление отгрузки у оператора по
формуле (3.2):
Они равны: С_оф^аут=17*72=1224 долл
Е) Затраты на хранение в год С_хр^аут найдем по формуле (3.5):
Они равны:С_хр^аут= 9,96*(250/2+100)=2241,38 долл
Ж) Затраты на погрузочно-разгрузочные операции за весь объем поставок находим по формуле (3.13):
С_(п.р.)=(п.5+п.6)/К*S/(N_кор^палл ), (3.13)
Они равны: С_(п.р.)=(26750+28350)/14250*18000/18=3863,85 долл
И) С производства на склад оператора готовую продукцию необходимо доставить. За это также несет ответственность «ФСК Логистик». Возьмем, что предприятие находится в 50 км от склада. Оператор в основном использует автомобили грузоподъемностью 5 т марки Mitsubishi Fuso. В грузовой отсек автомобиля помещается 10 паллет. Тогда затраты на транспортировку находим по формуле (3.14):

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Find the cost of outsourcing:And making one costs) order will find formula (2.4):From_ (UF/u) ^ = timeout (p. 11 p. + 13 + 14 + p. p. 15)/+ S_of (3.9)where From_ (UF/u) ^ out-the cost of shipping activities from the operator, USD;p. "#" is the number of the item in table e. 1 (annex e);K-rate of the Belarusian ruble to the dollar, at 07.05.2015 sostavlâet14250;Thus, they are equal: From_ (UF/u) ^ = timeout (7750 +23450 +350 +700)/14250 +15 = $ 17B) storage costs a unit of production will find on equation (3.10):From_ (XP/u) ^ out = p. 1/N_kor ^/* to * Pall D_aut (3.10)where From_ (XP/u) ^ out-storage units production per year from$ operator;Daut-number of working days ("FSK logistic works 24/7) days;They are equal to: From_ (XP/u) ^ = timeout 7050/18/14250 * 360 = $ 9.96In) For 2 week wait for a logistics operator of shipment to a trader does not make sense, he wasted his omertvlâet area, and for making the shipment, it gets more benefits than for storage. Therefore, in order to take into account the interests of both the operator and the enterprise find the optimal size of the shipment on Wilson's formula (3.4):It is: Q = √ ((2 * 17 * 18000)/9.96) = 250 PCs, or 250/18 ≈ 14 pallets.Find other shipment options: The number of shipments can be found from the formula (3.1): ^ N_otg out = 18000/250 = 72 shipments per year The interval between postavami τnajdem (3.11)τ = D_aut/^ N_otg, (3.11) It is: τ = 360/72 = 5 daysG) in the condition said that wholesalers have constantly complained that if there is a failure of production occurs and the delay of delivery. Means the Division logistics at the company had not planned to have insurance stock in such cases. Outsourcing operator cannot prevent this, responsibility for the quality of provided services. Thus, insurance stock can be found by the formula (3.12):Z_str = o_pr * S/D_aut (3.12)where Zstr-stock insurance, PC;o_pr-possible malfunctions at the plant, production days;Then we get: Z_str = 2 * 18000/360 = 100 PCsBased on the results of the calculations, it is possible to find annual costs for outsourcing: D) Find S_of ^ out-annual costs for making a shipment from the operator on equation (3.2):They are: S_of ^ out = 17 * 72 = $ 1224E) storage costs in the year S_hr ^ find out by formula (3.5):They are: S_hr ^ = 9.96 timeout * (250/2 +100) = $ 2241.38F) costs of loading and unloading operations for the whole delivery volume find formula (3.13):From_ (p.r.) = (p. 5 + p. 6)/* S/(N_kor ^ Pall), (3.13)They are equal to: From_ (p.r.) = (26750 +28350)/14250 * 18000/18 = $ 3863.85And production in a warehouse) operator finished products shall be delivered. It is also responsible for "FSK logistics". Take that enterprise is situated in 50 km from the warehouse. The operator uses mostly cars with capacity 5 t Mitsubishi Fuso. In the cargo compartment of the car fits 10 pallets. Then find transportation costs according to the formula (3.14):
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We find the cost of outsourcing:
A) costs for the issue of a single order found from the formula (3.9): C- (PF / U) ^ out = (claim 11 to claim 13 + + + claim 14 to claim 15) / K + S_of, (3.9) where C- (PF / U) ^ out Expenses for shipping activities from the operator, US; n. «№» - the item number in the table F.1 (Appendix F); K - Belarusian ruble to the dollar on 05/07/2015 sostavlyaet14250 rubles; therefore, they are: C- (PF / U) ^ out = (7750 + 23450 + 350 + 700) / 14250 + 15 = 17 dollars b) Storage costs per unit of output found in formula (3.10): C- (xp / U) = ^ out to claim 1 / N_kor Pall ^ * / K * D_aut (3.10 ) where C- (xp / U) ^ Aus- storage costs per unit of output in the year at the operator, US, Daut - the number of working days, the operator ("Federal Logistics" working around the clock and every day), days; they are: C- (xp / U) ^ out = 7050/18/14250 * 360 = 9.96 US $ B) For the logistics operator expected 2 weeks shipping wholesaler does not make sense to waste it deadens their area, and for making this shipment he receives more benefit than for storage . Therefore, in order to take into account the interests of both operators and enterprises, we find the optimal size of the shipment by the formula Wilson (3-4): It is equal to: Q = √ ((2 * 17 * 18000) / 9.96) = 250 pcs, or 250/18 ≈ 14 pallets. We will find other options shipments: number of shipments can be found from (3.1): N_otg ^ out = 18000/250 = 72 shipments for the year interval between Postavy τnaydem by the formula (3.11) τ = D_aut / N_otg ^ out, (3.11 ) It is equal to: τ = 360/72 = 5 days g) provided that it is said that the wholesalers are constantly complained that the failure of production and delay in delivery occurs. So, the logistics department at the company did not plan the availability of safety stock in such cases. The operator of such outsourcing can not assume responsibility for the quality of services provided. Thus, the safety stock can be found from (3.12): Z_str o_pr = * S / D_aut, (3.12) where Zstr- stock insurance, piece; o_pr - possible disruptions of production in the enterprise days, then we get Z_str = 2 * 18000/360 = 100 pieces As a result of calculations can find annual cost of outsourcing: A) We find S_of ^ out - the annual cost of clearance of shipments from the operator of the formula (3-2): They are: S_of ^ timeout = 17 * 72 = 1224 USD E) The cost of storage per year S_hr ^ find out from the formula (3.5): They are: S_hr out ^ = 9.96 * (250/2 + 100) = 2241.38 USD M) costs of loading and unloading operations for the entire shipments is given by (3.13): C- (p.r.) = (A5 + A6) / K * S / (N_kor Pall ^) (3.13) They are: C- (p.r.) = (26750 + 28350) / 14250 * 18000/18 = 3863.85 dollars ii) from production to the warehouse operator the finished product to be delivered. For this it is also responsible "calendar Services." Consider that the enterprise is 50 km away from the warehouse. The operator uses mainly vehicles with capacity of 5 tons of brand Mitsubishi Fuso. In the cargo area of a vehicle is placed 10 pallets. Then the cost of transportation is given by (3.14):

