1. Его друзья – студенты факультета английского языка. Они будущие учи перевод - 1. Его друзья – студенты факультета английского языка. Они будущие учи английский как сказать

1. Его друзья – студенты факультета

1. Его друзья – студенты факультета английского языка. Они будущие учителя.
2. Элен - жена мистера Сэндфорда. 3. Сколько лет вашей племяннице? 4. Сколько братьев у
Джеймса? – Только один. 5. Он женат, и у него большая семья. 6. Ваша старшая сестра замужем? –
Да, её муж-преподаватель английского языка. 7. У него есть племянник? – Нет, но у него есть
племянница. 8. Достаньте ваши книги из портфелей. 9. Откройте (ваши) книги на двадцать
седьмой странице. 10. Прочтите шестой урок ещё раз. 11. Прочтите и переведите третье
предложение. 12. Сделайте упражнение одиннадцатое на странице 37. 13. Принесите мел из
комнаты №14. 14. Она непослушная девочка.
15. Моя школьная подруга очень любит животных. 16. Мне очень хочется иметь собаку в доме, но
мои родители против этого. 17. У моей невестки нет покоя в доме из-за кошек и собак. 18.
Большинство подруг её дочери – студентки. 19. Его дети хорошо воспитаны. 20. Нелли - добрая и
славная девочка. 21. Мы товарищи по школе и одноклассники (class-mates). 22. Он живет намного
лучше сейчас. 23. У вас есть телефон? – Да, номер моего телефона 217-18-365. 24. Он не такой
молодой, как вы думаете, ему 30 лет. 25. Моей племяннице столько же лет, сколько вашему внуку.
26. Сколько лет вашему сыну, - Ему десять лет. Он старше вашей дочери на три года. 27. Моя
двоюродная сестра моложе меня на два года. 28. Дочери моего брата всего годик. 29. Наташа
самая молодая из моих друзей. 30. Это предложение в три раза длиннее, чем то предложение
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. His friends are students of the English Department. They are future teachers.2. Helen, wife of Mr Sandford. 3. How old is your niece? 4. how many brothers doJames? -Only one. 5. He is married, and he had a large family. 6. your elder sister married? –Yes, her husband is a teacher of English. 7. He has a nephew? -No, but it does haveniece. 8. remove your book from the portfolios. 9. open the (your) book at the twenty-the seventh page. 10. read the sixth lesson again. 11. read and take thirdproposal. 12. Do exercise the eleventh on page 37. 13. bring Mel ofroom no. 14. 14. She is a naughty girl.15. My school friend loves animals. 16. I really want to have a dog in the House, butmy parents are against this. 17. my daughter-in-law no rest in the House due to dogs and cats. 18.Most of her daughters girlfriends-College co-eds. 19. his children are well educated. 20. Nelly-kind andnice girl. 21. We are companions to school and classmates (class-mates). 22. He lives farbetter now. 23. do you have a phone? -Yes, my phone number 217-18-365. 24. He was not such ayoung as you think him 30 years. 25. My niece is as old as your grandson.26. How old is your son, he was ten years old. He is older than your daughter for three years. 27. Mycousin two years younger than me. 28. my brother's Daughter is just a year old. 29. Natashathe youngest of my friends. 30. this proposal three times longer than the proposal
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. His friends - students of the English department. These future teachers.
2. Helen - the wife of Mr. Sandford. 3. How old is your niece? 4. How many brothers from
James? - Only one. 5. He is married, and had a large family. 6. Your older sister married? -
Yes, her husband, a teacher of English. 7. He has a nephew? - No, but he has a
niece. 8. Get your books from the portfolios. 9. Open the (your) book on the twenty
-seventh page. 10. Review the sixth lesson again. 11. Read and set the third
proposal. 12. Make exercise eleventh on page 37. 13. Bring the chalk from
the room №14. 14. She's a naughty girl.
15. My school friend is very fond of animals. 16. I'd like to have a dog in the house, but
my parents were against it. 17. My daughter is no peace in the house because of the cats and dogs. 18.
Most of the friends of her daughter - a student. 19. His children are well bred. 20. Nelly - sweet and
nice girl. 21. We are schoolmates and classmates (class-mates). 22. He lives a lot
better now. 23. Do you have a phone? - Yes, my phone number 217-18-365. 24. It's not as
young as you think, it is 30 years. 25. My niece, the same age as your grandson.
26. How old is your son - His ten years. He's older than your daughter for three years. 27. My
cousin is younger than me by two years. 28. The daughters of my brother's just a year old. 29. Natasha
is the youngest of my friends. 30. This offer is three times longer than the sentence
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. his friends are students of the english language. they are future teachers.2. helen, the wife of mr sandford. 3. how old is your niece? 4. how many brothers dojames? is the only one. 5. he married, and he had a large family. 6. your sister married? -yes, her husband is a teacher of english. 7. he"s got a nephew? - no, but he"s gotniece. 8. get your books from the portfolios. 9. open your books at twentythe seventh page. 10. read the sixth lesson again. 11. read and translate the thirdthe proposal. 12. do the exercise on page 37. 13. bring some chalk from theroom 14. 14. she is a naughty girl.15. my old school friend really likes animals. 16. i really want to have a dog in the house, butmy parents are against it. 17. my daughter-in-law no rest in the house because of cats and dogs. 18.most of her daughter"s friends are students. 19. his children are well behaved. 20. nelly - sweet anda nice girl. 21. we fellow high school classmates (class - will be). 22. he lives farbetter now. 23. have you got a phone? - yes, my phone number 217 - 18 - 365. 24. he"s notyoung, do you think he"s 30 years old. 25. my niece is as old as your grandson.26. how old is your son, he"s ten years old. he is older than your daughter for three years. 27. mymy sister younger than me for two years. 28. my brother"s daughter was 1 year old. 29. natashathe young friends of mine. 30. this sentence three times longer than the proposal
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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