Find six pairs of opposites.■ benefits ■ consumer ■ drawbacks I drough перевод - Find six pairs of opposites.■ benefits ■ consumer ■ drawbacks I drough английский как сказать

Find six pairs of opposites.■ benef

Find six pairs of opposites.

■ benefits ■ consumer ■ drawbacks I drought ■ flood ■ manufacturer ■ private sector ■ save ■ shortage ■spend ■ state sector ■ surplus

B2 Now write five example sentences using as many words as possible from this exercise.

С Complete the text with one word for each gap. The first letter has been given.

The traditional economy is the oldest form of economy. It has existed for thousands of years, although today it has almost disappeared. People in a traditional economy do not own (l)p........................They do not earn a

(2) s.......................and thus neither do they pay (3) t........................In fact, there is no money.

They live on the raw (4) m.......................that the forest provides them. They don't grow food or have any organised (5) a.......................with farms

and (6) с.......................growing in fields. Instead, they (7) g.......................wild fruit and vegetables or (8) h.......................wild animals. They eat most

of the food they find, and may (9) h....................... some food for the winter, but they do not sell it. It's a difficult life. There are often (10) s.......................

of food when there is not enough to eat. When this happens, the (11) t.......................must move on to another part of the forest.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Find the six pairs of opposites.▪ benefits ▪ consumer ■ drawbacks I drought ■ flood ■ ■ ■ private sector manufacturer save ■ ■ ■ spend shortage state sector ■ secure your investment surplusB2 Now write five example sentences using as many words as possible from this exercise.To Complete the text with one word for each gap. The first letter has been given.The traditional economy is the oldest form of economy. It has existed for thousands does of years, although today it has almost disappeared. People in a traditional economy do not own (l) p........................ They do not earn a (2) s. ... ... ... ... ... ... .... and thus neither do they pay (3) t........................ In fact, there is no money.They live on the raw (4) m ... ... ... ... ... ... ... that the forest provides them. They don't grow food or have any organised (5) (a)....................... with farmsand (6) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... growing in fields. Instead, they (7) g......................., wild fruit and vegetables or (8) h ... ... ... ... ... ... ... wild animals. They eat mostof the food they find, and may (9) h ... ... ... ... ... ... ... some food for the winter, but they do not sell it. It's a difficult life. There are often (10) s.......................of food when there is not enough to eat. When this happens, the (11) t ... ... ... ... ... ... ... must move on to another part of the forest.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Find six pairs of opposites. ■ benefits ■ consumer ■ drawbacks I drought ■ flood ■ manufacturer ■ private sector ■ save ■ shortage ■ spend ■ state sector ■ surplus B2 Now write five example sentences using as many words as possible from this exercise. With Complete the text with one word for each gap. First letter has The been given. The traditional economy is the oldest form of economy. It has existed for thousands of years, although today it has almost disappeared. In a traditional People do not own economy (l) p ........................ They do not earn a (2) s ..... .................. and thus neither do they pay (3) t ...................... fact ..In, there is no money. They live on the raw (4) m ....................... that the forest provides them. They do not grow food or have any organised (5) with a ....................... farms and (6) ...... ................. growing in fields. Instead, they (7) g ....................... wild fruit and vegetables or (8) h ........... ............ wild animals. Most eat They of the food they find, and may (9) h ....................... some food for the winter, but they do not sell it . It's a difficult life. There are often (10) s ....................... of food when there is not enough to eat. When this happens, the (11) t ....................... must move on to another part of the forest.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
find six pairs of opposites.

- benefits - consumer - drawbacks i drought - flood - manufacturer - private sector - save - shortage ■spend - state sector - '

b2 now write five example sentences using as many words as possible from this exercise.

to complete the text with one word for each gap. the first letter has been given.

the traditional economy is the oldest form of economy. it has existed for thousands of years, and today it has almost disappeared. people in a traditional economy do not own (l) p of the conference director general they do not earn a

(2) s....................... and thus neither do they pay (3) t of the conference director general. in fact, there is no money.

they live on the raw (4) m.......................that the forest provides them. they don't grow food or have any help (5) with a....................... farms

and (6) with....................... growing in fields. instead, i (7) (g....................... wild fruit and vegetables or (8) h....................... wild animals. they eat most

of the food they find, and may (9) (h....................... some food for the winter.but they do not sell it. it's a hard life. there are often (10) s.......................

of food when there is not enough to eat. when this happens, the (11) t....................... must move on to another part of the forest.

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