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
find the cost of outsourcing:
(a) the cost of one order find the formula (3.9):

with _ (gf / ed)
out = (p.11 p.13 p.14 p.15) / to _ of (3.9)

where, with _ (gf / ed)
out –затраты on shipping activities operator's);
p."№» is the paragraph number in table e.1 (annex e)
to a course of the belarusian ruble to dollar, 07.05.2015 составляет14250 rube;. thus, they are: _ (gf / ed)
out = (7750 23450 350700) / 14250 15 = 17).(b) the cost of the storage unit can find on
formula (3.10):

with _ (brr / ed)
out = 1 / n _ cor
the whole * to * d _ out, (3.10)

where, with _ (brr / ed)
аут– storing costs unit of production year the
,);Dаут is the number of working days, the operator (fgc логистик» works 24 / 7) days;

they are equal, with _ (brr / ed)
out = 7050 / 18 / 14250 * 360 = 9,96 (
) for 2 weeks оптовику logistics operator expected shipment does not make sensehe 's омертвляет its square, and the shipment, he gets more benefits than for storage. however, to take into account the interests of both the operator and the company.we find the optimal size of shipment to wilson's formula (3.4):
equal to: q = - ((2 * 17 * 18000) / 9,96) = 250 pieces, or 250 / 18 ≈ pallet 14.

we find other parameters of shipment:
number of shipments can be found from the formula (3.1): _ отг

n out = 18000 / 250 = 72 shipments for the year.the interval between the поставами τнайдем formula (3.11)

τ = d _ out / n _ отг
out, (3.11)

he is: τ = 360 / 72 = 5 days
g) in the condition says that the wholesalers constantly complained that the failure of production, and the delay of delivery. so,division of logistic enterprise on the insurance supply in such cases. the outsourcing can not allow that to happen, responsible for the quality of services provided. thus, theinsurance supply can be found by the formula (3.12):

r) = o _ _ ol * s / d _ out, (3.12)

where зстр– supply of insurance, nj;
o _ ol is possible disruptions of production at the plant, nam;

then get: the _ page = 2 * 18000 / 360 = 100)
according to the results of calculationwe can find the annual costs of outsourcing:
d) find with _ of
out is the annual cost of shipping operator in equation (3.2):

they are equal, with _ of
out = 17 * 72 = 1224). (e) the cost of storage in the year _ it
formula (find out 3.5)
they are: _ xps
out = 9,96 * (250 / 100)
2) = 2241,38 well) the cost of loading and unloading operation for the supply, we find the formula (3.13):
with _ (p.r. live.) = (p.5 p.6) / to * / s / (n _ cor
whole) (3.13). they are: _ (p.r. live.) = (26750 28350) / 14250 * 18000 / 6 = 3863,85).and) from production to warehouse operator finished products to be delivered. it is also the responsibility of the fgc логистик». consider that the enterprise is located 50 km from the warehouse.the operator mainly uses the car of 5 tons of mitsubishi Fuso. in the cargo bay car placed 10 pallet. then the transport costs found in formula (3.14)

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